Chapter 29
Victoria's POV
The only sound that could be heard from the room I was in were machines. I didn't get much sleep and it was already brought daylight when I did manage to nap a bit, but sleeping in a chair is very uncomfortable.
My thoughts ran wild thinking what must be going through the Shadow's and my parent's heads. It was probably already twelve o'clock, there goes my Friday's plans. I thought that we would capture the White Hawk today, instead he captured me.
I sat there thinking for hours. I don't know how my dad was going to find me. I wish I could send them a signal. Wait a minute, that's it a signal. I looked down at the jersey I was wearing and that's when I remember it's the same jersey I had on our first stake out.
I had asked the Shadow for tracking devices and he said I could take some, I never took them out of my pocket.
Well the guy who took me certainly didn't check my pockets. Well of course not I mean who would suspect a teenage girl having tracking devices in her pocket.
That's when I immediately started to work on my bindings, if I can just activate one tracking device I might help the Shadow in finding me.
Shadow I hope your laptop is switched on.
The Shadow's POV
My heart was racing with worry, we have checked all of the factories but none of them showed any sign of Victoria.
It was already two clock by the time we were back at the captain's house. I took a seat on the couch again and sat with my hands in my hair.
All this trouble and still we find nothing nada, there isn't a sign of where she can possibly be and I'm beginning to loose all my hope in finding her.
All four teams came back empty handed and we all felt disappointed. We hoped that we could find her before sun set but without any way of finding her all hope is lost.
"Don't worry son, we'll find her." Morrison says as he places a hand on my shoulder. I feel the tears burning behind my eyes. If she dies because of me how am I suppose to forgive myself? How can I carry on knowing I will never see her gorgeous eyes and her dazzling smile.
"Shadow!" Morrison screams and I jump.
"What did you scream for?" I ask.
"I've been calling you for a while, what is that green dot?" He asks as he points to my laptop.
"That is a tracker signal." I say not bothered. Wait a minute that's a tracker signal. Where did that come from?
"Morrison I think it is Victoria." I say out of breath.
"Captain we got something." Morrison screams and everybody gathers around.
"Sir I think it's Victoria, it's my green tracker, Victoria took all my green trackers." I say.
"Oh my, that smart girl, let's go people." He screams and before we know it we are on our way, I only hope we find her this time.
Victoria's POV
After I activated the tracker I threw it in my shoe, just to make sure the White Hawk doesn't find it.
Both my arms were out of their restrainings and just when I was about to untie my feet the door flew open and the White Hawk barged in.
His face contorted with anger when he saw my untied arms and he called two men inside. They tied up my arms again but tighter this time.
After I was tied up they left and closed the door behind them leaving me alone with the White Hawk or should I say uncle Caleb.
"Did you seriously think you can escape me?" He asks and I face the man with the white mask.
I don't give him a reply. I just turn my eyes back down to the ground, I don't want to look at him. All these years he was the one who killed uncle Mike, he was the one who ruined so many lives and for what? For large amounts of money. I didn't want to face him, I felt betrayed and I don't want to know how my father will feel when he finds out that uncle Caleb had been the White Hawk all along.
"Talk to me Victoria!" He screams. But I'm stubborn in my ways and keep quiet.
"I said talk!" And then I feel a burning sensation on my cheek and my face is whipped to the side.
"I won't be so stubborn if I were you, I can kill you right here if I wanted to." He spits at me.
"The Shadow is coming for you." I say.
"Yeah, right I've heard the police have been searching around town, but they'll never find you here-" His words were cut of by men screaming.
"What's wrong now!" He shouts before he rushes out of the room.
I immediately start to work on my restraints again. But I stop when I hear gun shots. My heart beats faster, they found my signal.
The guns motivate me and I try harder to break my restraints. The door flies open again and I freeze scared that it is the White Hawk.
When I look up to see who the intruder is my heart goes wild, the Shadow is standing in front of me in all his glory, and when our eyes meet I can't help but smile.
He runs towards me and starts to work on my binding. When he rips off the last of my bindings he pulls me up and into his chest.
I feel my eyes burning with unshed tears and I hug him as tightly as I can. I rest my chin on his shoulder and close my eyes. I'm just so relieve to see him.
"It's okay, you're safe now. I got you." He whispers.
When I open my eyes I see the White Hawk standing at the door with a gun pointed at the Shadow's back.
He shoots and I swiftly push the Shadow out of the way. I feel a deep pressure on my stomach followed by immeasurable pain. I fall to the ground, but as I fall I hear another shot.
No not Shadow.
I lay down on my back looking up at the ceiling, blackspots threaten to take me into total darkness.
"Victoria, Victoria. Stay with me please." The Shadow says as he comes over and takes my hand while taking his other hand and putting pressure on my wound.
"He...he...didn't...shoot you." I try to choke out.
"No, I shot him, but Victoria please be still the ambulance is on its way." He says soothingly as he strokes my cheek.
"'ll tell me...who you really are." I say as I look up at him and that is when I notice his eyes aren't brown anymore but blue.
"I did." He says before he pulls of his mask.
When his mask is off I'm totally shocked, I expected to see Alec but who I really saw was someone I didn't expect at all.
"Jaydan..." I say before the darkness completely takes over.
Jaydan's/ the Shadow's POV
"Victoria." I scream as I shake her. She's still breathing but it's very faint. I place her head on my lap as I stroke her cheek. Murmuring soft words to her, telling her to hang in there.
"Please Victoria, stay awake. Please don't you dare die on me. I...I'm sorry I got you into this whole mess." I say my eyes burning with tears.
I quickly place my mask back on my face as I hear the ambulance in the distance. Someone enters the office and I look up to see captain Wills.
He looks at the limp body of the White Hawk at the door. I was just glad I had my gun on me otherwise we both would've been dead by now.
The captain looks at me before he rushes over with tears in his eyes. He place his hand on her face.
"You should go." He whispers, "I don't want you to get caught."
"No I'm not leaving her, I can't, I did this to her. This is all my fault." I say broken.
"Please, she wouldn't want you to get caught because of her. Please." I nod reluctantly.
He places his hand on her wound as I take mine away. I stare at her one last time before I reluctantly leave.
Her pale face, soft beating heart is engraved into my mind forever and I feel my own heart aching.
Escaping the factory was easy and I immediately ran to my bike. The drive to my lair was short and when I got there I quickly took some clean clothes.
I took a quick shower and watched as Victoria's blood flowed down the drain and I have to swallow the lump that is forming in my throat.
When I was freshly dressed and all cleaned off I took my car and sped to the hospital as fast as I could. There was horrible thoughts plaguing me the whole time.
I rushed to the information desk on arrival and asked them where Victoria Wills was. They told that she was in operation room 26 and I thanked them before speeding off.
Please be okay, I kept repeating in my mind. When I opened the door there was two girls, a group of police men and Mr and Mrs Wills. They all looked up when I came in but their eyes were quickly averted.
"Mr and Mrs Wills." I greet as I walk towards.
"Jaydan." Mr Wills says as he shakes my hand and Mrs Wills looks up and offers me a weak smile which I return.
"How is she?" I ask.
"They are still busy." Mr Wills says as he takes a seat next to his wife. I nod my head and take a seat across from them.
I play with my fingers as the thoughts run wild in my head. What did she think when she saw my face? Was she surprised to see that I'm the Shadow? Will she hate me for not telling her?
I wanted to tell her at dinner Monday night but I couldn't get myself to do it. I was so afraid she'll hate me when she finds out the truth. Will she hate me when she wakes up? Will she even wake up?
I scold myself for that last thought of course she'll wake up. I had to stay positive. What would I do without her, I think I love her. Seeing her laying there showed me how much I loved her. I didn't think it was possible to fall so hard for someone but I did.
This was all my fault, if I didn't want to catch the White Hawk so much, if I didn't ask her for help, she would've still be here healthy and without a bullet threatening to take her away from me forever.
The surgery doors burst open and I sit up straight, please let it be good news.
The doctor looks at all the faces in the room before saying in a soft voice.
"Victoria's heart stopped, they are trying thrir very best to relive her. She's lost a lot of blood it would take a miracle to save her. I'm sorry, we'll try our best to save her but it's a long shot." He says saddened to give this news before he nods at Mr Wills and returns to the surgery, I slump back down in my seat as his words register in my mind. She has a long shot to live and there is a big chance that she won't be coming back to us.
Tears well up in the back of my eyes and I know they say men don't cry, but it's real men who do cry. I can't loose her just when I got her.
"Honey, maybe you should go home and sleep for a while." Mr Wills tells his wife.
"I don't want to go, I can't leave my baby girl here." She says and I can see the same stubbornness burning in her eyes.
"Okay." He says as he plants a kiss on her head.
My heart goes out to them and what they must feel, their only daughter might die and they might never get to see her ever again.
I might never get to see her or hold her or kiss her. I wanted to kiss her so badly that night when I came to visit her but I was scared and now I regret it.
Please Victoria hang on for us, we all need you and I need you. I love you.
Lets hope I get the privilege to tell her that three words myself.
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