Prepping for Prom
Hey yall! Happy thanksgiving! So i was thinking since it is thanksgiving I'll post TWO new chapters; one today and one on Friday! Consider it a Black Friday gift!😂💕
So here's the next chapter! It's time! Prom is here which unfortunately means this book is coming to an end... But don't worry...I have a feeling there will be a 3rd book coming soon(you'll see at the end of the book ;) ) Welp, I hope you enjoy this one!
Awe Anna and Elsa are sister goals!!💕💕
Penny's POV
Prom is just a few hours away and there is so little time to prepare. I mean, I am only a freshman and I'll be doing this for real in 2 years, but I want to treat it as like an actual dance. I am going to Violet's to pick her up so we can get ready together. She doesn't have a lot of dresses and makeup so she's gonna look at a few of mine. She seems a little excited but mostly overwhelmed, so I wanna lift her excitement. Me and my mom finally arrive at her house and I walk up to her door and ring the bell. To my surprise, Violet doesn't answer the door, her younger brother Dash answered it. I smile and give a little wave, "Hey Dash." Dash leans against the door and smiles at me, "Hey gorgeous." I fluff his hair, "Still too old for you." Violet comes from behind him and has her hand holding her purse, "And she is unavailable, DASH." I look at her, "You ready to go?" She shrugs, "I guess." Suddenly, Violet's parents came out by the door. Mrs. Parr said waving to us, "You girls have fun getting ready! Don't get too carried away." A little annoyed, Violet answers, "We won't, Mom." Mr. Parr added, "Nothing that draws any unwanted attention." Violet, embarrassed, she turns invisible, "Dad!" To change the subject, I grab Violet's hand and start to walk to my car, "We'll see you later, Mr. and Mrs. Parr." So then we were off. She was a little quiet going to my house, but she was usually like that.
We finally made it to the house and my mom was going to the kitchen to make us some snacks while we looked for dresses. So I lead Violet to my room although she's been there a thousand times already. We reach my room where it was I guess neat and clean with my desk in the corner of the room and my bed made. It won't be this nice for long, that's for sure. I start to open my closet, "Since I've been in a ton of acting deals, or maybe just the one, I get a few wardrobe items." As I open it, you can see just a few wardrobe options, including some pretty formal dresses. I can see Violet's eyes growing big. I gesture my hands to the dresses, "You can try any of them on." Violet shook her head, "I wouldn't know where to start." I laugh and grab a sparkly pink dress, "How about this one?" Violet frantically shook her hands, "Definitely not that one." I smile, "Okk." I think looking through the cloths, "How about this blue one with the hand made bubbles?" Violet frowned, "Looks like it could be a hazard." I inform her, "Actually it's supposed to prevent hazards but I can see how it looks a little BIG." We both giggle at that. Then she asked, "Do you have any other dresses?" I look through and see a purple-ish violet dress with a black lace by the waist. I grab it and show it to her, "How about this?" Violet looks up at it and makes a shocked face, "Whoa. I really like that one." I smile, a bit surprised because it's nothing I would ever wear, "Really?"
"Yeah, could I try it on?" I hand it to her, "You can keep it." She smiled, "Wow, that's so cool. Thanks." Then she went towards the bathroom to try on the dress. I'm glad she's starting to like the whole getting ready stuff. I sat on my bed and waited for her. I looked at my own cloths in the closet and wondered what would I wear. I looked and saw a bright red dress that just glittered and had loose straps. It looked pretty cute. I walked over to it and grabbed it. Then I hear Violet say, "I'm ready, I think it fits great." I turn to her and I was stunned. She looked amazing! I say, "And you look great!" She made a face, "I'm not sure.." I can't believe she said that. I move her to my mirror, "Did you even see yourself? You look beautiful." She looked at herself closely, "I...I guess I do." I nudge her, "Of course you do and Wilbur will agree with me." She smiled, "Thanks, Penny," she looked over at the dress I was holding, "Are you going to wear that? It's gorgeous." I nod, "Yep, but I know it fits so I'll wear it in a little bit. Plus, I got black flats and heals we can wear." Now it was time for hair and makeup, "Ok, what should we do with your hair?" I start moving some parts to the side, "How about away from your face." I laughed a little and Violet said, "My face doesn't look good without my hair in front of it." I roll my eyes, "No way, you look fine! Stop being so critical of yourself," then I ask, "Do you wanna curl any of your hair?" She puts a hand out, "No! My hair is staying straight." I just say, "Okk Vi." Violet asks now looking at herself in the mirror, "What about your hair?" I shrug, "It's way too short to curl it or anything so I'll use a hair clip to move some hair back." I grab a orange hair clip and put in it my hair, "There. It's great now." Violet laughs, "It's great without the clip, Penny." I smile and speak in a British accent, "You're too kind, now for the makeup." We both laugh as I grab some light pink lipstick, "I usually just wear lipstick and mascara. Do any of these look like your style?" Violet looked around in thought, "I can wear this reddish pink lipstick. And maybe this mascara." I'm so glad we've accomplished THIS much in so little time, "Nice put it on!" So then we were putting on the makeup and it really hit me, we're going to Prom tonight. Us, FRESHMAN, are going to Prom! It's crazy..and I'm actually going to Prom with Hiro. This was a dream..
Elsa's POV
I'm with my sister Anna, Rapunzel and Merida getting ready for Prom. We're all huddled up in front of the mirror putting on our makeup. I already had my silver ice dress on, Rapunzel had a golden and green dress which I think is cute, Anna had a yellow dress with sunflowers on them, and Merida had a blue and bronze dress. We all looked fantastic and everything was going great, until Merida brought up Rapunzel and Jack going to Prom together. I know Merida wasn't meaning to get me upset since me and Jack broke up, she's times. Merida lightly hit Rapunzel in the arm, "Hey Punzie, isn't it SO COOL that Jack asked you to Prom?" Anna beamed, "OMG! I couldn't believe it when you guys kissed this morning! I HAD to take pics, hope you didn't mind." Rapunzel smiled blushing a little, "Not at all. I wanna remember it!" Merida gave a "evil" smirk at me, "Hey Elsa, how do you feel about Jack asking Rapunzel to the Prom?" Everyone looked at me and I felt pity inside. I sucked it up and gave a fake smile, "I'm okay with it. I mean, me and Jack broke up awhile ago so I see no reason why my best cuz can't date him." I can't believe Merida threw me under the bus like that! She's such a jerk sometimes. Never did like me..well she did until I started dating Jack. All well I guess. Anyway, Rapunzel commented to Anna, "I really love that dress on you, Anna. Andy will love it!" Anna spun around in her dress and curtsies, "Thanks, I love it too. I'm so excited to go to Prom with Andy," she turned to Merida, "Are you going with Hiccup, Merida?" She nodded looking in the mirror at her curls, "Yep, of course." Merida looked to me, "Are you going with anyone Elsa? Or are you still single ready to mingle?" Rapunzel and Anna giggled at that probably not noticing it was meant to be hurtful. I smiled a little, "Actually I am going with someone." Well that got Merida surprised. Anna was happy for me, "Elsa that's great!" Rapunzel asked after giving me a hug, "Who's the lucky guy?" I frown a little, "Well, it isn't really a date. Tadashi Hamada asked me." That got everyone surprised. I was pretty nervous to what they would think. Anna frowned a little, "Isn't Tadashi with Honey Lemon?" I nod fixing my French braid, "Yes, but she was sick and she told him to find another date. So we decided to go to Prom together as friends." Anna lit up a little, "That's cool, sis." Merida rolled her eyes, "So you don't like him?" I shook my head, "No I don't. He's a good guy but I'm not into him." Rapunzel smiled with her hands behind her back, "Well I'm happy that you get to go to the Prom with someone, Elsa." I smile at her, "Thanks, cuz." I'm glad Rapunzel and Anna are glad I'm going with someone. Merida can act snotty about it, but I won't let her bother me.
Jack's POV
Me and Hiccup were sitting on a wooden stool in his house. It was pretty silent between us, it's been like that since this morning. I have a feeling he isn't supportive of my decision to take Rapunzel to Prom. I really don't understand why he wouldn't be cause isn't that what friends do, SUPPORT each other? I had to say something, "What's up with you?" He turns to me seeming unshaped, "What do you mean?" I stand up, "Hiccup, you are making it seem like you are trying to ignore me all day." He sighs, "Jack, not here please-."
"No! It's looking like to me you don't think me and Rapunzel should be together." He says with no emotion, "I don't." I was shocked and upset by this. He doesn't?? I roll my eyes, "Yeah, let's here some explanation." Hiccup messes with his hair, "Well, Jelsa just seemed like a better fit." I cross my arms, "Really. That's it?" He stood up too, "AND Rapunzel isn't as popular as Elsa."
"And popularity isn't everything!"
"Rapunzel doesn't seem like your type. You used to be this bad boy figure liking hard to get. Rapunzel is-"
"PUNZIE is a sweet and innocent girl who really likes me." Then Hiccup points at me, "You're still into Elsa." I stare into his eyes and turn away, but he continued on, "I see the way you look at her, you guys broke up but there is still a spark in there-." I couldn't take it, "Rapunzel makes me feel like a different person! I don't have to act cool around her, I can be myself-or what I think is myself. It was never like that with Elsa." Deep silence rose as Hiccup shook his head, "Merida was right about you; stubborn." That's when I snapped, "Your girlfriend really changed you, you know that?"
"And you haven't? Dude I'm done." Then that's when I flew out of his house, suit and tie. As I started to think of the whole situation and I realized something; Hiccup had a thing for Rapunzel a while ago but gave up and moved onto Merida. I have no clue if that has anything to do with this situation, but I decided to go to the Mansion where I will pick up my girlfriend and try to have a good night.
Hiro's POV
I look in the mirror wearing this tux that Aunt Cass ordered a few days ago. It looks pretty good but I'm getting a bit distracted with my tie. I can't seem to get it right. I'm a bit of a perfectionist at times.. I start pulling at the tie, "Why. Won't. You. Cooperate!" Frustrated, I give up, flopping on my bed with a groan. Man, if I can't even tie a tie, how am I supposed to dance with Penny? She's gonna think I'm such an idiot! Prom is really stressing on my nerves! Suddenly, Tadashi came in tugging at his tux, fixing the wrinkles. How does he make it look so easy?? I still can't believe he's going with ELSA to Prom. I had a feeling something was going to happen if Elsa and Tadashi hung out. Hopefully nothing will happen. I guess I'm overreacting. Tadashi looks over at me and holds out his arms showing his outfit, "How do I look?" I get a good look at him, "You look great," then I point at his head, "but lose the hat." He frowns but takes it off and sets the hat on his bed. Tadashi looks over at me and sees my tie messed up, "Hey, you want me to help you with that?" I look down at my tie and feel slightly embarrassed, "Uh, no. I can do it myself." He walks over and despite my wishes, he starts to tie it, "If you could do it, you would've had it done by now." He let go and I start to loosen it up since it was choking me. I'm not used to wearing fancy things, I never had the need to. Sure maybe a wedding or a funeral for a grandma I never met, but not for a Dance or anything. Usually when it comes to dances, I don't go cause it wasn't my kind of thing. I look back in the mirror and start to fix my hair. Move some to the left, no. To the right? Nah. No matter what I tried, it didn't look right. Tadashi just smoothed his out and looked in the mirror once. I sigh annoyed at my out of control hair. Tadashi sat on his bed and asked, "You nervous?" I turn around to him. OF COURSE I WAS NERVOUS! I FINALLY GET TO DATE PENNY AND NOW I'M NOT EVEN SURE HOW MY HAIR IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK! But all I do is say, "I am a little nervous." Tadashi nods as if he understood, "Don't worry, you'll feel more comfortable soon." I smirk curiously, "Are you at all nervous?" He shrugs, "Why should I be? I'm just hanging out with a friend. It's really what Prom is with dates." I process what he says through my mind. He was right. Why should I worry? Penny and I are still friends so nothing should be different between us. I pop the question out again, "Do you like Elsa?" Tadashi groans, "You've asked this a hundred times."
"I know I just-"
Suddenly the doorbell rings. Must be Andy and Wilbur. They were gonna meet up with us to hang out before we head to get the girls. So then we stop talking after we exchange glances and head down to greet the two. When we get down there, Aunt Cass had already brought them in and they were wearing their black suits. Wilbur was showing off, "I look great in a tux." I roll my eyes, "Slow down, hot shot. Let Violet decide that." Wilbur casually fixed his collar, "Trust me, she'll love it." I look over and see Tadashi and Andy heading upstairs. This is my chance to actually get any scoop of what he wasn't telling me about the going-with-Elsa-as-friends thing. I grab the babbling Wilbur and start following up the stairs quietly behind. Wilbur asked as I practically dragged him up with me, "What are we-" I shushed him, putting my finger on my lips. I peek through the crack of the slightly closed door, with Wilbur looking in too. Andy and Tadashi were standing in the room looking in the mirror, well Andy was. Tadashi seemed confident with his hair, and that gave me a little envy. Andy then turned to my brother and asked, "Dude, you still haven't told me who you're taking to Prom." He didn't tell his best friend about going with Elsa to Prom? Was he hiding it? Tadashi sighed, "Yeah, I just wanted to wait because after I told Hiro, I wasn't sure I even wanted to go through with it. He seemed upset since it felt like I was betraying Honey Lemon. But I guess, I can tell you." Now I feel a little guilty that I gave him a hard time. Then he told Andy that he asked Elsa and his friend was a little shocked, "Wow! You asked her? I thought she was into Jack Frost before." He nodded, "Yeah, but you know how Jack and Rapunzel are going together soo, I thought it was a good opportunity since Elsa didn't have a date."
"Really? Practically every guy at school wants to date her."
"Yeah, but we all thought Jelsa was still going on."
"True," then Andy put his arm around Tadashi, "but hey, we're going with the Princesses of Arendelle tonight." My bro moved out of Andy's arm and pointed out, "First of all, Elsa's a Queen. YOU'RE going with a Princess of Arendelle. Second, I'm going with Elsa just for tonight. When the clock strikes twelve, we're still gonna be just friends." Andy laughs, "Dude, you went all storybook on me!" They both laugh. Andy added one more thing, "But imagine being the King of a kingdom." Tadashi slugged him playfully in the arm, "Those are just fairytales to me. Nothing happens like that to someone like me, but there is always room to think about it once and awhile." That's when they turned back to getting ready. I leaned against the wall feeling like an idiot. I look up at Wilbur, "I really messed up." Wilbur put his hand on my knee, "You didn't know, you were-." I close my eyes, "Protecting something that didn't need to be protected. Tadashi is four years older than me and he should be capable to make his own decisions. I thought I was helping him, but all I was doing was putting him down trying to be a good friend." He just shrugged, "What are you gonna do?" I sat up, "I'm gonna make things right."
Wilbur and I walked in and I felt sorta uneasy. Maybe it was just nerves of this whole night but I don't know. I walked over to Tadashi and asked really uncomfortable, "Uh, Tadashi, could talk to you?" He turned around to me and his smile went down as he saw my expression, slightly pale and pathetic. He nodded, "Yeah, um..Andy, Wilbur, could you give us a minute?" Andy smiled, already headed for the door, "Totally, I wanted to grab a bite in the cafe before we go." So they were gone, and Tadashi soon grew serious, "So, what do you need to talk about? No one is bullying you or anything again, are they?" After the incident with Ricky, I decided to tell Tadashi about him bullying me after the whole cafeteria dilemma. I was a little worried at first that he'd freak out cause he's sort over protective over me, and he did which was understandable. Now he wanted me to let him know when that happens again. It never happened since but Tadashi always was there for me. I shake my head, "No..that's not it. I just think I was treating you like you can't do anything for yourself. I should have let you make your own decisions with whoever to take to Prom, even if it's the hottest girl at school." Tadashi nodded, "Thanks Hiro," then he put his hand up with a smirk, "Wait, you think Elsa is the hottest girl at school?" I nod trying not to get red(Letting you know now, I do NOT have a crush on Elsa!Ok? Ok.), "Am I wrong?" It was quiet as a grin grew across his face, "No, it's almost a known fact." I looked down, "I guess that's why I was worried. Elsa's all pretty with her ice powers, her ice dress, being the Queen of Arendelle! I thought you'd lose sight of the amazing girlfriend you have. You guys went through so much together, who knows when it will all go away." Suddenly, Tadashi started to get teary eyed. He wiped his eyes trying to make it look like nothing was wrong, "You're right, Hiro. I guess I never thought of it like that, but I will not hurt Honey Lemon. If I ever did, I would never forgive myself..-" his voice broke and he started crying. I was surprised that he was really upset about this. Was it something I said? I put a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" He looked up at me trying to keep himself together, "Sorry, I'm ok. It's just..when you said you never know when someone you love won't be there anymore, well--it just reminded me of mom and dad," he smiled a little, "I guess you were too young when it happened." Now I felt really bad. Tadashi took it really hard when our parents died, well that's what Aunt Cass told me. He always thought if he were there, he could have prevented it somehow, but he was only 7! It's still taking a toll on him. He wiped his eyes, "We should get going now, it's time to pick up our dates." Tadashi nudged me, "Do I still look okay? Is it noticeable I was having a meltdown?" I smile, "Dude, you are sharper than ever," I tilt my head, "Well.." I reach and start fixing some of his hair. Tadashi laughed, "Thanks bro, I can always count on you to help me."
"No problem, I'll always count on you too." Then we walk down the stairs and meet up with our friends to have a fun night at Prom.
There's the chapter! What did you guys think? Did you like how they got ready? Please vote and comment your thoughts because I love hearing from you guys! Next chapter is Prom!!🤗💕 Love you guys!!
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