Chapter 16
Victoria's POV
Today I woke with a huge smile on my face, today I was going on a second date with Jaydan and I was beyond excited to see what he has planned for this date.
I throw my covers of me and walk to my closest, I scan through all my clothes in search of something beautiful to wear.
My eyes land on one of my shirts in my closet, it was a cute ocean blue shirt with little frills in front that immediately caught my eye, I grabbed the shirt with a pair of skinny jeans and blue sequenced sandals.
I went to the bathroom and took a long, relaxing shower. Or rather I tried to take a long shower but it didn't turn out to be so long because I was just to excited about the date today.
After I was finished with my shower and fully dressed I headed back to my room to start to work on my hair. I blew my hair dry quickly before I braided it into a fish plait next to my head.
When I was all done and ready to go I took a long look at my reflection to make sure I looked okay for the day.
I grabbed my phone and checked if there were any messages and to my complete surprise there were two. One from Jaydan and one from Gracie.
Jayden: Hey Vic just want to remind you that I'll be there to pick you up at half past eight, is that still fine?
Did he just call me Vic? No one and I mean no one has ever called me that before, sure they call me Vici time to time, but never Vic. I must say that I quite like this nickname of his. I type back a quick reply.
Victoria: Half past eight is still perfect see you later ;-)
I read through the message Gracie sent me.
Gracie: hey you, Leila and I are planning a sleep over Sunday night, you want to come?
Victoria: of course I do, what time are you going to pick me up?
Gracie immediately replies.
Gracie: I was thinking 8, then we can go shop and maybe catch a movie?
Victoria: sounds fun see you Sunday, btw I'm going on a second date with Jaydan today.
Gracie: what?! And you're only telling me now! I want all the details Sunday.
Victoria: Sorry guess I was too excited to tell you guys. I promise to tell you guys everything Sunday.
Gracie: you better, enjoy you're date and talk to you soon.
Victoria: thanks;-)
I quickly reply and I mentally slap myself for not mentioning anything to Gracie and Leila. I stuff my phone in my pocket and go down stairs for a quick breakfast.
As I was busy scanning the contents of the fridge my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and opened my messages.
Jaydan: Great see you in a bit:-)
I smile down at my phone and I probably looked like an idiot, how is it possible that this boy can get me to smile like that.
My hasty breakfast consists of muesli and yoghurt and I swallow it down quickly. I don't even know why I am in such a haste, but with one glimpse of the clock I knew exactly why I was in such a hurry. The clock on the kitchen wall showed that it was already quarter past 8.
I quickly downed my breakfast, washed my bowl and strolled into the living room. That's when I realized that I didn't have money with me, yeah I know the guy should pay but I want to help, I didn't want the Jaydan to cover the cost alone.
I rushed to my room and grabbed some money that's when I heard a loud honk coming from down stairs and a big grin formed on my face.
I quickly skipped down stairs to greet my handsome date. I opened the door and when my eyes landed on him my knees wanted to buckle.
I mean just imagine this guy that looks like a runway model on your doorsteps waiting to take you on a date. No wonder my knees didn't want to hold me any more.
He gave me a dashing smile, which I returned whole heartedly.
"Hi, you look absolutely breath taking." He says as he takes a look at me.
"Hey, well you look quite dashing yourself." I reply with another smile.
"Shall we go?" He asks as he holds out his elbow for me. I quickly lock the door behind me before hooking my arm through Jaydan's.
His manners were impeccable and I have never met a guy like him before.
He leads us to his car and opens the door for me. I climb in and he closes the door behind me and walks around to climb in the driver seat.
"And off we go." Jaydan says as he starts the car and drives off to who knows where.
"And where exactly are we going?" I ask as I look at him.
"It is still a surprise." He says with a smug grin.
"Ah please." I beg.
"No can do captain Jack." He replies with a salute.
"Fine, so how was yesterday's meetings?"
"Long and boring, but luckily my dad gave me the day off."
"You have an awesome dad, I would like to meet him some time." I say.
"Yeah he is very amazing, I would like to introduce you to him, I'm sure he'll love you."
"You think so?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, what would his father think about me? I've already met his mother and she is wonderful, but with his father I don't know what to expect.
"Of course I'm sure, I know my dad like the back of my hand and you should've heard my mother after the ball." He says as he turns a corner, I'm so immense in the conversation I didn't even notice where we were headed.
"What did she say?" I ask curiously.
"She went on and on about how beautiful and lovely you are, and she even gave me a pack of wedding magazines with her designer dresses inside. She said I should tell you to pick anyone you like." He says with a scowl on his face.
"Wedding dresses, for me? Why?"
"My mother saw us at the ball and said and I quote 'oh JJ you were so intoxicated by her, I've never ever seen you look at a girl like that before'."
"And now she is suddenly planning your wedding?" I ask incredulously.
"Uh Uh, our wedding." He says with a sigh.
"So it isn't just my parents." I say with a small laugh, seems like I'm not the only one with crazy parents.
"Oh no, yours too." He says as he gives me glance.
"Jip, when I told my mom that there might be a second date, she went on and on about when I wanted our wedding."
"You know what? I think we should just elope." He says with one of his dashing smiles and a wink.
"Definitely, we'll send the photos later." I say and laugh at our silliness. Jaydan joins me and we laugh together.
"See I've made you laugh that means it is a sign." He says with mock admiration.
"Yeah, but don't tell our parents because we'll be sent off to the chapel before the end of the week." We were so weird, I've never ever thought that I'll meet someone who will be close to my weirdness, but I guess I was wrong.
"Okay, now back to business, take this cloth and tie it around you eyes." He says as he sobers up and gives me a small cloth.
I quickly tied it around my head and cover my eyes and my world is surrounded in darkness.
"How many fingers am I holding?" Jaydan asks from next to me.
"Two." I guess.
"Good now just sit back and prepare to be mind blown." He says as he continues to drive on. What could he have possibly planned, maybe he is taking me to their river house, yeah you've heard right they have a big old fancy river house. That just let me think about Jaydan even more, even though he has all this money he doesn't shove it in your face, he doesn't think lowly of you because you aren't as rich as he is. I guess that is one of my favorite characteristics of him I've came across over this small period we've known each other.
Like the Shadow, Jaydan also had this small mysteries side to him that left you wanting to get to know him better.
My thoughts were cut short when Jaydan finally stopped the car.
"So we are here, I'm going to go around and lead you, just stay seated." He tells me and I nod in confirmation.
I hear his car door open and him stepping out, closing the door behind him. Then I hear him walking around the back of the car and opening the trunk. A few seconds after he closed the trunk my car door was pulled open and Jaydan took hold of my hand.
I climb out of the car and when I was out, Jaydan closed the door behind me. He leads me a few meters ahead before we come to an abrupt stop.
"You ready?" He asks. And I nod. He starts to untie the cloth. When the cloth is off I squint my eyes to get use to the light, but as soon as my eyes are adjusted my jaw drops open on its on accord.
We were in the middle of a field, and standing a few paces infront of us was an enormous, colourful hot air balloon.
We were going to ride a hot air balloon!!!
I spin around to look at Jaydan with the biggest smile I've ever smiled.
"Were going to ride a hot air balloon?!" I ask like an over excited 5 year old in a candy store.
"Yeah, do you like your surprise?" He asks with an equal big smile, obviously noticing my excitement.
"Do I like it? Are you kidding me I love it." I say.
"Good know let's get to it then, before you burst from excitement." He says as he walks to the hot air balloon.
I quickly fall into step with him, and that's when I notice a big basket dangling from his hand.
"What's that?" I ask as I point towards the basket in his hand.
"Oh this is just some snacks for the ride."
I smile at his thoughtfulness, we weren't just going to ride a hot air balloon but we were going to have a picnic on a hot air balloon.
The balloon was even more huge up close and personal. Jaydan opened the door of the basket dangling from the balloon for me and I stepped inside. He gave the guy that stood next to the basket a piece of paper and climbed in after me. The guy takes a look at the slip of paper and stuffs it into his jeans.
"Enjoy your flight Mr Stewart." He says with a small wave and walks off.
"Isn't he suppose to fly with us?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, but the ride isn't as fun with a stranger tag-a-long." He replies.
"You know how to work this thing?" I ask.
"Of course I do, now hang on tight." He says as he places the basket in the corner before he works on the controls. He lifts us off of the ground and in a few minutes we are a big distance from the ground.
The view is absolutely breath taking, you could see all the skyscrapers, the river, the bridge and even the park from here. Cars were bustling about in the streets and taxis were speeding to get there passenger safe to their locations. You could see all these magnificent things but you could hardly hear any of the sounds coming from down on the ground.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Jaydan asks and I turn around to look at him.
"I'm absolutely awe struck." I say as I take a look at the view on the other side. Jaydan is busy with the controls and that's when a thought popped in my head.
"Jaydan, where did you learn to control this thing?" I ask.
"Oh this thing, well my grandfather used to take me on one of these things every Friday afternoon. I was so intrigued by this thing that I asked my grandfather if he thinks I would be able to control it. He laughed at me and told me of course I can, because I can do anything I put my mind to. And then the following week we went again and I was taught how to use the controls." He tells me as he stares at the view behind him with a far of look on his face.
"He sounds like he is an amazing grandpa." I say.
"He was." He replies solemnly.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"Don't worry about it you didn't know, I still miss him from time to time."
"He must've spoiled you rotten." I say with a small smile.
"You have no idea, when I did something naughty my father would always punish but right after that punishment my grandpa will give me a candy to make me feel better. He told me how he used to punish my dad for all his naughty behavior and then his father would also give my dad a candy to make him feel better."
"Wow, you had an amazing grandpa."
"Jip and how about you, do you still have your grandparents?"
"My mother's parents are still alive, and they live near the convention my parents are attending and my father's adoptive parents died before I was born."
"Your dad was adopted?" He asks.
"Yeah, his real parents gave him up for adoption and he has never seen them in his life." I recall the story I've known since I was young. It was a very touchy subject and we never really talk about it. "That is part of the reason why my dad is so protective of me, he never wants me to experience that unloved feeling."
"Wow, I would've never guessed your father was adopted."
"Yeah it is a touchy subject and we never really talk about it."
"I can understand why. So your parents are coming back on Friday?" He asks and I turn around to look at the view again.
"Yeah, maybe my mother will invite you over for dinner some time." I say.
"I would like that, are you thirsty?" He asks as he comes stands next to me.
"Why did you leave the controls?" I ask frantic.
"Don't worry, I don't have to stand at the controls the whole time." He says as he opens the basket and pulls out two cans of soda.
I take a long sip of my soda while I stare out at the gorgeous view infront of me.
We fall into a comfortable silence just enjoying the view infront of us. When Jaydan first asked me on a date I didn't expect this, I expected something like a movie but not a balloon ride like this.
After we both finished our soda we fell back into easy conversation, again we talked about anything and everything. He even told me that he used to be a nerd in school, he used to wear these big rimmed glasses before he switched over to contacts.
He told me about how his best friend always got the girls and he was left all to his lonesome self. After a lot of talking we decided to eat something he packed.
It felt like I was in seven heaven when he opened the basket, there were peperdews with feta cheese, cream cheese with crackers, strawberries with whip cream, shortbread cookies dipped in chocolate, swiss chocolate and a bottle appletizer.
This guy definitely knew how to pack a picnic basket. We ate the food in a record time, while watching the view and exchanging stories. Jaydan told me about his high school years while he controlled the balloon.
I could stay like this forever, standing in a hot air balloon watching the view around me whilst talking to Jaydan.
This morning I would have never guessed that I would spend my second date on a hot air balloon while having the most delicious food you could think of.
I wondered what the Shadow was doing, or if my suspicions are correct Alec, as I stared at the view around me.
"Hey, you've been awfully quiet, are you okay?" I hear Jaydan ask from behind me.
I turn around to face him, "I'm great I just can't get enough of this view. Thank you for this, it is truly amazing."
"No problem, besides I had to make up for our first date." He says with a smile.
"Even though it isn't really necessary to apologize, thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I hope you don't regret spending your off day with me." I joke.
"No I treasure every moment with you." He says with a serious tone. I can feel the blood rushing to my face. No guy has ever made me smile and blush as much as Jaydan. I quickly turn around to hide my blush.
We fall back into small conversation and Jaydan shows me his father's investment company amongst the buildings.
It was just as tall as most of the buildings.
It felt so easy to talk to Jaydan, I could tell him anything and everything, Well maybe not everything like the Shadow.
The sun was getting lower and lower and the day was slowly fading away. I was in the middle of talking to Jaydan when I just stopped talking. Jaydan gave me a weird look and turned around to see what I was looking at.
The sunset caught me completely off guard and I was to mesmerized by its beauty to speak. Beautiful colours adorned the sky in hues of pink, orange, and red.
I've never seen such a beautiful sunset in my life. The sunset was just too fast for my liking and when it was starting to get dark Jaydan lowered us slowly and steadily.
When we finally reached the ground Jaydan grabbed the empty basket and we walked to his car, the guy that stood at the balloon earlier that day came into view. Jaydan thanked him before continuing our trek to the car.
I climbed in the passenger seat and Jaydan walked to the back to place the basket in the trunk. When he climbed into the car he started the engine and we drove off.
A few minutes later we were standing infront of my door.
"Thanks for today it was absolutely wonderful." I say.
"It was my pleasure, till next time Victoria." He says as he gives me yet again another kiss on my hand with a wink. He turns around and walks off to his car. After giving me a final wave he drove off.
My knees felt weak after a whole day of standing and spending it with a super model. I opened the door and locked it behind me.
That's when the telephone started to ring. Great here comes the crazy conversation.
Hey guys
So date two is finally here, is it what you guys expected it to be?
What did you think about it?
This is sort of a bonus chapter because it is a 1000 words longer than I usually write so I hope you enjoyed it.
Please tell me what you think I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you
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