Ice Cream Dates and A Kiss
This is one of my favorite chapters cause hint: ITS PENNIRO! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! :)
Love that pic up top!
Hiro's POV
..Ok. It's the end of school and now I'm going to hang out with Penny, just me and her. I'm really nervous! But I have to go through with this because this has gone for long enough. Just gotta stay calm, stay calm...-
"You ready, Hiro?" I jump once again with a yelp. I turn around seeing Tip and relax. Tip smirked, "Wow, jumpy aren't we?" I groan fixing my jacket, "You try staying calm when everyone is pressuring you to ask your crush to Prom!" She laughed and playfully qmassaged my shoulders, "You got this, Hiro. Besides, she'll totally say yes. Who wouldn't want to go out with a sweet, funny, cute guy like yourself?" I smiled to myself and then realized something with a gasp, "I didn't buy any Prom tickets! I was so worried about asking her that I forgot all about the one thing to get us in!" Tip pulled out something from her pocket, "I thought you might" I looked at them. Two tickets to Prom. How did she know I needed them? Why would she give them to me? I shook my head, "No, I can't take them. You won't have a ticket to go." She looked down, "Oh, I'm not going to the Prom.." I was confused, "Why aren't you going?" She gave a little smile, "It's not really my kind of thing..take them. You and Penny will have fun." I grabbed them and smiled at her, "Thanks."
"No problem, now," she ruffled my hair, "go get your girl, big baby." I playfully pushed her, "Yeah I hope so, and don't call me a baby." She laughed, "Ok, I'll think about it." Suddenly Penny came over smiling a little flaky, "You ready Hiro?" I grin, "Totally." Tip shook me, "I got him all ready for you." Penny looked at her plainly, "Thanks." Soon we were off. Penny seemed a little upset and I don't know why but I'm sure she'll get over it.
Penny's POV
When I went over to Hiro's locker and see him and Tip fooling around, something in me got me upset with that. I don't know why because they're friends but I guess I'm a little jealous. I have to try to calm myself and maybe ask Hiro about it.
Tip's POV
Ok, I didn't have those tickets sitting for Hiro and Penny. I had those just in case Hiro chickens out with Penny so I could ask him myself, cause I still like him. But when I heard how Hiro was so worried about Prom and everything..I knew I had to help him. I know how much he loves Penny. I had to step back, put my feelings aside, and just be his friend..even though I wish it was me going with him.
Hiro's POV
We finally arrived at a ice cream shop since I don't want my Aunt Cass embarrassing me at the cafe. We got our ice cream and Penny seemed to be lightening up. We sat down and talked a little bit about whatever was going on at school or something random. Suddenly Penny looked a little uncomfortable. I frowned, "Is something bothering you?" She sighed, "It's something happening between you and Tip?" I was shocked. Was that what she thought? I wave my hands out, "No way! We're just friends. I don't like her that way." Penny looked embarrassed, "Oh, ok. I guess I was just jealous." My heart started to beat faster, "Wait, you're jealous? Why?" She started to get red, "I um..I guess I just-," she groaned, "What am I doing?!" Penny looked at me right in the eye, "I really like you Hiro! I mean, like you like you." I had so many emotions inside me right then. SHE LIKES ME! SHE LIKES ME! How did I never see it? How long has she liked me? What might have been if I've known sooner?? I was speechless. I stuttered out, "R-really? I never..I" Penny looked shaky, "Since I'm talking about this, I should just keep going," She breathed in, "Ever since I met you, you've always had something special. I was always so nervous to tell you, because I didn't want things to change between us and...I didn't think you'd like me back." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Am I dreaming?? I just couldn't believe it, "Are you kidding me? How could I not like you?" I felt myself get flushed but I kept going, "I really like you too." Penny blushed smiling, "Really?" I looked down, "Yeah, I've liked you since you moved here. I was always too nervous to tell you, since you were such a celebrity and you wouldn't have eyes for me." Then it got a little quiet. Penny spoke up, "So, we both like each other, now what?" Now it's time. I pull out the tickets and get a little nervous, "So you were jealous of me and Tip because she was hanging around me a little more this week right?" She nodded and looked embarrassed about it. I speak again, "Well she was hanging around me a lot because she was pressuring me to have the guts to ask you to Prom..everyone has actually pushed me to do it. I've been so nervous and scared to, but since I know now that you like me too, I don't feel so scared anymore." I stood up and Penny did as well, and I grabbed her hands, "Penny, will you please go to Prom with me?" She grinned with a relieving laugh, "Yes, yes of course I'll go with you!" Then we hugged for a long time. We pulled slightly away and looked each other in the eyes and we slowly went into a kiss. We kissed! It wasn't one of my fantasies! We blushed and laughed nervously. "So."
"So." Penny asked with a smile, "Does this mean we're like..together?" I smile back, "Is that what you want?" She thinks for a minute, "As long as you promise no matter what happens, we'll always stay friends." I grabbed her hand, "I promise." Then she starts to frown, "I hope Violet and Wilbur work things out." I nod solemnly, "Me too." I also can't wait to tell Wilbur, Tadashi and everyone that I did it. I ASKED PENNY TO PROM AND NOW WE'RE FINALLY TOGETHER.
WELL There you have it! I know it was a short chapter but I feel like it was worth it! How do you guys feel about Penny and Hiro being together? What about Tip? Do you feel sorry for her or think she made a good decision to let him go? Please vote and comment your thoughts because I love hearing from you guys! Love ya! :)
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