Chapter 19
Victoria's POV
After my heart to heart with the Shadow we both went back to the living room. He sat down on the floor in front of the couch and I laid down on the couch, on the Shadow's orders.
"You should try to sleep." The Shadow says from his spot on the floor.
"I can't. Could you maybe switch on the tv?" I ask.
"So demanding." He says as he stands up to switch on the television and grabs the remote.
When he is finally settled down on the floor again he starts to go through all our channels.
"Hey I want to pick a movie." I say.
"Nope I switched on the television so I get the privilege of picking the program." He says matter-of-factly.
"Ugh fine." I say as I settle down in the couch and wait for the Shadow to make his pick.
When he finally made up his mind he settles on none other than Into the Woods. The intro music starts to play and a smile forms on my face.
When the second song started to play I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. The music lulled me to a peaceful sleep.
Victoria's POV
When I opened my eyes again I was in my room, a smile formed on my face knowing the Shadow has carried me back to my room. Again.
I took a quick look at the alarm clock and saw that it was eight in the morning. I got up and made my bed before I took a long shower.
I wished the water could wash away all the bad memories of last night, every time I closed my eyes I saw Bill's lifeless form. His wife giving birth to her third child without him there. A small boy or girl who will never truly know their own father.
I shook my head to get rid of the bad thoughts. I should keep my eye on the White Hawk, he is the cause of this whole ordeal.
A few minutes later I was dried up and dressed, that's when I heard the doorbell down stairs. Who could be here at half past eight in the morning?
I rushed to answer the doorbell and was greeted with the strangest sight, Jaydan was standing on my door step in a suit, most probably his work suit.
When he saw me he immediately pulled me into a bone crushing hug. At first I was surprised at the sudden contact but after a few seconds it became quite comfortable. Oh my soul he gives the best hugs ever.
When he pulls away I can see worry evident in his eyes. But what could he possible be worried about?
"I came as soon as I heard, are you okay? Did they hurt? Does your father know? Are-"
"Hold on." I interrupt him,"what on earth are you talking about?"
"The break in last night of course." He says.
"But how did you find out? I told Sally not to mention it to anyone." I ask. She promised she wasn't going to tell a soul not even my father. Especially not my father.
"I had a meeting at 7 with a new invester, he told me what happened last night at the convenient store. Susan his sister's husband was the store owner who was shot. She told him about Bill telling you to tell her he loved her. He said she said it was Victoria the police captain's daughter. I had to know for myself that you were safe. If I'd known earlier I would've-"
"No no, it is not your fault it's mine, I'm sorry I didn't want to let anyone know. Especially not you or my father." I say.
"Why not?" He asks and there was a trace of hurt in his eyes.
"Its not that I don't trust you." I assure him,"It's just I didn't want to worry you for nothing." I mumble the last part while looking down at my feet.
Jaydan pulls my face up with his forefinger and thumb. He looks straight into my eyes and I'm lost in its blue depths.
"You were held hostage Victoria that is not nothing, if you've gotten hurt I don't know what I would've done. Does your father know?" He asks as he removes his hands and I immediately miss his comfort.
"No..." I trail off.
"Why? Didn't they inform him."
"I told them not to..."
"Its their last day at the convention I didn't want to spoil it."
"I know, I know, but I promise to tell them as soon as they get back."
"But-" Jaydan was cut off again, but by his phone this time. He gives me an apologetic look and I know exactly what it means. I give him a nod of approval and he answers quickly.
"Hello?" He answers.
"What?....okay." He hangs up.
"Who was that?" I ask curiously.
"Michael, he says my father is looking for me."
"Then you should go if your father needs you." I say.
"No I don't want to leave you." He says and I can see the honesty in his eyes, he honestly cares about my well being.
"Jayden I'm fine, don't worry about me I'm a big girl. Now go you don't want to keep your father waiting." I say with a smile.
"No buts, I'm fine."
"Are you sure because I can call my father and-"
"Yes I'm fine Jay."
He lets out a long sigh before he agrees,"Okay fine, but only because you asked so nicely. But please be careful and if you need anything and I mean anything just call, okay?" He asks.
"Yes I'll call you, I promise." After I promised he pulls me into a goodbye hug.
We stand like that for a few seconds and he murmurs a "stay safe" in my ear before he pulls away. He gives me a big smile before he turns around and leaves.
I wave at him as he drives away. Realisation of what occurred finally hit me and I feel my heart swell. You know that feeling you get when you realise that someone out there actually cares about you, it was the same feeling I had with the Shadow. The only difference is with Jaydan there is another emotion when I think about him.
I think I might be falling in love with Jaydan.
I lock the door behind me before I head upstairs, I was just about to step into my room when the doorbell rang again. I rush down quickly to answer the door.
When I unlock and open the door I'm yet again pulled into another hug. So much for keeping all this a secret, at this rate my father will be back in the next few minutes.
When the person finally pulls away I'm faced with uncle Caleb.
"Victoria are you okay?" He asks and his eyes are also filled with worry.
"I'm fine, please come in." Then I realise I didn't even invite Jaydan inside, I'm so stupid.
"Thank you." He says as I step aside and he enters. I close the door behind him.
He takes a seat and I take a seat across from him.
"I heard what happened last night, how are you doing?" He asks concerned.
"I'm fine, it was just..." I struggle to find the right descriptive word.
"Terrifying." He says.
I nod with a sigh. He gives me a sympathetic look.
"Sally told me that you didn't want this mentioned to your dad?"
"'s my dad's first convention in a while I didn't want to ruin there last night. Knowing my dad he would've rushed home last night. I would rather have them drive home without worry." I explain. It might sound stupid but you don't know my dad.
"I see, but you're going to tell them?" He inquires.
"Yes, of course, as soon as they come back." I say.
Uncle Caleb opens his mouth to say something but was cut off by the telephone ringing.
"Excuse me." I say before I stand up to answer the phone.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hello Victoria, how are you doing honey?" I hear my father's voice through the phone.
"Hey dad, I'm good and you?" I answer.
"We're great, but I have some bad news." He says.
"What's wrong?"
"You granny is a bit sick and grandpa asked your mother to come visit for a while, we'll be staying at them for another week." He says. My parents were going to stay another week. That means I have no choice but to tell my dad what happened, I mean the officers can't keep this away from my father for another week.
"Victoria are you still there?"
"Are you alright?"
"No, Daddy, I need to tell you something."
"What's wrong Victoria? What happened? Are you-"
"Dad, I'm fine." This is exactly why I didn't want to tell him last night, he would've drove straight through the night to get here as quickly as possible.
"Good now tell me what happened." He says.
I listen to my father and blurt out everything. When I turn around uncle Caleb is watching me, he gives me a nod with a reassuring smile and I continue to tell my dad what happened.
"What?! Why am I only being notified about this now?!" My father screams. Just the reaction I was expecting.
"Dad, I told them not to tell you I didn't want to ruin your last night at the convention and I wanted to tell you when I was all calmed down." I quickly explain before my dad can rant some more.
My dad lets out a long, low sigh, "Victoria, were coming home right away." He states.
"No no, dad I'm fine, grandma needs you more than me."
"No I'll hear nothing of it, were coming home and that's final." He groans.
"Daddy please." I say the magical words, my dad might be the strongest guy ever but even he had his kryptonite. And that kryptonite was my please, I hardly ever pleaded because my dad's word was final. But when I did my dad's resolve damepered.
He let out an annoyed sigh and that's when I knew I've broken his resolve completely.
"Fine, but we're coming back as soon as possible and I'll be calling every single morning and night." He says sternly, "And if you don't answer in the first three rings I'm packing up and coming home immediately, do you understand?"
"Yes dad."
"Good," uncle Caleb clears his throat as he stands up. "Is someone there with you?"
"Yeah, uncle Caleb is here."
"Oh let me talk to him for a sec." He says and I call uncle Caleb over.
Uncle Caleb answers the phone and I take a step back.
"Hey George....yes she's fine...don't worry about we're on it....I'll let you know as soon as we find something...George I'm on it.....don't worry, I've got this, give my regards to Annabeth. Bye." He says before he hands the phone back to me.
"Hey dad." I say.
"Victoria, I told Caleb to keep an eye on you. Honey we'll be back as soon as possible, please be careful. Keep the doors locked, remember I'm calling every morning and night if you so much as answer a minute to late I'm coming back, understood?" He asks.
"Dad maybe I should call you in the morning as soon as I wake up." I suggest.
"That sounds good." He says.
"Great, please say hello to mom."
"I will honey, please, please be safe. We love you honey, take care talk to you soon." He says.
"Love you too." I reply before my dad hangs up.
I return the telephone to its holder and turn around to face uncle Caleb.
"You're father thought that it might be good to stay with me for a while, do you want to?"
"Uncle I'm fine, it isn't necessary." I reassure.
"If you say you'll be fine I believe you, but Victoria if you feel unsafe you let me know and we can organise something okay?" My uncle says.
"Of course." I reply.
"Good I have to go, please call if you need anything."
"I will." I say and we walk to the door. I open the door for uncle Caleb and he gives me a hug goodbye before he leaves.
I lock the door behind him and breath a sigh of relief, well now my father know and it feels like a huge burden off my shoulders. I'm just upset that they are going to be gone for another week but also glad because it means we can still do the stake outs.
I quickly head upstairs to inform the Shadow about the change of plans. And who knows maybe just maybe we'll catch a thief tonight.
I was on the second step when the door bell rang for the third time. I let out an annoyed sigh before I walk back to the door slowly. When I open the door I'm once again pulled into a hug.
The person squeezes me tight before he pulls away. When I finally look up to see who it is my eyes are on the verge of popping out because of shock. Standing infront of me is Alec.
"Are you okay?" He asks softly. I reply with a nod and open the door for him to come inside. I close the door behind him and we take a seat next to each other.
"Do you want some-" I start to ask but he interrupts me.
"I'm so sorry about everything, when my mother told me about what happened I freaked. I've been giving you the cold shoulder for the last couple of years and-"
"Alec I understand, you lost someone very close to you and you needed space to deal with it." I'm not happy that he shutted me out but I do understand why he did it, and that is why I'm not screaming my lungs out at him.
"No Victoria, we both lost someone that day and I should've been the friend you needed but I was selfish and wanted nothing to do with anyone. Victoria please tell me it's not to late to be friends again? Every time I saw you in the corridor I wanted to cry at my stupidness. For pushing you away to the point of no return." He says and I can see the truth in his eyes, I've known Alec a long time and I could easily tell when he was lying.
"I forgive you and you haven't pushed me to the point of no return." I say with a small smile which he returns. He has a cute boyish smile but comparing his smile to the Shadow's isn't really easy and it's hard to tell if they are a match. Sorry but I'm not a smile master.
I pull him in a tight embrace and we sit like this for a few moments, it could've been a year or a few seconds I don't know, but all I know is it was good.
You know that feeling when you had an argument with your best friend and then you make up. It is a heart touching moment and you want to sing with joy.
"I knew you would come back." I whisper into his embrace.
"Of course you did." He says, "detective" he whispers the last part.
I pull out of his embrace.
"Victoria what's wrong?" He asks confused.
"Wh-" I was about to voice my new discovered information when his ringtones starts to play. He says a quick excuse me before he answers.
"Hello mom.....what?! ......its today...I completed forgot I'll be there in five minutes. Bye." He hangs up before he looks at me,"I'm sorry Victoria but I've got to run." He says before he gives me a quick hug and walks out the door closing it behind him.
My thoughts are jammed together and a whole new set of questions are being asked in my mind. Why did he come back today? Where did his mother hear of the incident?
Everything was making me dizzy and in the mess a memory was triggered.
Alec and I were playing with his dinky toy cars when he asks me, "Victoria What do you want to become one day?"
"A detective." I reply as I look up at him.
"Like Sherlock Holmes?"
"Exactly like Sherlock Homes." He smiles at me before his mother calls us from down stairs. He immediately rushes up but I take my sweet time packing everything away.
"Come on detective, we'll pack it up after lunch." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out the room.
From that day he started to give me the nickname detective. My head throbs at the sudden discovery, the thought that maybe all along I've been helping my best friend avenge his father shocks me.
Tonight I was going to get all my answers come hell or high waters.
Hey guys
So here is another chapter for you all I hope you enjoyed it;-)
I want to thank you all for reading my book and a big thank you for my 503 views! I really appreciate it, you don't know how much this means.
I also want to give special thanks to:
You guys have kept me motivated to write and the story wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your motivation.
Please tell me what you all think I would like to hear what your thoughts are on my book and English is not my first language so if you have advice send them this way.
Thank you my discoveries
Happy reading ;-)
(P.S don't hesitate to ask questions)
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