Help From The Cat
2 days left until the disguised model is back to his old self again. He learned to move on from Ladybug since there's no point in impressing her but to be a friend to her. If Marinette really does have a crush on him, then perhaps he should be the one to make her dreams come true.
At the bathroom of his mansion, he applied blue eyeshadow on his eyelids. But then he smelled stinky Camembert from Plagg.
"Plagg! Do you really have to eat that so early in the morning?! Get that out of here, please! Or eat it for God's sake!" Andrea groaned.
"Oh sorry, Adrien." Plagg flew out.
"Thank you," Adrien replied resuming applying eyeshadows.
After that, he applied pink lipstick on his lips. He also added fake eyelashes and finally the wig.
"You still haven't thought of having Marinette as Mrs. Noir yet?" Plagg teased him.
"It depends, Ladybug's now just a friend and I know now Marinette has a crush on me," Adrien said.
"I wonder how long she's had a crush on you, Mr. Noir" Plagg ate his cheese.
"I don't know Plagg" Adrien shrugs.
He put on the clothing he wore as Andrea. Black leather jacket, purple shirt, blue jeans, and red sneakers.
"Just like your actress mother" Plagg reminded him.
"If I had a blonde wig, I would look a lot like her" Andrea said.
His kwami hides in his jacket and the disguised model makes his way out of his room and downstairs only to be greeted by his cold father.
"Is there a problem, uncle?" Andrea doing his act.
"Now that there are two days left, you better make sure Adrien's back" His father demanded.
"Utterly ridiculous, uncle. That's no way to treat a lady" Andrea playing the act.
"Now you're sounding like Chloe too" Gabriel replied.
"Thanks. Now then, this lady needs her time alone in the city. See ya, uncle" Andrea flips his wig and walks out the door.
"Kids these days" Gabriel sighs.
Andrea hated how these strangers are wolf-whistling at him but he tries his best to ignore them. If they touch him, he'll try the move to twist their arms.
"Be calm Andrea, don't reveal yourself as a guy" He said quietly to himself.
But a guy grabbed his arm and, in a reflex, Andrea grabbed the guy's wrists and did a cartwheel flip to twist them.
"AAAAAGH Little bi---URGH!" He got knocked out.
"Don't touch me!" Andrea warned him.
"Whoa! You unleashed your feminine side to kick butt" Plagg was amazed.
"Guess I did, pity I'm not Lady Noir," Andrea said.
"Well Ladybug was briefly Lady Noir," Plagg said.
"And I Mister Bug," Andrea said quietly and saw Marinette and Alya at the park. He noticed that Marinette is practicing on getting over her hesitation.
"It seems my advice worked" He smiled.
"Now, try to ask to go out at the zoo," Alya said.
"Ahem! Adrien, I was wondering if you would like to go to the zoo with me?" Marinette pretends to ask Adrien.
"I would be honored," Andrea said which spooked Marinette.
"Oh hi, Andrea!" Marinette gasps.
"I see you're trying hard. Only 2 days left until my cousin comes back" Andrea said.
"I just hope I can do it right," Marinette said.
"That's another problem, Marinette. You think too fast" Andrea said.
"I am?" asked Marinette.
"Try to think longer before you act," Andrea said.
"If you stammer a lot, you'll forget what you're trying to say to him," Andrea said.
"Okay," Marinette nods.
"You're welcome Marinette" Andrea replied.
"You need more practice with the real master, girl. Unless Cat Noir can since he's the expert in flirting" Alya said.
"After all, he calls me princess," Marinette said.
"Aw, how cute of him" Alya smiled.
"Anyways, I'll see you, girls, later. I got some things to do. See ya" Andrea said and casually walks on the sidewalk and then into the alley.
"Let me guess, you're gonna teach your lovely princess about flirting as Cat Noir?" Plagg asked.
"Yes, but a better type. Plagg claws out!" He transformed.
He transformed into Cat Noir and jumped up from wall to wall to make it look like he was watching the girls at the park from the roof, "Now to make a paw-esome entrance" He leaps down to the park, "Ta-Da!" He posed.
"Cat Noir!" Both girls gasped.
"Hello, miladies. Ah, I hear that my puurrrrincess misses her sweet puuurrrince charming" He flirted with his puns.
"Um yeah, That's true" Marinette blushed.
"Cat got your tongue?" The feline chuckled at her reaction.
"You wish" Marinette teased him.
"Meow, I thought princesses can talk to animals" Cat Noir smirked and put his arm around her shoulder.
"I can. What advice do you get?" Marinette asked.
"Well, since I hear you ladies been doing some practice with something, puuurrrrhaps I can teach you about love. Excuse us, Alya. I need my puuuurrrrincess. See you around" Cat Noir said to the blogger and took Marinette in his arms to jump up to the roof.
Marinette held tight around his neck as he jumped. He ran on the roof and jumped to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, putting his princess down so they can talk.
"I hear you've been getting help from a certain lady with tips on impressing the model boy," Cat Noir said.
"Yes, from Andrea Agreste. I got advice on how to not stutter when facing Adrien" Marinette said.
"It's not always easy to capture someone's heart, princess. Even I tried so hard to capture my lady's heart and failed. So instead, I'm moving on. If you wanna impress your prince, you gotta be fierce like a panther with claws" Cat Noir paced around her.
"Um Okay," Marinette said.
Cat Noir chuckled that she has no idea he's Adrien the whole time in front of her, "Well my princess. Pretend I'm him. After all, he and I have blond hair."
"Except the slit pupils," Marinette said.
"Yeah. Now try to ask me out" Cat Noir said.
"Okay, ahem, Adrien would you like to go out with me to the park just you and me?" Marinette began.
"I would puuurrrrfectly be honored, mon cherie" He kissed her back palm.
Marinette giggled as he did that, "How charming"
"I'm always the charming kitty, my puuuurrrrrincess. I am your animal pal because every princess has an animal sidekick" Cat Noir flirted.
"Good kitty" Marinette pets his head.
He purred in delight as his tail belt wrapped around her waist.
"Awww you're purring" Marinette giggled.
"Yeah, now again for the date advices" He changed the subject.
"Okay, I'm listening," Marinette said as she removed his tail belt off her waist.
"Only boys ask their girls on a date, not the other way around. If you want Adrien to like you, you gotta understand him first. You need patience until he is either ready to date you" Cat Noir instructed.
"Okay then." Marinette nodded.
"Number one, look at him in the eyes. Number two, think before you talk to him" Cat Noir holding two fingers.
"Got it." Marinette nodded.
"Let's see if the pressure hits you good. Do you want a girl to steal Adrien from you?" Cat Noir smirked.
"Nuh-uh! Not a chance!" Marinette shook her head.
"Do you want Lila or Chloe to take your prince away from you?" He asked her again.
"Not a chance, they are nothing but rotten girls," Marinette said.
"Do you want him to be locked away in his mansion by his cold father?" He pressured her more.
"I'd wish for his freedom," Marinette said.
"Are you gonna man up and tell him how you feel?!" Cat Noir pressured her more.
"Yes, I will," Marinette said quietly.
"Again? Speak up a little" Cat Noir held a hand to his ear.
"Yes, I will!" Marinette repeated.
"Louder!" Cat Noir demanded.
"I said YES I WILL!" Marinette repeated louder.
"That's more like it Marinette" Cat Noir said.
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