The Group
Hey readers! I'm back! :) I forgot all about this website for a long while, but I plan to be back and update more often! I went back and changed part of my story.. (I didn't like certain things in it). I also fixed some spelling mistakes... :) Thanks for reading!
"Sybil, are you out of your mind?" I furrowed my brow.
"Well, it does kind of make sense...I mean...if we're healthy," She bit her thumb nail nervously, "They should be healthy too." She finished. I rolled my eyes. "Zada, think about it!" She whined like a little 5 year old.
"Well..." My eyes flickered to the cobblestone ground. My brain was rummaging through thoughts frantically, looking for an answer that linked well with 'no.'
"Pleaaase...!" Sybil clasped her hands together and she fake begged. She was so good at making me do things I didn't want to do.
"Fine." I sighed, "But you realize that this is gonna be hard work?" I wagged my finger in front of her nose.
"Yay!" She squealed and yanked me to the older boy that was just yelling into that mega phone.
"Can I help you?" He scoffed.
"W-we wanted to join your equalist thingy." Sybil said, suddenly shy and quiet.
"What?" He chuckled loudly.
"What's so funny?" Sybil asked oblivious to his rudeness.
"I normally don't see people talking about this." He smirked.
"Well, I guess that's changed, hasn't it?" I said. I was surprised at my own confidence outburst.
"I'm Cade." He stuck out a grimy looking hand and Sybil immediatly took it and shook hands with him vigourisly. I did the same, but with less force.
"So what is all this?" I asked politely.
"What does it look like?" He scratched his fingers through his dark shaggy hair.
"Well, it looks like a snotty misunderstood rich kid who likes to help people." I said. He blinked, as if slightly hurt. As if this kid had feelings.
"Then you'd be correct." He grumbled. "Here, take these." He placed a pin in mine and Sybil's hand. It was a simple golden colored circle with a red equal sign in the center of it. "Wear these in pride, but hide them from the ones you think you trust." Cade whispered, and then he ran into the shadows of the alley way.
"What was that all about?" I whispered, scared he was still lurking around, listening to our conversation.
"I don't know, but he seems really down to earth..." Sybil said dreamily. She clutched the pin in her palm and held it to her heart, as if it gave her body warmth.
"Whatever, let's just do what we came do to originally...what was that exactly?" I asked.
"Shopping, of course!" Sybil squealed excitedly and grabbed my arm, dragging me to her favorite shops.
- The Next Day -
"Wanna go back to town and see if Cade's there?" Sybil asked me when she knocked on my door this morning.
"Sybil! It's 7 in the morning, and I need more sleep." I began to shut the door slowly, but she stuck her foot between the door and the wall. "Sybil...." I whined.
"C'mon, I'll wait patiently," she begged.
" owe me." I yawned loudly and ran a hand through my tangled hair.
"I'm surprised you two bothered to show up!" A familiar voice said behind us. I felt a hand clap my back and I lurched forward, unfamiliar to such a harsh gesture.
"Why's that?" I said defensively, shrugging off the stinging feeling on my back.
"You just seemed like a misunderstood rich kid looking for some fun." Cade mimicked my voice in a way to girlish tone.
"Shut up," I smiled and shoved him playfully. Sybil glared at me. What was her deal?
"Do you guys want to have your first Equalist meeting?" Cade replied a few seconds later after the small tension subsided.
"Sure!" Sybil smiled widely.
"Follow me, then." Cade motioned us.
"Wow, so this is your meeting area?" I asked.
"Yep, we have at least 50 people who show up regularly." Cade informed us like a proud mother. "This is Maribella, she's the toughest girl out there." He joked, using quotation marks in the air.
"You know I prefer Mar, Cade." She grimaced when he said Maribella. Too girly for her? I suppose. Her jet black hair cut at chin level, leather jacket, combat boots, and ripped jeans made for a tough looking girl. It was basically a man in girl clothes.
She cracked her knuckles and said, "So who's the newbies?"
I immediatly hated her. She laughed when she saw my face.
"I'm just kidding, we're gonna be great friends!" She smiled warmly and side-hugged me.
Never mind, I immediatly loved her.
"Okay, okay, enough girl chat. Just sit in the front row and I'll call a meeting to order." Cade said, then hopped onto a stage. I looked around for the first time and saw we were in a damp, kind of dark room with banged up metal chairs sat askew in a few lines, with people awkwardly standing around, whispering as if they were about to be yelled at. Equal sign banners hung from the low ceiling, and a fireplace crackled in the corner. The smallest squeak, even the squeak a chair would make when someone sat down, would set someone nearly jumping to the roof in alarm. These people didn't look very confident in themselves.
"Order, order!" Cade slammed a wooden spoon against a metal pan. Everyone stopped talking and hustled to the chairs, including Sybil, Mar, and I.
"We have an ann-"
"What's going on here?!" The doors from the cellar blew open and two men hopped in, holding guns.
This, was the end.
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