Chapter 8
Victoria's POV
The following day I did absolutely nothing, I slept until 11 o'clock and when I finally woke up I read a book. I only went down stairs to get snacks but the rest of the time I spent reading.
I was so engrossed with my book that I didn't even notice the time, and was completely surprised when my mother came to call me for dinner.
When we finished dinner I helped my mother with the dishes before heading upstairs to help her with her packing. My mother usually packed my dad's clothes too so I thought that she might need my help.
"Thanks for helping me, darling."
"My pleasure, do you want the green t-shirt or the blue one?" I ask as I look at my mother's already full bag.
"Both." She replies as she takes some socks out of my father's drawer.
"There is only enough space for one."
"Take the blue one wait take the green....maybe the blue one will be better....take the blue one." She says.
"Why do you need all these clothes any way, your only going be gone for a few days?" I ask as I try to zip her suitcase with no luck. Finally deciding that there is no other way, I climbed on top of the suitcase to sit on it, it finally zipped up with my entire body weight on it.
"You never know what can happen and I like to be prepared for everything." My mother replies.
"There, all done." I say out of breath as I climb down again.
"Thanks honey." My mother says as she hugs me.
"My pleasure, goodnight, see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight lovie." She says while giving me a final hug before I leave.
As I climb into my bed I realize that I'm not tired yet, so I decide to read some more. The book had me at the edge of my seat and just when I was about to reach the climax my cellphone rang and I threw the book into the air.
I laughed at my silliness and grabbed my phone from my bedside table. I quickly looked at the caller ID before I answered.
"Hey Jaydan, how are you?" I greet.
"Hey, I'm good and you?" He replies.
"Great, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Oh, I just wanted to see if we're still on for tomorrow."
"Yes definitely, I can't wait."
"Me neither, so I'll pick you up at 4?"
"Yes, you still have my address right?"
"Yes, so I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Victoria. "
"Goodnight." I say as I click the end call button.
I was extremely excited for tomorrow, and needless to say I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
The next morning I woke up at 7 o'clock knowing that today was going to be fun. I took out my clothes for the day and went for a shower.
When I came out of the bathroom all dressed and ready for the day I grabbed my phone and money before heading downstairs. The house was quiet and for a minute I thought that my parents had already left, but when I came downstairs my parents were waiting for me.
"Morning Vici, how did you sleep?" My mother asks as I climb down the last step.
"Good thank you and you guys, are you leaving now?" I ask.
"Yes, we need to hit the road if we want to get there on time. " my dad says.
My mother grabs me into a big bear hug, followed by my dad.
"We'll call every night and remember to keep everything locked and-" my mother was cut of by my father.
"Love we have to go, we don't want to be late." My dad said as he steered my mom out the door.
"Bye Vici, take care of yourself and love you." My dad says as he hugs me for the last time. After waving my final goodbyes as the car drives down the street I head back inside.
I knew that Gracie and Leila would be here soon to pick me up, so I watched some television to pass the time. Gracie and Leila could spend a whole day in the mall.
I watched the morning news to see if there was any new news, and to my surprise there was.
"During a honeymoon boat trip on the Silver Lake, in the Silver Lake park, a couple discovered a body. The police received an anonymous tape that linked the deceased to the bank robbery on Wednesday night. The police is working hard to connect the dots between the death of the thief and the mysterious reappearing of the bank's money. On a brighter note of things- " I switched the tv off with a million questions going through my head. Did the Shadow know about this thief? He must have, he was the one who returned the money. I had to know for sure.
I ran to my room and scrambled through my drawer for my Bluetooth device. I inserted it into my ear before pressing the button. The clicking sound could be heard again.
"Detective, what a surprise, what can I do for you?" The mechanical voice of the Shadow asks.
"I wondered if you heard about the death of the thief who robbed the bank?" I ask curiously.
"Yes, the body was discovered this morning."
"Why do you think- " I was cut of by Gracie's car horn.
"I have to go, we can continue this tonight." I reply quickly.
"Alright, I'll see you then." The Shadow replies before the beeping noise sounded again.
I grabbed my phone and wallet before I locked the door behind me and climbed into Gracie's car.
"Hey guys." I greet them as I close the door behind me.
"Hey Vici." They greet back and we ride off to my doom.
"Are you ready for some fun." Leila asks as she looks at me from the passenger seat.
"If you can count shopping as something fun." I reply dryly.
"It isn't that bad at all, besides we are buying lunch." Gracie says as she gives me a glance in the rearview mirror.
"That is going to be the highlight of my day." I say.
"I thought spending time with us was the highlight of your day?" Leila questions.
And we all started to laugh, the rest of the way to the mall was filled with our usual chatter.
When we arrived at the mall, they immediately dragged me to our first shop we would be visiting. What I hated the most about Gracie and Leila's shopping habits is the fact that they would try on everything.
I scanned through a few isles but nothing really grabbed my attention. Gracie and Leila went their own seperate ways as soon as we stepped into the shop.
The shop was filled with a few girls, they were talking about numerous things, from who their crushes were, to what their favorite colour lipstick were. I know that it may seem like eavesdropping, but I rather looked at it as being very observant. My father always told me to pay attention to my surroundings, and so I do till this day.
A call of my name brought me out of my thoughts and I came face to face with Leila, who already had a pile of clothes in her arms.
"Will you come give me your opinion?" Leila asks with a small pout.
This was why they always made me tag along. They wanted me to give them my opinion of the clothes they picked out. I wanted to say no, not really in the mood to judge clothing, but Leila's pouting face made me say yes.
She dragged me towards the changing rooms and I took a seat, waiting for her to come show me her first outfit. A few minutes past before the dressing room's door flung open and Leila came out with her first dress. It was a light pink dress that hugged all her perfect curves. I gave her my nod of approval before she scurried away, back into the changing room.
Gracie came a few minutes later with her own pile of clothing in her hands. She smiled brightly at me before she went into the changing room next to Leila's.
Minutes went by before both doors opened and Gracie and Leila stepped outside to show me their outfits. I judged them again and approved of both of them before they returned.
I waited patiently for them to show me all of their outfits, some I liked others not and I judged them accordingly. I never really understood why they asked for my opinion, it wasn't like I was the biggest fashion guru.
When I judged all of their outfits and they were happy with their choices we finally left. And then I was drag to the next shop to do the same.
After what felt like hours of shopping, I finally decided to drag them away for lunch. We arrived at one of our favorite restaurants and I immediately placed an order for water. We scanned through the menus and after deciding, we called the waiter to take our order. The waiter took our order before she walked away to place our order.
"Are you excited to meet Jaydan this afternoon?" Leila asks.
"Very, you know what is strange?" I reply.
"What?" Gracie asks.
"When I was at the ball with Jaydan, it felt like I have known him my whole life. We talked like two old friends."
"Somebody has crush." Leila and Gracie say in a sing song voice.
"I don't have a crush, I simply enjoy his company." I state simply.
"What ever you say, just promise to make us bridesmaids at your wedding." Leila teases me.
"Guys, how many times do I have to remind you that this is a friendly meeting, nothing more?" I ask rather frustrated.
"Oh Vici, we know it is nothing more than a friendly meeting, but we are just so excited that your going out with a boy." Leila says.
"I have gone out with boys before." I scowl at them.
"Boys besides your nephews." Gracie replies.
I want to snap back, but I know that they were telling the truth. I guess that I haven't really had many dates with boys, but I was too occupied by other things.
"I don't really have time for boys." I say.
"We know how busy you are with school and projects, but you need to make time for yourself. We barely see you anymore." Gracie says.
"I'm sorry guys, I guess that I was just worried about ruining my chances of getting a bursary." I say regretful. I know that I have been working hard lately, and in the process let down my best friends. But getting a bursary would mean the world to me.
"Its okay, but just promise that you will go and enjoy yourself today, loosen up. And remember to make time for us from time to time." Leila say rather sternly.
"Ai ai Captain." I say with a salute and we all burst into laughter.
I loved my friends and I realize now that I have a lot of time to make up for.
Hey guys
Thank you for reading my story, hope you enjoy it and please tell me you think and don't hesitate to give advice.
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