New Beginnings and Partying
My first chapter of the book is here!! I hope you guys enjoy!! 🤗🤗
Tadashi's POV
It was late April. That afternoon the air was light and the sun was starting to set. Andy and I were heading to a little get together party at Anna and Elsa's house--well, it was more like a mansion. We also were chaperoning my little brother Hiro Hamada and his friends, Wilbur Robinson, Penny Forrester, and Violet Parr. We've gone through a lot this past year. Don't get me started about the first week of school. Drama beyond what I would normally see in a month.
The big thing coming up around now is Prom. Even the sophomores and freshman get to participate but heck knows how the rest of the grades will take it. I was just fine with my little bro being there. What is really bugging people is finding dates. I'm fine with that as well since I've been going steady with my girlfriend Honey Lemon ever since the beginning of the school year. It took a lot of guts to do it, but I asked her out. I'm just a bit worried about my pal Andy over here. He's been a nervous wreck about it for a while now even when Prom wasn't so close by at the time. But days and weeks and months passed and Andy's still having to struggle keeping his legs up at the sight of Princess Anna, his crush. She's really preppy and upbeat but for some inflammable reason, Andy's close to passing out around her. I know how Hiro has a thing for Penny and he told me about "Willet" getting together. I'm surprised that Hiro and Penny aren't dating. All well, can't rush love, right?
Soon we reached "the White House" and it took our breath away. We walked up the steps towards the door. I could hear the sound of pop music blasting on the other side. I don't listen to a lot of music so I doubt getting on the dance floor tonight. Also the fact that I can't dance. I looked over at Andy who was turning pale as we stood there. I could tell he didn't want to be here. But Anna DID invite him.
I remember it clearly. Me and Andy were talking at our lockers and Anna sprung over to us holding little pink envelopes with drawn balloons all over them. She had yelled cheerfully, "You coming to my party?" She shoved the letters into our hands and skipped right off in a flash yelling back, "See ya there!"
So you can see where we had a say? None. Andy hated being around so many people especially when his crush was there because he was a little shy around her right now. But hey, I never mind a little party.
I pressed on the doorbell and we waited for someone to come down and answer. They probably wouldn't have mind us just coming in, but my parents always taught me to knock or ring the bell first. I know they're...not here anymore but I still like to follow what they used to do. So, as we stood there, I expected Anna to show up and answer, but it wasn't her. It was her ice powered sister, Elsa. I would say Queen, but she never liked anyone calling her that from what I've heard. She smiled sweetly as she opened the door, "Hey guys." I knew Andy was too relieved to say anything so I decided to talk. I smile back, "Hey Elsa. How have you been?" She rubbed her arm, "Ok. How about you?" I could tell it was getting a bit awkward. Sure, we talk sometimes but rarely outside of school. And when it was in school, it was about a homework assignment or a test we needed to have a quick study on. I just grin and tried to rush those feelings away, "Great, great." I looked at her outfit. She wasn't wearing her ice dress. It was a little soft blue dress that went down to her knees. Her hair was the same though, her signature side braid she always wore. It really suited her. I could tell she was getting cold since she didn't have any sleeves. I cleared my throat, "So, wanna head inside?" She was caught off guard for one second but saved herself, "Yeh, for April it's a bit windy."
So then we all headed inside. The place was wild. Everyone was up,
dancing and having a blast. I looked at the four freshmen and they seemed a bit out of their comfort zone. I whispered to them, "We can just stay for a half hour and we'll leave." Then suddenly, Anna saw us while she was talking to someone and then came running over. She grinned and yelled over the music, "Hey guys! So glad you could make it!" She took Andy's hand and yelled out, "Let's party!" And Anna pulled the confused Andy into the crowd and they were gone. She sounded a bit like Aunt Cass getting dinner ready or whatever Aunt Cass would do. I turned back around to Hiro and his friends, "Maybe an hour."
Jack's POV
I leaned against the wall next to the refreshments table. The guy was getting pretty annoyed with me just standing there and asked angrily, "What do ya want bro? Pepsi, Coke, Iced Tea, Lemonade, Water?" I coolly tilt my head towards him, look at the table for a moment and back at the poor senior who got stuck doing the job Anna constructed him to do. I ask, "Do you got icys?" He was mad now, "It's the middle of spring you meat head! Where would I get the ice?" I give him a stare as I take hold of my staff and place the bottom of it to the surface of the table. Ice started to cover the table and I walked away. What a waste of time.
I looked around as I walked through the crowds of mixed ages. I then saw in the corner of my eye Merida spazzing out to Hiccup about something. Maybe about one of her drowned stories of arguments with her mother and how she could never let her have any fun. I decided to head over. Knowing Merida, she can probably lighten up my mood. As I got closer I realized she wasn't talking about the miscommunications with her Mother, "...and I don't get it. This is supposed to be a 'party'. Not a place to have kids get dropped off and think we want to take care of them!" I whispered over to Hiccup, "What is she rambling about?" He whispered back, "Tadashi brought his freshman brother and his friends to the party." I groan. Is this what the fuss was about? I defend, "As if the runts are gonna crash the party." Merida stopped and turned to me, "You wanna go take care of them?" I put my hands up and backed a step, "Hey, don't get all mad at me, Princess." That got the ginger even redder than her hair was. Then she stormed off, maybe mumbling under her breath how awful and all that kind of stuff that I am. I'm not really a bad guy. Sure, I like being a bad boy, but I'm pretty much a softy when it comes to kids. Seeing them happy when I get the ice and snow flying. But I will not have tolerance for people who hurt me or my friends.
Hiccup ran off after his girlfriend and I was there by myself. Who cares. I liked being on my own once and awhile. I just felt bad for poor Hiccup who has to deal with that thing I'm just lying to myself. I didn't really like being alone, I wanted others to think that. I looked around desperately for someone. Then I see her. Princess Rapunzel, the cousin of Elsa and Anna. She was wearing a purple shirt and jean pants and her hair was down and stuck under people's dancing feet. I flew over to her and I was now by her side. I ask with a smile, "Need some help?" She just blushed at me. In the beginning of the year, I found out Rapunzel had a crush on me when Pitch was trying to psych me out. As if..I didn't like her like that...Oh fine! I do like her, but it really started when I found out she liked me..IT DID.
We were picking up her long flowing hair and went to find a place where we can go so no one can step on it. Then we ran into Elsa. She smiled, "Hey, look at you two." I saw Rapunzel smile nervously but I didn't do that. I smirked with a gleam in my eye, "Jealous?" She smiled right back, "Not at all." Ugh. She wasn't mad? Me and Elsa used to date a year ago, but we broke it off just to be friends. I guess I thought she still liked me..I liked her. I looked down for a quick second and held out Rapunzel's hair to her, "Why don't you make yourself useful and start braiding your couz's hair, since you just love braids?" She took it out of my hand and stared into my eyes, "I don't mind one bit, Frost." This is usually how we talked to each other. It sounds like we're flirting and she's the only one who I really talk like this to. She stared at me for one or two more seconds and started to walk away with Rapunzel carrying that big load of hair. The prom was coming up and to tell you the truth, I don't know who to take. Rapunzel was sweet and easy to talk to about things, and Elsa had a sassy flair and we had a different way of talking to one another. But man, those two are so darn hot!
Elsa's POV
I left Jack and walked over to the restroom with Rapunzel to help her with her hair. She was blushing all the way. When we finally got to the restroom and away from the crowd of teens, she sat on the sink counter top and I started to braid her hair. I asked her sneakily, "So, you and Jack?" She smiled brightly, "Oh, Elsa! It was great. We didn't talk much but he came right over to help me when the long thing was getting trampled on. It was real sweet." I looked down and frowned a little, "Yeah, real sweet." She couldn't see me frowning and I didn't want her to. I still kind of had feelings for Jack Frost. He's a really sweet guy, and we broke up a year ago just because we wanted to be friends and not be pressured by anyone. Then when I found out in the beginning of the year that my own cousin, Rapunzel had the same feelings for him as I did, I started to back off. I didn't wanna hurt her, but it sure did hurt me.
Later, the party was over and the guests started to leave. I saw Anna with Andy and she let go of his hand, "See you at school tomorrow!" Andy waved back nervously and headed out the door. Anna whispered to me, "I think he's scared of me." It looked to me that he had a crush on my little sister. I shake my head, "I doubt that, Anna." She just shrugged and started to clean up a bit. We were the only two in the house. I looked down and saw a baseball cap on the ground. It looked very familiar. Then there was a knock on the door. I went over and opened it. Tadashi was standing there without his hat on his head. So that was his. He spoke, "Um, I think I left my hat inside." I smiled, "Yeah it's right over here." We both went in and bent down to grab the hat. We bumped heads and grunted when we did. "Ouch," I rubbed my head. Tadashi looked up at me as we were both bent down, "I'm sorry." I started, "No I'm-." Then our hands touched going for the cap. I let him grab it and we both stood up. He put his hat on and looked away a little, "Um, thanks for finding my hat."
"No problem." Tadashi then started for the door and just before he shut it, he said, "Nice party." Then the door was shut. Well that was awkward.
Tadashi's POV
Well that was awkward.. My brother Hiro looked back at me, "You got your hat?" I nodded and we started to head home and the awkwardness drifted away.
Well there is my first chapter! What do you guys think? How do you feel how the party went and how everyone interacted with one another? Sorry for anyone who might be upset how I made Merida slightly rude in this. This is how she is in this story to give an opposite look on some things coming up. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and be sure to vote and comment down below your thoughts! I love hearing from you guys! Love ya!
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