A few months later
Victoria's POV
It's been a few months after the shooting and I was already fully recovered, but Jaydan and my parents still handles me like glass that will break at any second.
After I returned home I immediately applied at a few police academies to become a detective, with the help of Jaydan of course because he wouldn't let me do anything for myself. It was very sweet for the first two weeks just sitting in bed and doing nothing while everybody brought you anything you desired, but after a while it gets annoying.
My dad explained my situation to my principal and with help and a lot of hard work and effort on my part I finished high school with flying colours.
I got a car for my birthday and today was the first day I was going to drive it. My parents still didn't want me to drive because like I said they are scared I'll break.
Today my parents had to go to work and there was no one at home to keep an eye on me so I decided to visit Jaydan at his office to tell him the great news.
And the great news ladies and gentlemen is that the police academy accepted me and I couldn't wait to share my happiness with Jaydan.
He was still hard at work as always but he was there for me and he visited me every single day. And I really loved him, I've never felt this about anyone before.
The drive is short and I must say this is the first time I've been here. The lady at the front desk gives me a bright welcoming smile.
"Good day ma'am how may I help you?" She asks.
"Hi, I'm wondering if you might be able to tell me where the Jaydan Stewart's office is?"
"Oh, Mr Stewart's office is on the 25th floor." She says.
"Thank you." I reply before I walk to the lift.
The ride on the lift feels like an eternity, maybe it felt that way because I was too excited and couldn't wait to see Jaydan or the lift was just very slow.
When the lift doors finally opened I wanted to scream with joy and do a happy dance but then I remembered I was in a building with lots of people.
There was a long hall with a lady sitting at a desk at the end of the hall. I walked towards her, she looked up when she saw me and I was again greeted with a smile.
"Good morning how may I help you?" She asks.
"Hi, I'm here to see Mr Stewart."
"Do you have an appointment?"
"I'm sorry ma'am but Mr Stewart said that he does not want to be disturbed."
"Can you just ask him, say detective Shadow is here to see him." I say.
"Okay I'll ask him." She says before she presses a button and talks into a speaker.
"Mr Stewart detective Shadow is here to see you, should I let her in?"
"Yes, she may come in."
She lets go off the button before saying in a very professional voice, "Mr Stewart will see you now."
"Thank you." I say as I walk to the big large wooden doors.
I push the door open and step inside closing it behind me. Jaydan's office is a big room and he has the most amazing view of the city. His office is surrounded with full length glass windows and you can see everything from up here.
Jaydan is sitting at his desk looking at papers. He stands up and comes over to greet me.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home resting?" He asks.
"I've rested long enough and besides I've missed my boyfriend terribly." I say with a pouting face.
"I missed you to detective Shadow." He says with a grin.
"So I came to give you some very exciting news." I say excitedly.
"What exciting news?"
"I've been accepted by the police academy!" I scream.
"Wow that's amazing." He says as he picks me up and spins me around, "I told you you would get accepted."
"Yes you did and you were right as always." I say as I take a seat infront of his desk.
"Well then a congratulating gift is in order." He says as he walks to one of his drawers and pulls out a black box.
"I got it this morning, I hope you like it." He says as he hands me the box.
"Jay you shouldn't have." I say as I take it from him and open it slowly. I gasp when I see what is inside.
It is a necklace with a black mask charm dangling from it. It looked exactly like the Shadow's mask.
"Turn it around." He says and I turn it around.
Engraved in the back is the words: To the best partner in the world~ Shadow
"Jaydan it's beautiful, thank you so much. Will you help me put it on."
"Of course, it's a pleasure I'm glad you like it." He says as he comes over and places the necklace around my neck.
"What do you mean like it, I love it." I say as I turn around to look him in the eyes.
"It's just a small memoir so that you'll always remember your partner in crime."
"Like I'll be able to forget you, never." I say, "I've got to go home before my parents find me gone."
"Yeah you better I don't want to be in trouble with your dad." He says before he gives me a kiss.
"Yeah we don't want that, but I'll see you later right?" I ask.
"Yeah definitely, now drive safely." He says and I give him one last peck on the lips before I rush downstairs.
When I get to my car there is a piece of paper on my wind shield, I quickly pick it up and turn it around.
Let's play a game detective, and this is a private game so don't go tell your boyfriend about it. I'll stay in touch Victoria, and say hi to the Shadow for me or should I say Jaydan.
I quickly look around to see who could've possible placed the paper there but the streets are as busy as usual and it could be anyone.
Who could this possible be? I'm the only one who knows about Jaydan's secret, how could he possible know.
I don't know who this guy is but all I know is that I have to find him before he spills Jaydan's secret.
Author's note
Hey guys so discovered is finally done, can you believe it because I sure can't. I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you all so much for reading it. My first story is finally done and I must say I'm surprised that I pulled it off.
Please tell me what you think and if you have questions about anything don't hesitate to ask.
Please comment and vote and thank you all for your support I really appreciate it.
A special thanks to:
And everybody else who read my book. And thanks for all the new followers I really appreciate to follows. And all the comments you all made my day.
I hope you all enjoyed my story and thanks for giving it a shot. And who knows there might be a sequel.
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