Chapter 12
Victoria's POV
After the Shadow told me about his secret lair, I felt a bit uncertain to go. But this was the only idea we had right now, that seemed plausible.
The sunlight poured through my window, and I was pulled from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes slowly and took a look at the time.
It was already 7, and I relished in the fact that I could still lay in my bed for I had all the time in the world. But even though I had the opportunity to sleep some more, I couldn't.
I stood up and headed downstairs to make myself some breakfast. My mother and I both shared a love for cooking, but because she loved it so much I barely had a chance to cook. But now with my parents gone for a week I could cook to my delight.
I made myself an omelette and a cup of coffee. I took my delicious breakfast to the living room and switched on the television.
The news was on and I listened intently for any new news that could improve my disappointment in the letters the Shadow and I discovered.
But there was nothing new, only a brave firefighter that saved a young girl in a burning building, a review on a new restaurant and a traffic report.
Deciding that I had enough of the news I flipped through the channels in search of something to watch while I savored my breakfast. I finally settled on a series channel.
When I finished my breakfast I quickly took my plate to the kitchen. Knowing that I'll be using other dishes during the day I decided to leave the dishes for tonight. I plopped myself back down on the couch to watch another episode of criminal minds.
Criminal minds was one of the reasons I decided to become a detective. I enjoyed the thrill of looking for clues and discovering things. I guess maybe that is why I decided to help the Shadow, I wanted to prove to people that I am capable of being a detective. And that is why I was dissapointed that the letters didn't bring us as close as I thought they would. But I just have to keep reminding myself that Rome wasn't build in a day. Anything that is worth it takes time.
The Shadow came to me for my help, even though he may seem like a criminal, I have to help him. His idea of a stake out seemed a bit farfetched, but it also made sense.
We might have the letters that they received, but there is still so much unanswered questions, like when did the letters start? Where did they meet the White Hawk? How does he know so much about their lives?
There was so many questions that could only be answered by the people who received the letters. We couldn't visit Michael in jail, because there would be too many questions asked. Questions that I couldn't answer without indicating the Shadow.
And even if I told them that my father asked me, they will still call him to confirm. And believe me, my dad is the last person I wanted on my trail.
So that left us with our only option. Kidnapping thieves. It sounded silly, but I'm sure the Shadow had a plan of action. I trusted him with this.
I don't think that kidnapping thieves will be easy, but we'll just have to figure it out. And what if we successfully kidnap a thief, what do we do then? I gave a long sigh, I had all these questions with no answers. I guess that I'll just have to voice all my thoughts to the Shadow tonight at his lair.
Ah the Shadow's lair, I can't help but wonder where this 'secret lair' is and what it looks like. If I think about his lair I imagine this old run down factory that is extremely dirty. I mean he is a guy how clean can his lair be, right? I know guys can be clean and neat and all but I don't think a thief can be. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I watched another episode before I switched over to the cooking channel. The host was busy making chocolate chip cookies and my mouth started to water. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper to write down the recipe.
I scribbled the last ingredients down and switched the television over to the movie channel before I headed to the kitchen. I collected all my ingredients and preheated the oven. I followed the instructions step by step. Adding this then doing that.
When I was younger I always moaned to my mother that my cookie dough never came out right, then she would tell me, 'if you at first don't succeed try, try, try again'. And I followed that saying till this day.
Soon enough my cookies were in the oven. I quickly cleaned the mess I made on the counter and dropped all the dirty dishes in the sink to wash later. The lady on the cooking channel said that it would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to bake.
I was still busy cleaning the counter when I heard a very famous song playing from the television. In one swift motion I finished cleaning the counter and ran to the living room to watch my favorite movie, Frozen, begin. This was my all-time favorite Disney movie. I laid back down, relaxing on the couch.
I watched frozen while keeping my eyes on the clock to make sure my cookies didn't burn. About 15 minutes later the sweet aromas of the cookies made its way to the living room and I knew it was ready.
I rushed towards the kitchen and grabbed a hand mitten. I opened the oven and the sweet smell attacked me, I sat the cookies down on the counter and gave it some time to cool.
I grabbed one of my mother's cookie jars and placed them all inside. The cookies tasted delicious and I grabbed a few before returning to my movie.
The rest of the day I spent watching television, I made some lunch and watched some more tv. By the time it was four o'clock I switched of the tv and decided to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen.
I knew that I had to clean up and get dressed before the Shadow arrived. I quickly washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen before I went upstairs for a shower.
The long relaxing shower was amazing. When I stepped out of my room I switched on my iPod that was still connected to its speakers. The music boomed through the speakers and I sang along to the songs.
I brushed my wet hair and left it to dry by itself, one of the things I hated was blowing my hair. I took out a few magazines to read while I waited for the time to go by.
The time flew by and I was busy reading an interesting article when Stockholm syndrome started to play. I laid on my stomach with my feet pointed towards the window. The lyrics started and I sang along.
"Who's that shadow holding me hostage, I've been here for days..."
"That would be me." Says a voice behind me and I threw the magazine in the air while screaming, turning around in one swift motion to see where the voice came from.
When I finally stopped screaming and calmed down my beating heart, I saw the Shadow by the window. He gave me a huge smirk, probably very impressed with himself for scaring me half to death, again.
I took one of my cushions and threw it at him. He catched the cushion and started to laugh. I felt my cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
"What is wrong with you?! Don't you know how to knock?! You almost gave me a heart attack." I scream at him.
"Sorry Sherlock, I thought you heard me. And why is your window unlocked anyway? You should be glad it is me and not some other thug." He replies.
"I kept the window open for you, and don't you know that it is just common decency to knock before you enter a room?"
"Oh sorry Sherlock, I must've skipped that class in how-to-be-a-good-thief high school." He says sarcasticly and gives me another smirk.
"Yeah, well now you know that a good thief always knocks before he enters a room." We looked each other in the eye and then we burst out in laughter. I laughed at my reaction and at his response. He was the first person who could scare me and get me to laugh about it afterwards. Usually when someone scared me I would be annoyed for the rest of the day, or night, but not with the Shadow.
"Are you ready to go to my lair?" The Shadow asks with an evil grin, or at least it looked evil to me.
"I guess I am, I was going to bring some chocolate chip cookies to snack on, but seeing that you almost gave me a heart attack I don't know....."
"Chocolate chip cookies," the Shadow says excited and in one flash movement he is at my side on his knees begging, "please bring the chocolate chip cookies and I promise not to scare you again." Oh so the Shadow had a weakness for chocolate chip cookies, I think I just found the Shadow's kryptonite.
"Oh I don't know, that is a big promise for a thief like you."
"Please Victoria, I'll behave. Pwetty pwease." He gives me the cutest puppy dog face for a man in a mask. And I think I just found my kryptonite, I mean who could say no to a face like that.
"Fine." I huff.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He says as he gives me a bone crushing hug.
"I'll go get some." I say out of breath when he finally lets me go. I turn around and head to the kitchen. I took a lunch box and placed half of the cookies inside.
When I was back inside my room the Shadow was sitting on my bed reading the magazine I threw in the air. He immediately notices me and when he sees the lunch box with the cookies, he reaches out to take it.
"No, this stays with me." I say as I slap his hands away.
"Ah, but we had a deal." He pouts.
"I'll give it to you when we get to your lair. Safely." I say with a stern look.
"Okay fine, so are you ready to leave?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'll just grab my binder," I say as I walk towards my drawer to get my binder,"by the way, how do we get there?"
"We'll be driving there." He says.
"With your motorbike?" I ask.
"Nope, with my car."
"You have a car?!" I ask shocked.
"Of course I do, now come along we better get going." He says as he grabs my hand and leads me to the window.
"Why don't we just take the door?" I ask as he opens the window.
"Too suspicious." He replies.
"Yeah right and climbing out of a window is completely normal." I say and the Shadow rolls his eyes.
"I'll go first." He says before climbing out. In a few seconds he is down on the ground.
"Okay Victoria, no it's your turn." He says.
I look out the window and stare at the ground, my hands starts to sweat. I can't do this, I have a fear of heights.
"I can't." I say hugging the binder towards me.
"Yes you can, now throw me you binder." I do as he says and throw the binder to him, he catches it quickly and sets it down on the ground next to him.
"Now it's your turn." He says.
I wipe the sweat of on my jeans and slowly climb out the window. I hold onto the walls of the house as I put my one foot onto the ledge, slowly but surely I move my other foot next to the other one on the ledge. I mentally thank my dad for giving me the room at the back of the house where nobody can see me trying to climb out of my window.
I look down behind me to see that there is a few bricks sticking out and I start to lower my foot to the nearest brick. But just as I place my foot on the brick, my other foot and hand slips, I lose my footing and I start to fall.
I try to reach for something to stop my fall, but there is nothing. My life flashes before my eyes as I fall, I close my eyes tightly as I wait for the impact.
Hey guys
So this is the first part of the Shadow's lair, the Shadow's secret place would be in the next chapter.
What do you guys think the Shadow's lair would be like?
Where do you think is this secret place of him?
Please tell me your thoughts on the Shadow's lair.
Thank you.
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