Clearing Things Up and Are You Gonna Do It?
Here's the next chapter everyone! Hope you enjoy! :)
Violet's POV
I walked into the lunchroom with Penny feeling a bit better from this morning. I decided to tell her about how Tony texted me and Wilbur finding out about it. It seemed like Penny understood. "I just don't want him to lose trust in me. Is that wrong?" She shook her head, "No way! It's good you want trust. But if you want Wilbur to trust you, you have to trust him." I nodded. She was right and it's obvious that the answer would come from her. I rubbed my shoulder, "You know, me and Wilbur have been going out a while now and..this is weird but we haven't even kissed on the lips."
"Do you wanna have that happen?"
"I don't know..I'm so new to this even if it's been two months." Penny, acting like an expert, grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "It's and Wilbur's relationship doesn't have to be the same as everyone around you. You're where you're comfortable." I smile, "Thanks. How do you know so much about this? You haven't even dated anyone." I could tell that made her blush, "Yeah.." We look up and see Hiro and Wilbur start to sit at the table. Penny gestured to them, "Come on, let's head to the table." We let go of each other's hands and walked over to them.
Wilbur's POV
I sighed looking at my feet as Hiro and I were walking to the cafeteria. I'm usually hungry for a burger, but anxiety was eating me alive. Hiro noticed and looked at me, "What's up?" I shrugged, "It's probably nothing..but I saw Violet texting Tony this morning." Hiro was shocked, he probably remembered how bad Violet took it when Tony had broken up with her, "Tony?" I nodded, "Yeah, and she was saying how she was just answering him back...I wanna believe her, but I'm worried she'll get hurt again, or leave me in the dust." Hiro made a face as if I were crazy, "What? Why would Violet leave you? She loves you and you love her. I think you should talk to Violet before you make assumptions." I turn to Hiro with a confused yet amused look, "Man, Hiro, I knew you were a genius but I didn't think you could solve relationship problems." Hiro rubbed his head nervously, "Well, my brother's got a girlfriend so I kinda got the picture."
We soon sat down in our seats and the girls came over. Penny got out her packed lunch and a book she's been reading for a while now. Hiro just looked at his hands. Violet was on her phone, I have no idea if she was texting her ex, but it was really getting me antsy. It was frustrating as I was trying not to make it a big deal but I needed to settle things. I cough and look towards Violet, "Um, Violet," she looked up, "could I ask you something?" She set down her phone, "Yeah, what do you wanna talk about?" For a moment, I was gonna let it slide until I looked over at Hiro who was persisting me to keep going, "Uh, well, it's been bugging me all day that you have been texting Tony and I'm feeling..," I just cut to the chase, "Do you still like Tony?" Violet frowns, "No, of course not. Believe me, I'm over him. All I was doing was responding to his text." I felt relieved at that moment. Weight was lifted off my shoulders. I grin, "Good, cause I think I hit the jackpot winning you." Violet rolls her eyes and hit me playfully, "Stop it."
"Why? You're a million bucks." She smiled and giggled. I loved it when I made her smile.
Hiro's POV
Looks like things are sorted out with Violet. They were being fun with one another just like couples should be. I give a smirk at Penny who was looking from her book at the two lovers. She smirked back and we fist bumped. I turn around and see an open seat next to Tadashi at his table, "Be right back guys." I get up and start to head to him. When I reached the table, flop down in the seat and turn to Tadashi, "What's up big brother?" The whole table was looking at me, I knew most of the people there but some I didn't recognize. Tadashi frizzed my hair with his hand, "Hey Hiro." Honey Lemon sat on the other side of him and she waved to me with a little less spark then this morning, "Hey Hiro.." Suddenly, Honey Lemon sneezed and I soon realized she looked beat. She laid her head on Tadashi shoulder, and Tadashi frowned, "Honey Lemon isn't feeling too bright right now." I felt bad for Honey, she didn't even eat her salad. I ask with concern, "Are you going to be ok for the dance on Wednesday?" Honey gave me a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Hiro. The Prom is in two days. I'll be fine by then." I look up at my brother, he didn't seem too convinced but nodded, "I'm buying the tickets tomorrow. How about you, Hiro?" I was caught from left field, "What?" Tadashi snickered, "Are you going to buy tickets to the prom, you know, or did you not ask Pen-" I put my hands out, "Shut up!" Honey Lemon started to grin, "Wait a minute, Hiro hasn't asked his crush to the Prom yet? You have to do it or-"
"I gotta go now!" I stood up and I knew I was burning. Tadashi and Honey were smiling. I quickly say, "Bye!" and off I went. Gosh I must've looked weird. But I thought angrily, Why can't I ask her already??
So there it is! I hope you enjoyed it! Do you think Willet will be good from here on out? Will Hiro be able face his fears? Please be sure to vote and comment your thoughts! Love ya! :)
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