Chapter 23
Victoria's POV
I woke up before the sun was up and I didn't get a good rest. I struggled to fall asleep and when I finally did I had nightmares about the Shadow being killed.
I thought that the Shadow might visit me after his meeting but he never showed and I couldn't help but worry. My thoughts kept running wild.
I laid in bed mulling over the Shadow and the White Hawk, the Shadow could be dead for all I know. I was mad at him for not letting me go to the meeting but I understood his reasoning behind it. He didn't want me to be in danger.
Something of the Shadow made me feel safe and secure. Like he would never let anything harm me. I just hope he is okay...
A beep from my phone brought me back to reality and I quickly opened my message.
Gracie: I'll be there at eight.
Victoria: great see you then.
I completely forgot about the sleepover with Gracie and Leila and I quickly stood up to get ready. Before I went to shower I called my dad and reminded him that I will be sleeping over at Gracie's and he didn't need to worry if I didn't answer the phone.
At half past 7 I was dressed and ready to go. While I waited for Gracie I decided to check the news.
The news reporters voice broke through and a video was played, a video that made my blood cold.
"Last night not one, not two, but three stores have been robbed and after viewing the video cameras the police deducted that the perpetrator who committed all these crimes were none other than the Shadow himself, is-"
I switched of the television before the news reporter could finish his sentence. The Shadow did not only rob one store but three. He robbed three stores! Why on earth did he have to rob three stores. How was I suppose to help him when they had three video tapes to prove him guilty.
The hoot of a car brought me back to the present and I grabbed my overnight bag I packed this morning and headed to the door. I locked the door behind me and walked to Gracie's car.
Gracie and Leila were both wearing big smiles when I climbed inside the car, clearly excited for today and I wore a smile that equaled theirs.
"Morning guys." I greet.
"Morning, are you ready for some fun?" Leila asks.
"Of course I am excited, let's get this show on the road." I say enthusiastically.
Gracie starts the car and we drive off to who knows where. The car was quickly filled with our laughter and by the time we stopped at our destination my stomach was sore from all the laughter.
When I stepped outside I saw that we were out side town at the carnival. It was a carnival that came to town yearly and we always came to it.
Leila and I waited for Gracie to park the car before we rushed to the first ride. We usually had a sequence that we followed, ride and then a game.
The rides were always fun and most of the time I screamed my lungs out. Leila, Gracie and I always have a competition when it came to the games and we competed against each other to see who would win the most things.
I usually lost the competition but I didn't care, just competing was already a boat load of fun. But today I've won the first game and that came as a shock to all of us. Especially to me, because I seldom won a game.
"Wow Victoria looks like we have some tight competition today." Gracie says.
"Yeah. Now let's go to the next ride." I say as I grab them both by the hand and lead them to the next ride.
After the ride we played another game which I won again. We repeated this cycle for a few times until we all started to get hungry.
Luckily there was a small restaurant near the carnival which made the most delicious burgers and fries. We all agreed on getting lunch there and then we started off.
The most delicious aromas entered my nostrils as we stepped inside the restaurant. This restaurant was very popular and the food was extremely good.
We took a seat next to the window and a waiter came with menus.
"Welcome to Serendipity, what can I get you to drink?" The waiter asks and we all placed our order. The waiter scribbles it down.
"I'll be back soon." He says as he winks at Leila and walks off to place our order. Leila's cheeks started to redden and Gracie and I start to laugh at her. No matter how many times guys flirt with her she never gets use to it.
A few minutes later he returned with our drinks and asked what we wanted to eat, we all immediately replied that we will take the beef burger with fries.
When het returned he brought our meals with napkins but on Leila's napkin he wrote a number, probably his. He winked at her again before he left. If I thought she was red before she was ten times worse.
After our meal we paid and returned to the carnival to complete the rides. We spent the entire day at the carnival and only went to Gracie's house at six that evening.
Her mother asked if we wanted dinner but we turned her down because we ate a lot of sweets at the carnival. We immediately headed to Gracie's room where we all crashed on her bed because of tiredness.
"So Victoria it's time for the interrogation" Leila says from next to me.
"What interrogation?" I ask perplexed.
"The one where you give us all the details about your date with Jaydan." Gracie says, oh that one.
So I told them about the date and I made sure to describe everything about it, not wanting to miss a single detail. After I was done they bombarded me with a whole new set of questions.
"So are you guys an official couple?" Gracie asks.
"Well, he didn't exactly ask me to be his girlfriend..."
And then all of the sudden my phone starts to ring. I quickly take it out and answer real quick.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi Victoria, how are you?" I hear the voice that makes my heart skip a beat. Jaydan.
"Hey Jay, I'm good thanks. So this is quite a lovely surprise." Gracie and Leila immediately scoot over as soon as they know who it is.
"Yeah, sorry for calling so late but my mother persisted that I call you immediately and ask you if you want to come over for dinner tomorrow night."
"Sure I'd love to." I say enthusiasticly.
"Great, so how was your day?"
"Very fun, I went to the carnival with my friends."
"That sounds fun, I've always wanted to go to a carnival, maybe we can go sometime."
"That would be great." I say.
"Good, I'm sorry Victoria I've got to go, my father wants to have a meeting with his CEO."
"Yeah sure, enjoy it Mr CEO, see you tomorrow bye."
"Thanks, see you tomorrow bye." He says before I hang up.
"Ah someone's just been asked out again." Leila squeals.
"I was just invited to dinner that's all." I say matter-of-factly.
"Whatever you say, so who is up for a movie." Gracie asks and we all cheer in response.
The rest of the night we spent watching movies. Gracie and Leila fell asleep after the first two movies, but I couldn't. My thoughts were still wondering over the Shadow and why he robbed three stores. Did the White Hawk make him do it or was it his own free will?
That's when I decided to quickly switch over to the news to see if there was any other useful information on the robberies.
When the news flashed on the police were standing outside one of the richest art galleries in the city.
"The Golden Compass Art studio has been robbed earlier tonight, the cameras were disabled and because of this the police has no leads to who it can be. The police is sweeping the scene at this moment for any traces. There appears to be 20 stolen pieces and all are part of the collection that came in today. The curator is baffled and reassured the police that the security was in tip top condition, but doubts of uncertainty have been developed since 20 pieces were stolen with no trace to who it could be."
They might not have a clue to who robbed the art studio, but I did and I didn't like it one bit. It had to be the Shadow and the White Hawk. There was no other explanation.
I switched back to the movie channel to try and fall asleep but I couldn't. I was worried about the Shadow, I wanted to call him over the Bluetooth device which I brought along, but I knew that he was probably not going to answer. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
The Shadow's POV
We were all sitting in the White Hawk's lair when the news came on and the reporter talked about the art studio we robbed. I wonder if Victoria saw this, does she know that I had something to do with it?
"Well I must say boys that you've definitely exceeded my expectations. The police has no clue to has done it and I tend to keep it that way." The White Hawk congratulates us.
We all murmur along, because we all knew what an effective team we were together, Ryan and George almost got caught by one of the cameras but with my quick thinking I disabled the cameras before they could be seen.
I must say the job went smoothly and we cleaned up good, stealing 20 pieces of art wasn't that easy and I had my doubts but in the end we pulled it off.
"Well done boys, you can go home now, see you all tomorrow." The White Hawk says and we all grab our gear to leave. "Except you Shadow."
I immediately stop in my tracks and turn around to face him, Ryan gives me a pat on the shoulder before he leaves with the rest.
"The guys told me about the great job you did and I must say I was quite impressed to hear." He says.
"Thank you, sir." I answer.
"Well because of the good job you did I decided to trust you Shadow, you did not only earn my trust but all of ours, welcome to the team Shadow." He says.
"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it." I reply.
"I bet you're about to ask why you had to rob those three stores, hmm?" The White Hawk says.
"I won't say I'm not, sir."
"Well in this morning's news they said exactly what had been stolen and I was pleased to find everything in my possession."
"You got me to rob the three stores to see if I would give all the stolen goods to you or take some for myself."
"And you were smart enough not to take some for yourself." He says as he takes a seat.
"So that's what it's about, you wanted to see if I could follow orders, and think for myself."
"Just like that, and I'm pleased to say you can. So welcome to the team Shadow."
My heart swells with pride because I've just won the White Hawk's trust.
"Thank you sir, I'm honoured to be part of your team." I say and the White Hawk gives me a smile.
Your days are numbered White Hawk.
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