Y/n sat in her room at her parents castle while Mrs. Potts and Madame dressed her up into her coronation gown, Plumette did her hair in an elegant half bun decorated in golden roses with the ends of her hair cascading down her back in ringlets as Y/n looked at herself in her mirror and gently clasped her necklace around her neck.
Mrs.Potts: "You look so beautiful, Princess." She said while Madame and Plumette left her bedroom to hail the carriage. She gently lifted Y/n's head up seeing her sad eyes. "You'll be alright, dearie. Beauty or Beast remember all that matters is what's in your heart." She said honestly smiling sweetly as Y/n hugged her tightly.
Y/n: "Thank you, Mrs. Potts for everything. I should go meet Ben at the carriage so we can get Mal and Jay. I'll see you all after the coronation." She said while picking up her dresses skirt and walked out of her bedroom and to the carriage outside beside Ben as they left to pick up Mal and Jay from school.
Snow White: "At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin and Princess Y/n will soon be crowned King and Queen. I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all!" She said while inside of the cathedral surrounded by stain glass mosaics of the old generations royals and heroes/heroines shined down onto their children within. "Oh. Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair? And there is Fairy Godmother's wand! Oh, and here comes Ben and Y/n now!"
Ben and Y/n along with Mal and Jay waved to the crowd smiling as Mal held a deep blue box for Ben, Jay held a gold colored pastry box for Y/n yet both looked nervous. Ben took hold of Mal's hand as Y/n took Jay's hand gently with a smile on her face.
Y/n: "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look handsome. No problem there." She said while Jay picked up her hand to kiss her knuckles lightly
Jay: "You look beautiful and thank you, Wild Rose." He said making Y/n blush slightly.
Y/n: She carefully unclipped her necklace from her neck and held it up towards Jay. "Jay, would you wear my necklace?" She asked while Jay looked nervous before handed her the pastry box. She set her necklace onto her lap while taking the box carefully as she opened it up to see a tiny cream puff with a raspberry on top. "Mal thought of this huh? It's so cute but down the hatch." She said while she ate her cream puff, Ben ate the brownie cupcake given to him by Mal.
Mal and Jay: "No, Do you both feel okay? Would either of you say that you're still in... That... That you both have strong feelings for either of us?" They asked nervously as Ben and Y/n set the now empty boxes aside.
Ben and Y/n: "We're not sure. We mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect." They said together as Mal realizes what they were saying while the twins laughed softly. "We knew that you spelled us, Mal." Mal began to explain herself as Y/n looked over at Jay to let Ben talk to Mal.
Y/n: Slowly turned Jay to look at her. "I'll admit I had a crush on you yet I was nervous about once you saw my beastly side that you would not have accepted me as I am on the inside. While you didn't trust that this could happen on it's own so you got Mal's help, am I right?" She questioned while Jay looked down at nervous.
Mal: "How long have you both known?" She asked Ben and Y/n whom laughed lightly.
Ben and Y/n: "Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the enchanted lake." Ben told Mal as Y/n told her and Jay. "Then after we returned from our date Jay, my brother here water shooter soaked me with enchanted lake water but something we can both agree on is that we were not faking how we felt about either of you." Y/n said as Ben placed his ring onto Mal's finger and kissed her hand while Y/n leaned up from her seat to clasp her necklace around Jay's neck to kissing him on the cheek lightly.
As the carriage pulled up to the cathedral where King Adam and Queen Belle waited at the top of the stairs. Ben carefully got out of the carriage as did Y/n while they helped Mal and Jay out.
Snow White: "Princess and Prince! Now, let's see, who this beauty and handsome man is wearing? Evie? Someone named Evie designed their clothes." She said honestly
Ben walked up the stairs holding Mal's hand in his own while Y/n walked behind them holding onto Jay's arm as trumpets played fanfare as the beast twins walked up to their parents with their other halves bowing down to Adam and Belle.
Y/n: "Daddy about the other day, I just..." She said til her father hugged her comfortably.
King Adam: "I told you and Ben this wasn't going to be easy. But I taught my little cub to always believe what's she feels in her heart." He said making Y/n tear up a bit as he wiped her eyes before placing a kiss onto her forehead. "You've both made me so proud." He said as Belle gently took hold of their children's hands.
Queen Belle: "Your father is right. We're so proud of you both for listening to your hearts no matter what." She said smiling sweetly as she hugged her children lovingly.
King Adam: "You're both going to make a fine king and queen." He said as he took Belle's hand into his own before walking away together.
Ben and Y/n smiled at Mal and Jay "Wish us luck" They said together as an usher escorted Mal and Jay into the cathedral while the siblings waited in front of cathedral doors together.
Y/n: "We did it Bennie now let's go become King and Queen of Auradon ruling as best friends and siblings." She said while the ceremonies music played softly.
Inside the cathedral the choir sang under a mosiac stained glass window of Belle and Adam as a Beast while Evie and Carlos looked down nervously at Jay and Mal. The door men opened up the Oak cathedral doors to reveal Ben and Y/n walking side by side confidently yet nervously as many of the kings and queens awed at seeing the twins in their best clothes. The royal Auradon Guards bowed before their prince and princess as Adam and Belle stood up from their thrones in between Fairy Godmother's wand. Old and new generation bowed down as Ben and Y/n walked towards their parents growing more nervous until they saw Mal and Jay smile at them which made them smile back.
Fairy Godmother walked onto the stage and greeted Belle and removed her crown carefully from her head to place it onto a crushed velvet pillow before curtsying to Adam as he bowed down for her to remove his crown. Ben and Y/n slowly knelt down before Fairy Godmother as she gracefully placed their father's crown onto Ben's head then took Belle's crown from the pillow and elegantly placed onto Y/n's head. Adam and Belle smiled at their children with pride and joy as Adam removed the beautiful glass case for Fairy Godmother to retrieve her wand to bless Ben and Y/n smiling down at the twins.
FG: "Do you both solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you both shall reign?" She asked Ben and Y/n.
Ben and Y/n: "We do solemnly swear." They said together wearing their parents crowns with their heads held high.
FG: "Then it is my honor and joy to bless our new king and queen." She said honestly before gasping and everyone looked at whom caused the alarm.
FG: "Child, what are you doing?" She questioned her own daughter as Ben and Y/n stood up and ran over to protect Mal and Jay.
Jane: "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" She yelled out as the magic went everywhere since Jane rarely used magic that was when Mal intervened and took the wand from her.
Ben and Y/n moved to stand in front of their parents while Ben looked at his girlfriend. Y/n looked at her new best friend.
Ben and Y/n: "Mal? Mal, give us the wand." They said calmly to her while she told them to stand back. "It's okay."
Mal: "Ben, Y/n, I said stand back!" She yelled out loud as Audrey Beauty though now was a good time to say I told you so til Mal looked at her while Jay, Evie and Carlos stood behind her.
Carlos: "Let's go!"
Jay: "Revenge time."
Ben: "You really want to do this?" He asked Mal as she told him that they had no choice and talked about their parents.
Y/n: "Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." She said honestly to Mal as Mal looked at Ben and Y/n.
Mal: "I think I want to be good." She said honestly as the Beast twins told her that she is good. "How do you both know that?" She questioned
Ben and Y/n: "Because... Because we're listening to our hearts." They said together as Mal looked at them
Mal: "I want to listen to my heart, too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I mean stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team and being beside Y/n makes you happy." She said towards Jay whom smiled over at Y/n. "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" She said towards Carlos making him smile. "And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart. And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben." She said honestly tearing up as Y/n pushed her brother forward a bit smiling. "Because Ben makes me really happy." She said honestly as the crowd awed at her speech. "Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." She said holding her fist out
Jay: "I choose good, too if I can be by Y/n's side no matter what." He said smiling as Y/n sniffled happily as he placed his fist against Mal's.
Evie: "I choose good." She said placing her fist onto Mal's
Carlos: "So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." He said smiling.
Ben: "Your parents can't reach you here." He said as Carlos smiled happily choosing good as well. Mal gestures for Ben and Y/n to join them, while Ben took one side of Mal, Y/n stood in between Mal and Jay smiling at least until they heard a loud swoosh of wind and thunder.
Bright green smoke entered the cathedral to land in front of everyone to show Maleficent as Ben beside his mother, Adam stood in front of Y/n as Maleficent told Mal to give her the wand only for Mal to toss it Fairy Godmother which Maleficent freezed everyone but Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos at least until she heard a low snarl from behind her. Maleficent looked behind her shoulder to see the princess was a beast in a tore up dress.
Maleficent: "Well, well the petal doesn't fall far from the enchanted rose, huh? Little princess?" She questioned only for a loud roar to sound out as Y/n jumped over towards Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.
Y/n: "You will not bring danger to my kingdom nor my friends!" She snarled angrily at Maleficent as she mainly talked towards Mal whom stood up to her mother telling her love was amazing and took the wand back. Maleficent grew angry at her daughter while Dude jumped onto Maleficent distracting her as Jay tried to take the specter away only for Maleficent to push him onto the floor. Y/n stood on all fours in front of Jay growling at Maleficent even as she changed into a dragon. "Run Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos now!" She yelled out loud as she roared at Maleficent in challenge before swiping her claws against the dragons legs.
Mal: "Get behind me, E and Claws. Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me, Mother." She said while staring at her mother as their eyes glowed bright green. "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one." She chanted as a spell while Evie, Jay and Carlos stood behind her, Y/n stood on all fours in front of Mal to protect her friends.
Soon Maleficent gave in disappearing into green smoke as Fairy Godmother was freed from the spell and ran over towards the children explaining that Maleficent shrank into a gecko from the love that she held in her heart along with that the Vk's learned to love so could Maleficent while Mal gave her back her wand and unfreeze everyone as Ben and Adam roared out as Y/n laughed at her dad and brother standing up on her hind legs.
Everyone looked over at Y/n seeing her as a beast til Jay walked up to her and took her clawed paw into his hand before smirking flirtatiously at her.
Jay: "Princess or Beast, I love you Y/n Bella." He said as gold, blue and rose red shooting star magic filled the cathedral. As Y/n was lifted off the ground transforming her back into a human in front of everyone in a new dress.
Y/n: "Well, that's one way to change back from beast to human again" She said honestly before hugging Jay as he kissed her cheek.
Jay: "Well, let's get this party started!" He shouted out as he made everybody laugh. "Ohayohay, hey!"
Back at Auradon Prep with Fireworks lighting up the sky
Vk's: Oh yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Let's set it off
Oh yeah
You can make it happen, Ohay, Ohay Hey!
The princes carried King Ben and Queen Y/n to the stage as everyone danced.
Ben: Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise
Write the book story of our lives,
This is us taking back the night.
Ohay, Ohay!
Ben sang out as he span his sister towards Mal and Evie as she with Mal sang out showing off her Beastly side at will before changing back to human
Y/n and Mal: Break the spell,
We were born this way
Be yourself, forget the DNA,
Everybody raise your hands and say
Ohay, Ohay
Evie: Sound the alarm, get on your feet
Let's set it off and rock this beat
Dance till your heart is wild and free
Ooh, Oh, Oh
Feeling the power, let it all out,
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom's ours
Ooh, Oh, Oh,
Ohay, Ohay Hey
Everyone: Let's set it off
Oh yeah
Start a chain reaction,
Never let it stop!
Let's set it off
Oh yeah
You can make it happen
With everything you got!
Let's set it off!
Get ready, set it off
Come on
We got to set it off
On the right
Get ready, set it off
To the left
We got to set it off!
Jay and Carlos: Yo, it's time to set this thing off
Let's make it happen now
I'll make my own future, ignore the rumors
Show 'em my passion sound
They all told me to back down
Show 'em my passion sound
Judgin' me 'cause of my background
Nah, I ain't goin' out like that now
Feeling the power, let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom's ours
Ooh Oh Oh
Jay and Carlos escorted Jane to the stage as Carlos pulled Jane into the dance on stage while Y/n walked towards Jay as she winked at him and then pulled him up onto the stage to dance with her while following Ben and Mal.
Oh yeah
Let's set it off
Oh yeah, let's set this off
Start a chain reaction,
Never let it stop!
Let's set it off
Let's set this off!
Oh yeah
Let's set this off!
You can make it happen
With everything you got!
Let's set it off!
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We got to set it off (that's right)
Get ready, set it off (to the left)
We got to set it off
Get ready, set it off,
We got to set it off,
Get ready to set it off (come on)
3, 2, 1, uh
Ben leaned down to kiss Mal as Jay did the same to Y/n but the girls moved their heads aside for them to kiss their cheeks before they both ran aside to the upper stage
Y/n and Mal: Ooh yeah
Let's set it off
Oh yeah
Let's set this off!
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop
Let's set it off
Let's set this off (oh yeah)
Let's set this off
You can make it happen
With everything you got
Let's set it off
Get ready, set it off (come on)
We go to set it off (to the left)
Get ready, set it off (to the right)
We got to set it off
Everyone bowed down before Ben, Y/n, Mal and Jay smiling as the couples kissed as fireworks filled the sky. Mal and Y/n looked at each other smiling.
Mal and Y/n: "Oh. We were having so much fun, We almost forgot." They said together to the readers before turning around smiling as Mal's eyes glowed neon green, Y/n's glowed red rose with a growl passing her lips. "You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" They said smiling at each other before cheering out with everyone.
Y/n Bella will be back in Descendants 2 Going with Mal to the Isle
Should Y/n break up with Jay (Aka a typical Boyfriend and Girlfriend spat ie fight no, break up just a break to cool off and calm down)?
What did you all think so far of the Descendants Trilogy Book- End of Book 1
The endings for all three love interests after I finish Descendants 3 because everyone wants other choices as well
Jay's Ending
Gil's Ending
Harry's Ending
Voting ends when I publish the last chapter and No I will not be doing Carlos!
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