Avengers point of view
Steve POV:
Five weeks before they took Alex
Apparently, Tony called a meeting, so now I have to get to the meeting room and stop my workout.
As soon as I arrived, late, everyone was here and Tony was already talking with Fury. When they saw me, they put an end to their small conversation and walked back to the table in the middle of the room to explain to us what was going on. The room consisted of Peter Parker, Natasha, Tony, Fury, Clint, Sam and me, the others were either on missions or doing whatever they do when they're not at work.
"Very well, everyone's here, except for Thor and Loki, apparently they have something with Asgard. Tony you can start talking." Fury said. I looked at Tony.
"Ok guys, you remember that task I was given in Boston a while ago, right?" Most of us nodded. "Ok whatever, at that time I saw missing pictures of a boy, ok. And that same boy was pronounced dead a bit after that." (Dad Steve mode ON) I instantly started feeling bad for the boy and his family. I didn't know him or anything about him, but I trained to protect this country and everyone in it. But if he's already dead, we can't do anything about that.
"What can we do about the him if he's already dead? I don't understand." Peter said.
"What's wrong with people and interrupting my stories." Tony let out an exaggerated sigh, he always does that so I'm used to it by now. "The thing with the kid is that I saw him the other day, and he was very much alive. I made researchs about his whereabouts, and I have them right here." Tony handed me a folder, but still put a presentation of it on the big screen.
The folder:
Biographical information:
Name: Magnus Chase
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Age of death: 16 (sixteenth birthday)
Maternal family: Natalie Chase(mother
Bobby, Matthew,
Annabeth, Emma, and
Aubrey Chase (cousins)
Frederick and
Randolph Chase
Mrs.Chase and
Caroline Chase (aunts)
Grandparents Chase
Paternal family: (No information)
Residence: Boston
Status: Deceased
Physical description:
Eye: Grey
Hair: Dirty blond
Last appearance
New York
Artist: Livibis
(let's say this was young Magnus)
I closed the folder and I could only say one thing, I was shocked. How could a boy who 'died' be alive again? Hasn't it been about a year since his death already? He looks so normal though. What are we going to do now? I raised my hand.
"But, what if he didn't actually died? Maybe he was pronounced dead because he was still missing after a long time, but he was found." Tony looked at me.
"I thought that as well at first, but, you see, I also saw pictures of his dead body." Fury looked at him, " And in a totally legal way, yes, believe me." He was sweating a bit at this point, but I didn't care, I was focused on the picture of the young boy. He looked very happy on it. It's sad to know someone so young could die.
"It could also have been another person that you saw." Natasha added. That could be possible too.
"Again, it was him, the 'Magnus' boy was with his cousin Annabeth, the one who was giving the posters." We were silent for a few seconds until Clint started talking.
"And what do you suggest we do, Tony?"
"Very easy, we just put a bunch of Cameras around New York And Boston and if we see him, we'll take him here." Tony said.
"Isn't that kind of kidnapping?"Sam responded to Tony.
"Yes, but actually no. It's for the greater good, and he could be potential danger during situations like this. His death could have also been faked, which could mean something very bad." I guess that was his excuse for kidnapping children these days. Very well, I won't say anything about it.
"Ok I'm finished, I dont have anything else to say to you guys. But, as soon as I hear news about the kid, I'll contact you." Tony said before leaving.
Sure then, I'll wait.
Peter POV:
Mr.Stark called for me at a meeting today, that is so cool! Does that mean he acknowledges me as an Avenger now? GREAT!!! We finished the meeting and I'm walking home now, I'll have so many things to say to Nev when I go back. Wait! This is a secret mission, I can't tell him yet. But he already knows that I'm Spider Man, so it should be fine. Ok, I'll tell him.
About a month after the meeting was first called in by Mr.Stark, he called me again for another update of the super top secret mission thingy. I walked in the room and sat there to wait until everyone else arrived, took about 10 minutes. Then Mr.Stark started talking.
"Ok people, Jarvis recognized the face of the boy from the picture I showed you of him in Boston. He was accompanied by a green haired boy wearing only pink and green on him. Here is a picture of them."
He did look sixteen and the other boy too.
"If you know his location, you should act right now." Mr.Banner said.
"That's right, I'm going to go there right after we're finished, but I need you guys to prepare the the place they're gonna stay in. They might be dangerous and we don't know anything about them." Mr.Stark responded to Mr.Banner.
"And where is the place they're going to be put in?" Mr.Fury asked.
"The same room we put Loki in before the invasion of New York.
With that last sentence, everyone exited the conference room and let Mr.Stark do his thing.
~~●Time skip to the next day brought to you by [name it]●~~
We went into the circular glass room where Mr.Loki was first put in, only to see a green haired boy, lying there unconscious. Apparently, he was the only one outside that Mr.Stark could recognize, Magnus wasn't with him. After a while, he woke up and started looking around him. He walked up to us and said:
"Hey kidnappers." He waved, "May I know where the fuck I am right now please." It seems he was trying to be half polite, but the swear words didn't really help with that. I looked at the other Avengers and then back at him, but no one said anything. "Could you at least tell me the time, I'm waiting for a call from someone and it's very important." Without thinking, I immediately responded, I do that sometimes. Sorry.
"It's 11:14 in the morning." He looked relieved, but then in a small panic state.
"Ayo, did you guys take my phone, I really need it right now. Could you please give it to me so I can call my boyfriend." Whatever the guy wanted, it seemed important to him.
"Boyfriend?" Cap asked. Yes, boyfriend, we're not in the old ages anymore.
"What? You got anything against that?" He glared at Cap." Which he responded with a "No, it's nothing."
"We can't let you call anyone, what if you were going to escape from here via backup?" Mr.Fury added. And the dude seemed to agree with his assessment.
"Ok, just put the phone on speaker from outside my prison cell." He said prison cell in a very dramatic way. He doesn't seem that scared or surprised by the fact that he was just kidnapped. He only cared about the call. Mr.Fury took the phone out of his pocket and asked the green haired guy for his password. "The password is: 'LokiSucks' and the name one the contact list is: 'Maggie' with a knife emoji next to it. Everyone looked at the green head weirdly. Why would he hate Loki? He never even met him like the Avengers and I.
After a few seconds, someone responded to the call.
"Hello, Alex?" The guy on the other line said.
Natasha POV:
I only assumed the voice we just heard was from the Magnus boy. Now we know the name of the green head at least, I was Alex.
"Magnus!!! You were supposed to call me two hours after I went out and you didn't at all!! The kid was furious and you could practically hear the sweat rolling down Magnus' face from the phone.
"Well, you see Alex, I was about to call you in 5 minutes you left the hotel at 9:25." His voice was also a bit shaky. " Pleasedontkillme." he said very fast. Why would he say that actually? Why would someone kill someone else for such a reason (I would), it's probably figuratively.
"I can't even kill you from where I am, I was kidnapped. I told you it would be easy to do that, with my bright clothes, I got knocked out after 30 minutes. You don't need to get me yet in fine, the worst they can do is kill me and I don't think these guys have the guts to that. If i get tortured, I'll call you again." Ok, what the hell just happened? Who talks about being kidnapped and tortured or killed so easily. I looked at the others and they were surprised as well.
"Ok Alex, I'll call you back an hour, exactly, so at 12:30, love you. Bye."
"Yeah, sure, Iloveyoutoo."
"Did you just say you loved me? That's something I never thought you'd say in all eternity. Wow." You could see the sarcasm radiating from the screen.
"Now, I'm really gonna decapitate you as soon as I get back, I swear."
The call ended abruptly.
This conversation is very weird, help. These kids are crazy. Who says that normally, what? I'm scared.
"So, what did you guys want from me exactly?" Alex said as if he hadn't just threatened his boyfriend in front of us just now.
"Boy, we'r-" Sam started.
"I'm a girl." He- she corrected, "I'm genderfluid you idiot."
"Well, girl, we're gonna ask you some questions, and you have to answer them or else." Sam continued.
"That was the worst threat I've ever heard, HAHAHAH. You're gonna do what after that huh, tell me my darkest secrets? As if you knew what it was, bitch. Hehehe." H- She was not scared, at all.
"We'll have to torture you until you respond." I said, the others looked at me. What? I was an assassin. Who cares abou the person's age if it's for answers.
"Oh no, I'm so scared. Boohoo." That Alex kid was kinda starting to get on my nerves. I was about to say something about her comment, but Tony talked before me, but to us and not Alex, so that she couldn't hear us.
"I called The Asgardians here, the kid seems to know about them considered her password and that she said the word 'Midgard' before coming here. They'll be here in a few minutes." I looked back at the kid after he said that to analyze her, but she was wearing a shocked expression on her face.
"What did you just say?" She was very nervous by now.
"How did you hear me talk from over there? I was whispering." Tony was a little taken aback, that was not normal, at all.
"Did you just say 'Asgardians'." Alex was breathing faster than before, as if she was scared. What did she know about Asgard? With that comment, we heard heavy footsteps from outside the room towards it. I guess that means they are here.
"Ah, they finally arrived." Fury said. And as the door opened, we could see the two gods coming inside. Thor and Loki. They both stopped walking after seeing Alex in the glass room. And Alex was a mix of anger, nervousness, and annoyance, for some reason.
"You..." She said before anyone else could say anything.
"Oh, what a good thing to see you again Alex, child." Loki, the god of mischief said and every other avenger in the room was shocked. How did they know each other?
Cliffhanger bitch
I'm so evil.🌚
2019 word
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