Untitled Part 2
First of all, I said I would get on and update earlier... well... I'm sorry! I'm just soooooo busy!
Ok now down to business. Septiplier might happen and it might not. I kind of hope it does and kind of not. First of all, septiplier would no longer be a thing people talk about and write about if it happens. Things would change. They would probably not make videos as much because they would have to arrange to be together. I'm not saying septiplier would ruin our lives but it would be different and we would have to adjust. For all I know they might be dating behind our backs and they just ask friends to pretend to be their girlfriends.
Now that that is out of the way we have to talk about what septiplier would do to them.... They might kiss alot, they might talk more gay than usual, they might be doing things to waist their time and so they would not make videos as often... So if they do get together, They would feel more together if they date. Which means it would be a little awkward in cons and stuff. People would ask alot of questions to them. They would feel like people would go after them if they are homophobic. Just saying lots of people are agenst gays. Some gays get killed because off what they are. It's quit sad acually.
Another thing is, are they gay? I mean they are best friends! This would change their friendship! Some of their friends might be against it. What if you were in their shoes? What if you felt what they felt? It is like people are forcing them to be together. They might be really scared or embarressed because they are best friends and people think they are more than that!
Anyways we can talk more later. For now I'll see everyone in the next part. BYE-BYE!!
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