Disappointment and Getting Sweaty
Here's the next chapter! Its a little more uplifting than the last couple chapters!Hope you enjoy!
The vid up top is just my favorite Tadahoney vid! :)
Tadashi's POV
I just got the tickets for Prom! I'm so hyped for Honey Lemon to find out. She stayed home today because her stomach was bothering her but she said it was probably because ate too much last night. She said she ate nachos with all these different kinds of dips she didn't know even existed and she may have gotten a bad mix with one of them. I hope she's feeling better now. I know how much she wants to go. I'm not crazy about Prom but really wanna spend it with her and I'm getting a little excited too. I grab my phone out, dial her number and speak, "Hey Hon Bun, I got the the Prom tickets!" Then Honey Lemon was silent and I could tell something was up, "Uh, Tadashi..I can't go to Prom." My heart sank and I was deflated from my earlier excitement, "Why not?"
"I have the stomach flu.." I felt so bad, "Oh baby, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can take the tickets back and I can stay with you." Honey Lemon sighed, "No. I want you to have fun." I was confused, "But Honey, you're the one I wanted to hang out with. Besides I have an extra ticket that I won't even use."
"..How about you invite someone to go with you?" I thought for a minute. My girlfriend wanted her boyfriend to ask another girl to Prom?? I shook my head over the phone, but I didn't say anything. I finally spoke, "Like a date? You're my girlfriend Honey Lemon." She coughs then responds, "I know, babe. But it doesn't have to be a date. Invite a friend, there are a ton of girls who'd love for someone to ask them to Prom." I guess if it makes another girl and Honey Lemon happy, it should make me happy too. I nod, "Okay, I'll ask someone."
"Good, I know you'll have fun. I love you!"
"Love you too."
I hung up and I still feel disappointed Honey couldn't go to Prom with me. But I'll keep the silent promise to ask a girl to Prom, AS FRIENDS. Suddenly, Andy came beside me and put a hand on my arm, "Dude, you alright?" I sigh, "Yeah..Honey Lemon can't go to Prom with me though." Andy looked sad for me, "That's rough, sorry." I look down, "Yeah," then I decide to change the subject, "So did you ask Anna out yet?" Andy groaned, "Don't remind me.." I shook his arms, "Bro, you got this! Just get some faith in yourself." I looked over and saw Anna with Rapunzel and Mavis. This is the perfect chance for him! She was right here! I push him in her direction, "There she is, go get some!" Then I pushed him to her, he looked back hesitantly, I gave a thumbs up and he rolled his eyes. Andy walked over to her and I could hear him say, "Hey Anna, could I talk to for a minute?" She nodded and he took her towards outside. He looked so nervous!! Dude, he's got guts. I decide to scape out some girls that I could take to the Prom. As I looked around, all of these girls don't seem right. Who I wanted to be with is at home sick in bed. I wish I could just go home, but I wanna do what Honey suggested and I was planning on doing it.
Anna's POV
So I'm walking with Andy outside and I'm getting this fuzzy feeling inside. I have a feeling he's gonna ask me to Prom! I just know it! Or well..that's what I'm hoping. I mean, Andy always runs away from me now everytime I try to talk to him. Elsa says it's because he's shy, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Maybe he's just afraid of me..
So then we go over to the fountain outside the school and we sit down. Andy looked really nervous about something, he was breathing weird and starting to sweat. I know it's spring but it wasn't that warm. He started to ask antsy, "Is it really hot out here?" Andy wiped his forehead with his arm, and he was damp under his arms. Ok, that was a little gross. I didn't let it phase me though, "No, not really. What was it you wanted to ask me..?" He nodded as if he went off track, "Oh right um..," he grabbed my hands and I was tingling, "There has been something I've been wanted to ask for a long time and with Prom coming up, I can." He looked down and back at me, "Anna, will you...go..to Prom with-." I couldn't take it! I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING, "Yes!!! I'd love to go to Prom with you!!!" I grabbed his face and kissed him right there! OMG! How did I do that?? I pull away and smile sweetly at him. He seemed pretty shocked, but I think he liked it.
Andy's POV
I didn't like it...I LOVED IT! It's all I've dreamed of. I'm so glad she said yes to me, even if I made a complete fool of myself at first. I mean, how could a girl like Anna like a guy like me? Well, I guess I didn't know it till she came in and smooched me! Wow what a surprise that was, a totally good surprise! I wanted to tell Tadashi after that and he was stoked for me. He high fives me, "Dude, that's so great! It wasn't even that bad was it?" I say sheepishly, "Well, when it was all over, definitely not." He bumped me in the arm with a laugh. Man, it feels great to know everything worked out!
Elsa's POV
I'm glad everything worked out with Rapunzel and Jack, but I'm still hurting. I've been trying to stay low from Jack, Rapunzel and everyone. I don't want anyone to know that this is bugging me. It's finally the end of school and I'm walking with my head down out of the Language Arts classroom when Anna pulled me aside jumping up and down. She looked so crazy and I'm curious to know what's up, "Sis, calm yourself. Why are you so excited?" She screams out, "Andy asked me to Prom!!" That's when I freaked too, but calmly keeping my lady like presence..what the heck! I'm so happy for her!! I smiled, "I told you he liked you. All you had to do was believe it."
"Yeah, you did say that." Then I look over and see Rapunzel and Jack laughing about something and the sad feeling came over me again. Anna notices and asks as we walk out of the room, or when I walked out and she followed me, "Is something wrong, Elsa?" I cross my arms and look to the floor, "No, I'm ok." She stopped me and put her hands on my arm, "No, you're not ok. I know when something is bothering you. I'm your sister, you can tell me anything." I smiled a little when she said that. I love Anna, and it's good to hear the sweet things she says to me. I decide to open up to her, "Well, I guess I'm a little disappointed Rapunzel is going with Jack Frost to the Prom.." Anna laughed a little, "Yeah, but that shouldn't bother you because you guys broke up and you don't have feel...," she stopped and she finally realized my secret, "oh my gosh you still have feelings for him." Yeah, well let's just say that I fooled everyone for a while that I didn't like Jack Frost anymore. I even kept that secret from my little sister, who is probably the closest person to me. I feel bad she had to find out this way. I nod a little ashamed of myself, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Anna, but I didn't want to hurt Punzie. You understand that right?" Anna still looked like she was betrayed but said, "Totally, you wanted to make sure Rapunzel went after her dream and you didn't wanna stand in her way." I sighed in relief, "Yes, I'm glad you know what I was trying to do."
"But one thing." I was startled slightly but I asked calmly, "Yes?" She gave me an unexpected hug, "Please don't keep anything you're going through from me." I squeezed her back, "I promise." I'm so glad I have a sister like Anna to comfort me when I'm down, now I will exchange that. I grab her hand, "Now, let's go get a smoothie to celebrate your date to Prom!" She squealed and we walked out of the school to have a sisterly time together.
Well there you go hope you enjoyed! What are your thoughts on Honey being sick, Andy asking Ann to Prom, or Elsa and Anna's conversation? Vote and comment your thoughts on the story cause I love hearing from you guys! Love ya guys! :)
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