Chapter 13: Kind Words and Memorable Walks
Heres the next chapter hope you enjoy!!😊💗
I love the tadahoney vid up top😍😍💗
No One's POV
"Girl, slow down!" Tip yelled, holding her hands out at the crazy Riley Anderson. The curly haired friend said, "Say it again slower." Riley breathed in and out, with her smile still as broad as it was when Jamie ran away, "Jamie kissed me!" Tip gasped and exclaimed, "SHUT UP NO WAY!!" Riley held up a piece of paper, "And he wrote me something." Tip jumped up and down in Riley's room, "What does it say?!" Her friend bit her lip, "I haven't opened it yet.."
"Wha-OPEN IT!" Riley hesitated, but opened the envelope that said her name on it and noticed how well Jamie handwriting was, like everything about him..she shook out of her daze and unfolded the paper and read it:
Dear Riley,
Your eyes, they're like two pools so deep...I fear if I dive in, I might never come up for air. And your smile, the sun itself turns jealous and refuses to come up from behind the clouds, knowing it cannot shine half as bright. Your beauty outshines all things on this earth, making me feel as though I can never possess such greatness. Maybe one day I could show enough courage to tell this to you in person than writing my thoughts down into this poem. I hope you like it.
From, Jamie :)
Tip turned after reading it to see Riley's cheeks burning. She smiled and said, "He's right you're a wonderful girl." Riley couldn't believe what she read. It was one thing for him to kiss her, but to write all of this?? This was a dream! He honestly could've picked any girl to kiss, any girl to write a poem for, he chose Riley Anderson, your average, run-of-the-mill kind of girl. Her! This just made her fall more in love with him.. Riley swooned, "This can't be happening.." Tip shoved her playfully, "It is! Believe it!!"
"Jamie..likes me?"
"No, Jamie LOVES you."
"Loves me?!"
"Yes! Why do you think he wrote all that amazing stuff about you?" Riley smiled, "..He loves me." Tip grinned, "That's what I've been telling ya!" Riley and Tip giggled and sighed. Riley looked over at her friend, "This is we need to get you a boyfriend." Tip smiled but it was a faded one that her friend didn't notice, "Yeah..maybe." Suddenly, Riley's parents came through the door with a concerned look on their faces. Riley frowned seeing her parents upset, "What's wrong?" Riley's mom held her phone in her hands, "Hon, we just got a call from Jamie's parents..he never came home. It's been 2 hours since school's been out, they were wondering if you saw him or know where he went."
Riley's stomach dropped. Jamie was gone?? The one guy who truly loves her? Jamie?! Riley shook her head sadly, "No..I haven't seen him. I saw him after school but he went off after we..talked." Riley's mom nodded, "Okay, I'll let her know." Soon they shut the door and Tip looked over at her friend, "Are you okay?" Riley started to pace, "Something is wrong..Jamie wouldn't just run off without saying anything. Something must've happened! We need to find him before he gets hurt or scared or-!" Tip put her hands on her to stop freaking out, "Okay calm down. I'm scared for Jamie too, but we don't know if he's in any horrible danger," she pulls out her phone, "How about I text the gang and see if they can help us keep an eye out for him, okay?" Riley nods starting to sniffle, "I know we like each other romantically, but I was one of his best friends first. I don't wanna lose him!" Tip hugs Riley, "Aw Riley.." She held her friend sadly.
{Time Skip}
Honey Lemon walked up to Aunt Cass's Cafe feeling light as a feather. She couldn't wait to see Tadashi today for no particular reason. She had seen him just yesterday, and it wasn't a holiday. Honey opened the door to the shop and walked over to Cass who was cleaning up a table, "Good Afternoon, Aunt Cass." Cassandra smiled at the pretty thing, "Well, don't you look dressed up today!" Honey looked down at herself at the spring dress she wore that was yellow with pink flowers around the bottom and black flats. She shrugged, "It's not really in season.." Aunt Cass stopped her waving her arm, "I love it on you, I don't care what the season." Honey smiled, twirling a strand of her from her messy bun, "Haha, thanks."
Soon Tadashi came down wearing a somewhat formal shirt and dress pants. He only smiled at his girlfriend, walking up to her holding on to her hands, "You look beautiful." He kissed her left hand and rubbed her fingers with his thumb. She giggled, "You don't look so bad yourself..but you look handsome everyday." Tadashi made a little chuckle and kissed her cheek, "You're too amazing." Then to the couple's shock, Aunt Cass sighed, leaning over the countertop, now realizing she was still there, "You two are just too cute!" Tadashi blushed at her words and turned back to Honey, "Ready to go?" Honey nodded, "Sure, where are we going?" Tadashi grinned gazing into her milky brown eyes, "You'll see," he called over his shoulder, "We'll see you soon, Aunt Cass!" Aunt Cass smiled happily, "Have fun!"
They were out of the cafe and started walking on the sidewalk towards the meadow. In the afternoon, when the sun is starting to set making the scenery even more gorgeous. The leaves started to fall and a rush of wind blew a couple of colorful ones onto their path. The lovers held each other's hand with their fingers intertwining with one another. It was silent for a while as they surveyed the scene, just comfortable to be at each other's side. Honey Lemon spoke up after a while, "Since when have you worn dress pants?" Tadashi swung her hands , "I thought it'd be a nice occasion." Honey hug him around and laughed, "There's not a special event today.." He held her in his arm as well, "Well, our one year anniversary is this Saturday."
"I remembered, that's exciting." He kissed her forehead, "It feels like forever." She laid her head on his shoulder, "I know, I've always had a crush on you ever since we met." He saw her blush, "Me too..," Tadashi stopped and pointed, "Here we are." Honey Lemon gasped with a squeal to see the bridge that they went over on their first date. She's seen it many times, but she was hoping to walk on it with him. Honey pulled on Tadashi's hand to walk on the bridge, "I love this bridge!" Tadashi smiled, "Because it's where I first kissed you?" She smirked, "Maybe.."
He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. As doing so, Tadashi placed something in Honey Lemon's hands and closed them. She pulled away and looked down in her hands, "What's this?" He smiled, "Something as wonderful as you, happy anniversary." She grinned with another squeal, "A Necklace!! OMG!!" The necklace was in a heart shape and it had HL+TH encrusted in it. Honey Lemon felt like crying, "This is amazing! Where did you find the money to buy this?!" He smiled, "I can always make a way for you.." Tadashi grabbed her hands and felt her left hand once more with his thumb. He took a breath in and stared into her eyes, "Honey Lemon, my love for you is beyond words and your beauty is indescribable. You are such a treasure and I love being apart of your journey. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special with your kindness and forgiveness. I love you so much and I'll never stop showing you the love you deserve, it's unconditional. You are my everything and I can't imagine my life without you.."
His voice was shaking as he said those words. They were beautiful poetry that he said from his heart and Honey Lemon couldn't believe it. His hands shook in hers, revealing his nervousness, although she didn't quite understand it. She felt herself get emotional by his words and saw a tear trickle down her boyfriend's face. Tadashi reached into his pocket, letting go of Honey Lemon's right hand in the process, and went on one knee, opening the black box that he took from his pocket, "Aiko, will you marry me?" Honey Lemon put her hand to her mouth in shock and excitement. She started to tear up with tears of joy sliding down her cheeks. He was crying as well still looking up at her for an answer. Honey Lemon cried out, "OF COURSE I WILL MARRY YOU!"
Tadashi slid the engagement ring on her ring finger he was holding, and grabbed his girlfriend into a hug. She held him tightly still not believing what was happening. She's dreamt of this. She was going to marry Tadashi! Tadashi whispered into her ear still shaking, "I love you, Aiko." She was weeping in his shoulder, "I love you too, Tadashi." They held each other for the longest time and pulled away. Tadashi quickly kissed her lips, wiping her tears, "You're mine to keep." She smiled at him grabbing his hand, "Forever." They kissed again and soon started to head back to the cafe where Aunt Cass, Hiro, and many of their friends waited to hear the news. The couple soon arrived and stood at the doorway of the cafe looking at all the people who were there. Honey Lemon broke the silence with, "She said Yes!" Everyone went wild with screams of joy and happiness. Aunt Cass hugged both of them with her type of hugs. They both didn't mind it. Hiro came up to his brother and gave him their handshake, "You're a lucky guy, Dashi." He smiled at his brother, "I know," he squeezed his fiancé's hand, "I know."
Violet's POV
I stood next to Penny and clapped when Honey announced that she and Tadashi were getting married. Her and I cried in joy for them, but at the same time, I felt uneasy. I was told by Riley that Jamie had gone missing and no one knows where he is. That boy wouldn't just run off..he would have been bribed..or taken. Suddenly, I got a text from a blocked number; Meet me at Shadow Alley at 12:00am tonight and you'll have what you want. My breath shook as I read the text. Leila? Was she talking about Jamie? I had to know for sure.. I whispered to Penny, "I have to head out, I have lots of homework I need to do.." Penny nodded at me, "But it's only 7 o'clock." I sighed, "Yeah..but I need a good night's sleep tonight." Before I moved away, she grabbed my shoulder, "Be careful, okay?" My best friend knew me too well, "I will, I'm a super, remember?" She was utterly concerned but kept it hidden, "Yeah, but supers can get hurt too." I nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I walked off and brushed away without wonder. If I can get Jamie back, then this was my lead.
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