Chapter 2
The Shadow's POV
The day after I had visited the jewelery store a thought came to mind ,what if the jewelery store had a camera? I wasn't bothered with the fact of being caught red handed but about the fact that the cameras might have sound. If it did have sound and you payed close attention to what I asked the crook, you will realise what my MO is and it is definitely not to steal precious jewels.
I had to eliminate the smallest possibility of being caught, and there was only one way to do it, I had to clear all the evidence of that video tape, all the copies. I don't want people questioning my moves, this was the only way.
Victoria's POV
I couldn't believe that we were invited to the Stewart's grand ball.My mother was absolutely thrilled with the idea, she loved shopping almost as much as my best friends. She drove us strait away to one of the finest boutiques in the city, Queen's Park.
After scanning through a few isles I finally came across the perfect dress, it was a plain purple dress. I quickly took it to the changing room. The dress was perfect and I couldn't wait to show it to my mother. As I stepped out of the changing room a weird expression came across my mother's face and I couldn't tell if my mother approved or not.
"Oh my goodness, you look absolutely breathtaking Victoria, it is" my mother said as she admired the dress.
I faced myself towards the mirror, my mother was right it did look beautiful. It was an ankle length dress that was tight around my middle but flowed freely downwards towards my ankles.
"Now we only need to get the right shoes and you would be ready for the ball." My mother said behind me. I nodded and went back into the fitting room to get dressed.
When I was back in my normal clothes I went to find my mother. I found her at the shoe aisle, she was admiring a pair of black stilettos with diamonds on the top, I decided to take them immediately.
After searching some more my mom picked out a black strapless dress and black heels to match. We both were delighted with our choices and immediately went to the register to pay.
When we arrived at our house I went to my room. I hanged my dress in my closet. I was glad I found the perfect dress, Gracie is going to freak when she hears that I was invited to the ball. I knew she was going to insist on doing my hair and makeup.
I quickly took out my homework the faster I get started the faster I would be done.
After my homework was done I took out my binder from my bottom drawer. I sat down crosslegged on my bed with the binder open infront of me. I was greeted with sketches of the Shadow. I took out the newspaper article I took earlier today and read it intently.
"The Shadow has been spotted at Diamonds & Jewels jewelery store. The police believes that he is not working alone and thanks to the bravery of police captain, George Wills, the shadow's partner in crime has been arrested.
We await for further information and hope that this partner has brought us one step closer to the Shadow........"
He had a partner? Why would he have a partner? I was still trying to put the puzzle pieces together when somebody knocked on the door.
"Victoria, dinner's ready." My father's voice came from behind my door.
"I'll be down in a second." I swiftly gathered all my research before putting it back in my bottom drawer.
The smell of my mother's cooking greeted me as I entered the dining room.
"Vici, how was your day sweetie?" my dad asked as I entered the room.
"Good and yours? " I quickly took my seat at the other end of the table.
"Same as usual, except I interviewed the shadow's partner in crime today." My dad said as he passed me the salad.
"And?" I asked barely hiding my curiosity.
"Nothing, the thief said that he never met him before, and the video tape checks out his story." My dad said dissapointed.
"Don't worry darling I am sure you will catch him." My mother reassured my father.
I however was more interested in the video tape.
"There's a video tape? " I asked.
"Yes, but the video tape doesn't tell us much." My father said.
I needed that video tape, I am sure that this can be an important piece to the puzzle.
"Darling your father and I have to attend a cocktail party tomorrow night, will you be alright on your own?" My mother asked.
"Mom don't worry I'll be fine, I am not little anymore." I said.
"I know darling but you'll always be my little baby." My mother and father may be over protective but at least I know that they care.
After dinner was finished I quickly did the dishes before heading upstairs.
I got dressed in my pjs before jumping into bed, my mind racing a million miles a hour, at least I knew how I am going to get my hands on that video tape, I knew that the tape must be in my dad's office he always brings evidence from work to double check. All I had to do was sneak into his office and make a copy so that I can investigate more closely. I knew my father was missing something and I was going to find it.
The following day when I told Gracie that I was going to the ball she went crazy barely able to contain her excitement, Gracie and Leila both insisted upon helping me get ready as I thought they would. They couldn't stop talking about the ball.
After another long day my father picked me up. The car was filled with the usual conversation, my dad told me about his day and vica versa.
As we entered the house we could smell the sweet aroma of spaghetti, my favorite.
"Oh hello darling, how was school?" My mother said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Same as always, I should better go get started on my homework." I said as I made my way to my room, but before I left the kitchen my mother called out, "Oh darling your father and I are leaving soon we have to be there an hour earlier to help with some preparations, if your hungry just heat up some spaghetti."
"Will do." I said as I climbed the stairs.
After doing all my homework it was 5o'clock. I could hear someone climbing the stairs before a knock came to the the door and my mother entered the room.
"We are leaving now, remember to heat up some spaghetti when your hungry." My mother said as she came to sit down on my bed.
"Yes mom, don't worry I'll be fine." I said.
"I know darling but it's hard to believe your all grown up now and....."
"Love, come on she'll be fine, we have to leave we don't want to be late." My father interupted my mother.
"Alright, but call if you need anything..."
"I will, now go have some fun." I reply.
"We will, bye darling love you." My father says as he nearly drags my mother out of the room closing the door behind them. I try my very best not to laugh at them. A few seconds later I heard the car's engine roar to life. I waited five minutes before heading downstairs.
After making sure my parents had left I went to my dad's office. The door was luckily unlocked. My dad's office was a spacious room, there was a big desk in the middle of the room with a leather chair behind it. A big mahogany bookcase stood tall against the wall with another leather chair. There was a closet next to the bookcase.
My dad's table was the definition of neat, it looked like the handiwork of a perfectionist. I scanned the table quickly but saw no trace of a video tape or flash drive. Surprisingly my father's computer was already on, thats weird.
I sat down in the chair, moving myself a bit to the front. The screen switched on and a picture of me and my mother came into view.
After scanning through a few of the files on the desktop I came across a folder with a few videos on. I opened the video that was named SHADOW. The video immediately started to play.
The jewelery shop was dark but you could still see the form that was busy throwing some of the jewellery in a bag. That was when he abruptly turned towards the opposite direction, the bag of jewels fell from his hands and he grabbed a knife from his pocket, pointing it in the direction he was facing.
That's when the Shadow came out of the darkness showing himself. The other thief swung the knife at him but the Shadow grabbed his wrist before swinging him around so that his arm was behind his back. The knife flew out of his hand leaving the crook defenseless against the Shadow. The shadow swung him around again so that he could stare him in the eye, he grabbed his colar and pulled him closer. They talked about something before the Shadow knocked him out. And then my father came in and the Shadow dissapeared.
Why would he knock out his partner? If only I could hear what they were talking about. There must be sound on this computer, after studying the computer I noticed that the speakers weren't properly plugged in. I plugged it in and ta da it worked.
I fast forwarded to the part where the Shadow grabbed him by his colar.
"Where is he? " the Shadow asked.
"W-who? " the crook asked.
"Your employer! " the Shadow spat at him.
"I don't know who he is." The crook replied, the fear was clear in his voice.
"How did you meet him?" The shadow interogated him further.
"I've never met him, somebody just started sending me instructions with money to do odd jobs that's all I know I swear." then the Shadow knocked him out, clearly not impressed with his answer.
Something wasn't right, this was definitely not the shadow's partner. He wanted something more than jewels, he wanted to know who this guy's employer was, but why? If he really was his partner he would've known who the employer was. And how did the Shadow know that the crook was in the jewelery store?
All this detective work was making me extremely hungry. After shutting the computer down I couldn't resist to spin in my dad's chair like they do in the movies.
I turned the chair around so that I was facing the window, then I slowly turned the chair around towards the desk and said in a low voice, "So Shadow we meet again." And then I erupted into a fit of laughter. I know it is a weird thing to do but it was so irresistible.
After I sobered up I went to the kitchen to get something for my hunger.
The Shadow's POV
20 minutes earlier
After I sneaked in, cleared all the traces of my video tape and sneaked out of the police station I felt at peace, knowing that my secret was still a secret.
But not completely, there was still one copy and that copy was at the police captain's house.
I know I was taking a huge risk but I had no choice, luckily I bugged the captain's phone so I knew they were not going to be home tonight.
I parked my bike across the street and waited patiently for the Captain and his wife to leave.
After a few minutes they came out and rode off. As soon as the car was out of view I made my way across the street. I quickly picked the lock of the front before entering, after I entered the house as quietly as I could I made my way to the room I thought would be the office, and I was right.
I entered the room and closed the door behind me, the office was very neat, far more better than mine. I went over to the table and switched on the computer, but before I could get to work the door knob turned.
Oh hell, I scanned the room for a means of escape. Then my eyes landed on the closet next to the bookcase and I ducked for it. The door barely closed behind me when someone barged in. I opened door just a inch to see who it was.
A young girl, probably 18, entered the room, then I remembered that the Captain had a daughter.
She had long brown hair with brown eyes. She went over to the computer, she stared intently at the screen, what was she up to?
She then looked around the computer before she secured a plug. Then she stared at monitor again and I heard the thing I feared, the video, she was looking at the video. I was screwed.
She looked confused, probably trying to piece it all together. Finally giving up she switched the computer off. Then a small smile spread across her face, she turned the chair around so that she faced the window behind her before turning around slowly, just like in the movies and said, "so Shadow we meet again."
What the hell? Did she know I was in the closet? And how did she know? I was about to step out before she bursted into a fit of laughter.
Then I realized she was only kidding around, quite a strange girl. Then she stood up and left, after waiting for the door to close I stepped out. That was close, too close.
I switched the computer back on and deleted the video before shutting it down. I quickly unlocked the window before climbing out, closing it quietly behind me.
Thoughts were running through my head, what was captain Wills' daughter doing looking at that video? Was she onto me?
I crossed the street and climbed on my bike, my mask still secure on my face, I started the engine and drove off. It was time to get a plan ready, a new player just entered the game and I didn't like it one bit.
Hey guys
Sorry for not updating sooner but these last couple of days have been quite hectic.
I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please tell me what you think.
What is the Shadow after or should I rather say who?
All will be revealed soon, till next time.
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