Chapter 25
Victoria's POV
Jaydan and I talked outside for a while before his mother called us in for some hot cocoa. We spent the rest of the night in the living room talking and laughing. I felt at home here.
When the clock struck eleven Jaydan announced that he was taking me home. The ride home was filled with playful talking and I couldn't believe I was his girlfriend. The hottest, richest guy was my boyfriend.
The drive home was soon over and I felt sad that it had to be so short. He walked me to the door and my heart raced with every step. What if he kissed me? I know he's my boyfriend and kissing is normal in a relationship, but I've never kissed a guy before.
"So here we are." Jaydan says as we stop infront of the door.
"Thank you for tonight, I enjoyed it." I say as I look up at him and stare into those gorgeous blue eyes.
"It is my deepest pleasure malady." He says with a deep bow and a grin on his face. When his eyes meet mine they stray to my lips for a quick second.
"I guess I have to go then, thanks for coming." He says before he bends down and places a soft kiss on my lips, "sweet dreams my princess." He whispers in my ear before sending me a final smile and returning to his car.
My legs felt weak and it took all my might to get inside the house and to lock the door behind me.
That night I slept like a baby, and I probably looked stupid because I was sure I had a grin on my face through the whole night.
The Shadow's POV
It was Tuesday night and my heart beat was ecstatic as I rode to Victoria, I told her that I would be swinging by tonight to explain everything and let me tell you I'm scared. I'm afraid of Victoria because she sounded really mad at my recent break ins.
The drive to her house was way to short and I gulped when I stepped inside her dad's study. I closed the window behind me and went upstairs to Victoria's room.
The steps seemed deadly and I took every step with caution and care, not wanting one of the planks to give me away.
Victoria's door was open and when I stepped inside she was nowhere to be seen. Her bed was a mess though, papers were littered every where.
"Sorry about the mess." Victoria's voice came from behind me, but I wasn't fazed at all.
"No problem, so what is this stuff?" I ask as I walk closer to her bed to inspect all the papers.
"Well I've spent the entire day researching anything and everything I could find." She explains as she walks towards the bed and takes a seat in the middle of the pile.
Her hair is pulled back in a French braid and there is a certain determined fire burning in her eyes.
"So don't you have some explaining to do?" Victoria asks.
"Yes, I do." I say as I move some of the papers to take a seat on the bed.
"So let me begin at the three robberies, I robbed those three stores for the White Hawk."
"Why?" She asks as she looks up from the papers she was staring at.
"He wanted to test my loyalty. And when I proved it to him, he gave me my first mission."
"The art gallery?" She asks.
"Yes, I have the names of the other guys who work for the White Hawk. I thought that you might have some use for these names." I say as I hand over the list of names I wrote earlier today. I did some digging last night and tried to get all their names.
She takes the list from me and scans through it, that's when her eyes light up. Then she starts to rapidly search through the pile of papers.
"Here it is. Shadow check this." She says and she hands me the two papers.
I stare at the two and that's when I notice that some of the names are the same.
"Where did you get this list?" I ask her.
"Well, as I said I did some major research today and I decided to look up the gambling site Eric told us about and I found this list of players."
"So you think all these people on this list that you found that work for the White Hawk has also been blackmailed into this?" I ask.
"Yeah it appears to be so."
"There is only three names that's not on this list of yours." I say as I scan through the names.
"And they are?" She asks.
"Christopher, Ryan and Nicholas." I say.
"Do you think they are working for the White Hawk because they want to?" She asks.
"I think so, I heard that Christopher is his right hand man." I say still staring at the list.
"So what now?" She asks.
"You get all the information on these guys and I'll wait for the White Hawk's proposition."
"He still didn't tell you what the proposition is about?" She asks.
"Nope, but I get a feeling it is something I won't like." I say.
"I'm scared for you Shadow." She says and just at that moment a piece of her hair slips out and out of reaction I reach out and place it behind her ear.
"Don't worry I'll always protect you." I say as we stare into each others eyes my hand still resting on her cheek.
She suddenly clears her throat and I am pulled out of my trance and retract my hand as quickly as possible.
"It is not me who needs the protection, it is you." She says and I wonder if she knew how fast she made my heart beat.
"Yeah well I am a big boy. Any how I need to run, I have super thieving to get to." I say as I stand up.
"Oh yeah, we can't keep your new boss waiting." She replies.
"Yes we can't, I don't want to get on his impatient side." I say as I take a final look at her, "Take care Victoria, I'll let you know what the proposition is as soon as I find out."
We both walk down to the study and before she closes the window she informs me that her parents will be returning by tomorrow and we had to be careful about meeting each other, I nod in reply before leaving. And off to work we go.
The ride to the White Hawk's place is fast. I told him that I will come every night as soon as I can. I went to Victoria before I went to the White Hawk because the past nights the White Hawk has been sending someone to follow me but I always manage to loose them.
The doors are opened for me and I drive my bike inside. I park my bike at the back of the room and head to the rest of the group. They are all standing around the table discussing something.
"And here he is, the man of the hour." Ryan says as he throws his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to the table.
"So what are you guys working on?" I ask.
"Well lets wait for Whitey to explain." Ryan says and just at that moment the White Hawk steps inside the room.
"Thank you Ryan." He says as he walks to the table to join us,"Shadow we have been talking and I think we all agree that you are trustworthy, so tonight I'm going to tell you the proposition."
All eyes are turned to me to look at my reaction but I keep my face emotionless. I learnt a long time ago how to control my emotions. And besides my brown colour lenses does help a bit.
There is a long pause before the White Hawk speaks again.
"I want you to lead this group into a bank robbery and create a hostage situation." He says and times stand still, a hostage situation? Oh goodness no.
"So are you in?" He asks.
I am at a loss for words. How do you agree to hold people hostage?
"Yes." And with that simple word I knew there is no turning back now.
"Good man, now everybody lets get to planning this wonderful event." The White Hawk says gleefully and we huddle closer to the table.
I told them that I knew this bank well and I explained all the ins and outs. Now that I know the White Hawk is coming with me on this expedition, I can finally plan something with Victoria to capture him. Without being caught myself of course.
We planned every detail, the robbery is to take place on this Friday and I can't help but feel nervous, that leaves me two days to plan the perfect capture, for the White Hawk, and the perfect escape, for me.
I had to see Victoria again to get her to help me plan. I don't know how we we're going to do this because there would be hostages involved and believe me that's never a good thing. But this was our only chance to capture the White Hawk, and I'll be there to prevent him from hurting any other innocent lives.
"Shadow in my office." The White Hawk says and I follow him to his office.
He closes the door behind me and takes a seat behind his desk.
"I need you to go think about this hostage situation, I would prefer it if there wasn't any casualties but if there is, it is not the end of the world." He says.
"I'll try my very best sir." I reply.
"Good, now I need you to run a few errands for me. Please do them as quickly as you can." He says as he hands me a list of things to do.
I nod a reply before I'm off to save the world, and by saving the world I mean doing the White hawk's errands.
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