New Prom Date, New Relationship
Next chapter is out!! Hope you enjoy!! :)
Punzie's adorable in the GIF up top(her reaction to what happens down below!)
Rapunzel's POV
Another day. Another walk in the springtime. It was warm and I could smell the pollen in the air. My feet felt the dirt beneath me. I look at the Violet flowers growing from the bushes. The same day I replay over and over again. But something was different. Cold. I turn and in front of me was-a snowflake? I felt the touch of it kiss my lip and still stay in its form. Where did it come from? The snowflake fell into my palm and soon melt. I just stared at it falling away into water in my hands. I look up to keep going and I see another snowflake! I ran to it and the snowflake leaned on my cheek keeping its shape. What was happening? I'm pretty sure this wasn't Elsa's doing. Jack?
I suddenly noticed there was a trail of snowflakes! A dozen of them. Soon I just started running to where they were leading to. Where are they taking me? I kept going and going till they led me somewhere I've never been to. It was an old gazebo in the center of a garden. All different kinds of flowers were planted everywhere. I spun around speechless of the sight. "Hey Punzie." I turn around and gasp. Jack was standing in front of me in the gazebo, with both hands out of his pockets holding a bouquet of flowers. He had a smile on his face and I could barely imagine what I looked like. It was too great what I was seeing. I giggled with my hands over my mouth. Jack started to walk towards me and my heart started to flutter. OMG OMG OMG!!!! He was finally arms length and held out the bouquet and asked, "Will you go to the Prom will me, my sunshine?" I started to laugh some more still not believing I was awake. Was this one of my crazy dreams? No, this was real. I yelled nodding my head, "Yes! I will go to the Prom with you!" I ran up to him as he held his arms to me and I hugged him tightly. This was a dream come true!! Then I pull away just a little bit and we kissed! How is this happening?? Me, again, kissing Jack Frost!! Now I'm going to Prom with him!! I cannot believe this!
Jack Frost's POV
She said yes! Wow I was a bit nervous there. I stood in the gazebo with my bouquet and say as she stood there looking beautiful. It was surprisingly out of my comfort zone. She had her hands over her mouth and I thought she was gonna start crying or she didn't like it. But then I soon realized that I was overreacting. She ran over to me and we kissed! I'm glad...I started to think about Elsa but I know I don't have to worry about her now. I was with Rapunzel and that's how it should be. I ask holding her, "Shall we go then, my sunshine?" Rapunzel smiled a shimmering smile, "We shall." Then we went out of the gazebo and onto school.
When we got there, I knew people were watching us again, but this time it was for real. We decided to kiss in front of them and they were all amazed. You should've seen the look on Merida's face! I felt so proud! Anna was taking pictures, probably psyched for her cousin more than anything. A couple of dudes high fived me, some pat on the backs. Hiccup didn't do any of those things, he was too worried about his pouting girlfriend. I shouldn't care that my one friend that I call my best friend isn't supporting me, right? I just push it away. I look around at everyone and I don't see Elsa anywhere. I saw that coming, since we had a big fight last night. It might've been worse than our actual breakup, but I hide that feeling away too. Now it's my time to shine with my new Prom date and my new girlfriend. Nothing's gonna change that.
Elsa's POV
I'm hiding out from the crowd, especially Jack. I know he asked Rapunzel to Prom, everyone is talking about it. It seems like everyone is thrilled except me. Sure, I'm happy for poor Rapunzel who's been crushing on him for a long time and she finally has what she's dreamed of, but I don't feel so great.. My heart is hurting and I just wanna go home.
Yay! Jackpunzel is together!! But poor Elsa... Do you guys think Jack made the right choice? Please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love ya! :)
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