▪︎ 07 ▪︎ Friends
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Friends were and still are a touchy subject for me. I don't really know how much I really feel about them because most of them end up leaving me or we grew distant. I have 2 people who I really hold dearly as friends though.
I'm genuinely curious about how you make friends outside and inside of Wattpad. Hopefully you can answer a bit truthfully but you can keep some certain infos private.
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1 ▪︎ For you, what is a best friend?
A best friend is someone who will actually support and stay with me despite all the challenges we face together.
2 ▪︎ Do you have a best friend? What's their name (first name or nickname)?
Yup, her name is Ellie and she goes by wweeiirrdoo on Wattpad. She is a real life friend of mine and I just love and adore her so much.
3 ▪︎ How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?
We met quite recently in 11th Grade so we've been friends 2 years only. We met in the classroom but we became friends when I approached her when she was waiting for her father to pick her up. The things we have in common was our interest in anime and drawing. We also just like random talks between us every now and then.
4 ▪︎ How many people do you consider your "best friends?"
I had a lot of best friends throughout my life. However if I'm going to be talking about currently, I have 3 I consider as my best friends.
5 ▪︎ Can you describe your closest friends? Why do you like them?
The 1st one is Ellie, she is really quiet but savage. She is really unintentionally funny and really tall. I forgot what's her height. I like her because I am so comfortable around her, she doesn't judge my character and she understands me.
The 2nd one is Carmi, and on Wattpad she goes by Unknown_ThoughtSs and another real friend of mine. She is very friendly and charismatic. She has a tomboy attitude and she likes a lot of things. She is a geek with movies, books, anime, songs, mythology, psychology and many more. I like her because we can talk about a lot of stuff from the lighthearted to the deep stuff. Conversations with her are never boring.
Lastly, there is Chemuel. Between my three current best friends, she is the one I've known the longest. We met in elementary and I remember her being really sassy and kind. She would always be supportive of me and we would tall about our problems. I like her because our friendship wasn't instant but it was worthwhile. Even when we don't see each other much, we always find time to talk to each other.
6 ▪︎ What is the longest friendship that you ever had?
It was a childhood friendship between 3 other friends respectively named Sarah (I forgot her username on Wattpad since she's not active anymore), Nikki (NikkiAlexandraDiores) and Danielle (asthetisch). Although the 4 of us haven't really been together in a long time, they were the friends that I really treasured when I had them.
7 ▪︎ What was your best friendship?
I have and had a lot of them but if I had to narrow it down to the best, it would be my friendship with Sarah. I had so many fond memories of our friendship and all the things we would do together. Like, we would learn dances from certain movies, played board games, play computer games. This was possible because she was my front door neighbor.
8 ▪︎ Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell me about them?
I sadly have no strong childhood friendships that are still strong today. But my childhood friends in order were:
In Vietnam:
Sam (boy), Anna (girl) and Sotheby (girl), but we lost contact because I had to move back to the Phillipines.
Sarah, Nikki, Danielle, Alriche (girl), Rex (boy), Lawrence (boy), Carylle (girl), King (boy), DJ (girl), Charles (boy) we aren't that close anymore because some have left and others are too busy with school.
Alexis (girl), Kates (girl), Hannah Babe (girl), Mei (girl), Hannah (girl), Chemuel, Markie (boy), we aren't that close anymore because everyone except Chemuel, transferred schools.
9 ▪︎ Do you have any long distance friends? How do you keep in touch? How often do you see them?
Yup, almost all the friends I mentioned earlier. The one I keep in touch with the most is Sarah who is now in her home country Germany. We keep in touch using Messenger (Facebook). We don't see each other or video chat but she does plan to visit the Philippines sometime soon.
10 ▪︎ Do you make friends easily? Why or why not?
No, I don't. I just really am self conscious with how I act. I am very awkward and I can't hold the conversation for so long unless I am knowledgeable on the topic. I have the tendency to ignore some people because of this which causes them to misunderstand my intentions.
11 ▪︎ Have you made friends over the internet? If they're in Wattpad, tag them. How often do you write to them? Have you ever met them in person?
Of couse I have, but I mostly have them on Wattpad. The only website I'm most active on. The people who I really talk to the most on Wattpad are MidnightsTouch, Miss_Sarcastic27, bazinga_way, and QueenXirinOfArvada. I talk to these people a lot. I never met them in person but I wish I did. I might be really awkward though. I'm introverted outside of Wattpad.
12 ▪︎ How do you make new friends?
My classmates usually tease me for being too innocent because I'm quiet (even though I'm far from it). They however never be rude to me because I don't give them a reason to be. Even towards classmates I write letters to them telling how I feel about them. I usually make friends by just being genuine.
13 ▪︎ What type of people do you get along with best?
The people who understand introvertedness or who are introverted like me. People who are really geeky and nerdy to talk to about art, anime and all the good stuff. The type of people who like to write and express themselves in that way too.
14 ▪︎ How often do you talk with your friends?
I talk to my real life friends a lot personally but I rarely respond to them on text. I don't really feel comfortable talking to them through typing. I however don't mind that on Wattpad.
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1 ▪︎ Do you tell your best friend everything?
I mean, you know how much I tell to random strangers on Wattpad in this book, how much more do you think I spill to my best friends? I like to tell my friends everything about me so that they know what to look out for or expect in our friendship.
2 ▪︎ What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
Some of them have made me more confident in myself. I'm really self conscious about how I look and act in front of strangers, my best friends are my confident boosters.
3 ▪︎ Has a friend ever let you down?
No, because I'm the friend that lets them down. There are times I get so moody or anxious that I just straight our ignore them when they text me. It's a bad habit I need to fix.
4 ▪︎ Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?
I never really asked money from my friends, it's the other way around. Honestly, I don't mind giving money to my friends, I know how much they need it, as long as they can repay me since it's my parent's money in the first place.
5 ▪︎ What do you usually do with your friends?
I like to do certain things with certain friends but the most common is just talking about random stuff. Mostly art or literature related.
6 ▪︎ What things should friends never do?
Friends should never abandon you for another friend. Of course they can hang out with other people but they shouldn't sabotage you just to please another friend.
7 ▪︎ Where is a good place to meet new friends?
I would say the internet but that is not always 100% reliable. If you are a student, school is really the best place for sure.
8 ▪︎ Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Yes. I had friends in the opposite sex and I never really felt any romantic feelings for them. All of them are younger than me except for Sam who is of the same age.
9 ▪︎ Do you think it would be possible for you to still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?
It honestly depends on my ex. I never have been in a relationship but I would most probably try to make ammends and become friends but we wouldn't be best friends.
10 ▪︎ Do you believe your parents should be called your friends? To what extent can you be friends with your parent?
No, I only see my parents as parents. For others, I guess it's okay to befriend your parent but it shouldn't cross the line where you do everything together. A friend to confide in or trust would be the kind of friends parents should be.
11 ▪︎ What do you do if you recieve a friend's call but you forgot their name?
I never experienced it with closest friends, but I have experienced it with random schoolmates. I usually say, "I'm sorry, it's just you sound like (insert the name I accidentally said)"
12 ▪︎ Who is the most interesting friend you ever had?
I would have to say Carmi because I just can't understand how she is able to talk about anything to anyone. She knows a lot of dated and new movies, has a vast knowledge of anime and kdrama, knows a lot of dances and lyrics to kpop songs, knows almost everything about greek, norse and roman mythology, has passions of studying psychology and psychiatry, knows lyrics to old and new songs and so many more. I'm honestly jealous. At the same time, she has time to do her projects and her assignments. Like, how?
13 ▪︎ In your case, is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt?
It was definitely a learning process. I even cried on my first day of school and refused to talk to anybody until the teachers pressured me to do so.
14 ▪︎ Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?
I can be friendly, but I wouldn't get buddy buddy with them.
15 ▪︎ Do you have or had different groups of friends who never met or disliked one another? Are you a different 'self' with each group? Do you think these groups of friends will get along eventually? Would you want these friends to mix?
Yup, I did. The first group are my neighbors, the second is H.A.K.K, which stands for Hannah Babe, Aldynnah (me), Kates, Kristine Mei and another friend group with Alexis (my first best friend). My neighbors never met the other two friend groups but the other two have met and they never really liked each other until later into the school year.
At that time, I was interested in both kpop and anime equally. H.A.K.K consisted of otakus while Alexis' friend group consisted of kpop fans. I was always torn who to hang out with so it's usually me hanging out with H.A.K.K at school and hanging out with Alexis' group after school.
I am different in diffetent groups since the three have different interests. I feel like the would mix now because we were still 13 - 15 back then and it was more of a childish thing.
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1 ▪︎ Do you fight with your friends? What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your best friend?
I don't fight with a lot of my friends but I do have arguments with my neighborhood friends. We usually resolve misunderstandings by apologizing and playing an outdoor game.
2 ▪︎ How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?
I definitely had more closer bonds when I was younger. Now that I'm older, friends who I have made in the past aren't as close to me as they were before.
3 ▪︎ How do you maintain a good friendship? I need answers 😭
I don't know the answer to this, so I need your good advices.
4 ▪︎ Is it common to have friendships across generations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships? Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?
I believe it's not common. Advantages would be you get to know people of a lot of age groups which means you can understand certain things in their persepctives. Disadvantages would be the age gaps and that certain friendships could clash due to misunderstandings. I only had friends way younger than me but I don't have friends who are older.
5 ▪︎ There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend." How can you be a good friend?
Just by simply being there for them in their hard times and celebrating with them for their good times is honestly enough for me to say you're a good friend.
6 ▪︎ What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?
Time, long distance, misinderstandings, jealousy, internet addictions
7 ▪︎ What makes friends different from family?
Families are the people you spend your whole life with, so they know the real you and how you act at home. With friends, they aren't always reliable but they can sometimes be better company than your own family.
8 ▪︎ What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be like siblings asked you out on a date?
If it was a friend from both genders, I would honestly be weirded out. I mean, it's not asking me to be their girlfriend so I wouldn't jump to conclusions but I wouod definitely question their intentions. I'm straight though and if a guy friend did ask me out, I might consider it.
9 ▪︎ Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?
No, but if we're talking about literally the of course there will be an end. We don't live forever.
10 ▪︎ Why do you need a friend?
I never really thought about this question until now but I realized I need a friend to be with me when I feel so alone. There are just times in my life that I want to talk to someone when my family can't be the people to talk to in the situation.
11 ▪︎ Do you trust all of your friends? Why or why not?
I never had a friend backstab me and the people who I see have the potential to do so, I don't befriend them in the first place.
12 ▪︎ Do you think dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?
There are many factors but I believe this one can be a factor too because it can give you social anxiety or they might be afraid to make friends because of their family situation.
13 ▪︎ How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
It's very important to me. I'm always the first one to forgive and I am always the first one to make ammends. I don't like dragging out drama in literature and in real life.
14 ▪︎ Do you think you can find eternal relationships through the internet?
It might not be for everyone but I think I can have one here online. Maybe in Wattpad who knows. I wish I could meet some of the people I met here in Wattpad.
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- 🥀 Roze
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