Plans Created and Paying Attention
Heres the next chapter I hope you guys enjoy!! (Btw the pic up top doesnt have anything to do with the chapter I just found it hehe🤗)
Hiro's POV
I start walking to Social Studies class after I stopped at my locker. I was thinking about what Tadashi was telling me this morning, how I wasn't alone. I wanted to believe him, but it was hard. I mean, Wilbur and Violet are together and hold hands and kiss(well maybe just on the cheek), and Tadashi is dating Honey Lemon! I kind of feel in the dirt. Well, I can't do much right now.
Suddenly as I continue walking down the hall almost to my classroom, I feel a hand grab my shoulder and pull me back. Frightened, I yelped. I had thought Ricky was out to get me again and totally forgot our truce. He was gonna punch me this time! Then I find that it's only Tip Tucci. She giggles, "It's just me." Tip had been controlled by Pitch in the beginning of the year and almost turned Penny against me, but I'm still good friends with her. I turn and see Riley Anderson and Jamie Bennett right beside her. I wasn't close to those two but they are nice to me and hang around Tip. Riley adds, "And us." I sigh in relief, "Gosh you guys scared me half to death!" Jamie smiled but didn't say anything. He was quiet around me and I never knew why. Tip smirked, "Oops." I ask, "So what's up?" Riley snuck a glance at Tip and then at Jamie then back to me, "We wanted to ask you something." I give a confused look, "Ok, what?" Tip flung her hands in the air and let out an exasperated sigh, "Are you gonna ask Penny out already?"
That caught me off guard. Didn't Tip have a crush on me? At least that's what Penny had implied. Why was she asking this? I shrug trying to act like I didn't care, "I don't know.." Tip put her hands on her hips, "Why not?" I tug my book bag strap and looked down, "I don't know.." Riley and Tip exchanged glances, then Riley crossed her arms and made a sneaky smile, "Don't you like her?" My face was starting to burn and my heart was pumping. They all grinned as I stood there uncomfortably, "Yeah..I do." I knew I was red. I could feel it. I just wanted to run but I couldn't. Jamie finally spoke, "Then ask her out." I let out an exhausted groan, "I know! I just need to find the right time."
"Time for what?"
The hairs on my neck rose. I turn around and see Penny standing next to me. Did she just get here! "Ah!" I jumped when I heard her beside me. She giggled and raised an eyebrow. Penny was waiting for an answer. I fumble out, "Umm-" Tip saved me as she stood close to me now, "Hiro has been pretty busy lately and he really needs a break but he can't find the time anymore." Penny nodded to her as if she understood, "That's the same with me! I can never relax." Riley stood on the other side of me now and we were all staring at Penny. Riley smiled, "BUT, Hiro thinks he's open tomorrow afternoon. He would do it, however, he doesn't wanna be by himself." She sneaked a wink at me and I just felt like a captive. What were they doing?? Penny looked into my eyes which made me feel a bit better about the situation, "I'm free tomorrow actually as well. Maybe we could hang out, Hiro." I nervously grin, "Yeah, that'd be great." Then she started to head to Social Studies and Tip and Riley high five each other. Oh boy. Tip jumped next to me and gave a side hug, "Yes! Now you can totally ask Penny out!" Riley giggled and Tip hollered. Embarrassing as they are, they're supportive. But I start to squirm away from them. Then I thought of having to ask Penny out. What had I gotten myself into??
Penny's POV
I walk into the classroom and sit down in my seat. I couldn't stop thinking about hanging out with Hiro tomorrow. Was this a date? And why was Tip and Riley acting so weird? It's kind of confusing. Hiro walks into the room looking a bit worn out. He sits down next to me getting out his notebook. I smile, "Why do you look so exhausted?" He turns to me with a laugh, "Friends." I frown but nod. I didn't know Tip and Riley were that close to Hiro. But why wouldn't they be? Hiro is a sweet guy. Anyone would want to be friends with him. It's just..
"Ms. Forester." I look up. Mr. Verducci was looking at me in front of the room. Pretty much everyone was looking at me by then. I answer, "Yes?"
"Please pay attention to the front." I look down, "Yes sir." He starts to intro-duct the class once again and I felt a pit in my stomach filled with embarrassment. Hiro poked me in the arm, and I turn to him seeing the concern on his face, "Penny, you ok?" I give him a smile, "Yeah I'm just fine. Thanks Hiro." He smiles and turns back to the front. Was everything fine?
Well thats the end of this chaoter! Be sure guys vote and comment your thoughts cause i love to hear from you guys! Love ya! :)
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