Chapter 10
Victoria's POV
As soon as Jaydan was out of sight I entered the house and locked the door behind me. It was half past five and I knew that the Shadow would be here soon.
There was doubt in side of me. My thoughts about the Shadow being a psychopath was still plaguing me. I knew I had to clear my thoughts about the Shadow if I'm going to help him. I decided the best way to clear my overactive thoughts was to ask the Shadow what happened with the bank robber.
I headed to my room where I grabbed my laptop, Shadow binder and Bluetooth radio device. I set it all out on the coffee table in the living room in front of the couch.
I felt a bit hungry so I decided to make myself something to eat. There was bread and cheese, and I made toasted cheese. When my sandwich was done, I poured myself a glass of water. With my sandwich and glass of water in hand I decided to watch an episode of castle.
It was almost half past six when I entered my dad's office when castle was over. I closed the curtains behind the chair and took a seat in my dad's chair.
I switched the computer on and searched for Michael Roberts' address. I wrote his address down with my father's pen, the one uncle Caleb gave him as a gift.
This was all that I needed, but then something came to mind. Who was the guy that was found dead? And maybe he was connected to the White Hawk too.
With this in mind, I visited news 24 to see if there was a name to match the victim and right I was.
Lucas Anderson was his name and his address was also displayed. If they were both working for the White Hawk, they both should have some sort of means of communication. He was only found dead this morning so that means the police would investigate his place tomorrow. We had no time to spare.
Even though I needed to find the White Hawk, I needed to know if I could still trust the Shadow. There was still lingering thoughts about him being the murderer and I needed to know for sure.
I switched the computer off again, took the piece of paper I used to write the addresses on, closed the door behind me and went to my room. I plunged down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, and lost myself in thought.
I thought about Jaydan, he was the newest subject on my mind that I couldn't get out. I won't say I'm falling inlove with him, but I know I like him. I only know him for a few days, but I already feel a good friendship in the making.
I wondered why Alec would make up excuses not to visit his friend. What can he possible be up to during the nights that was more important than his friend?
And the most persistent thing on my mind was the Shadow, I had my doubts about him and I won't help him until that doubt is cleared up. I had to ask him about the bank robber, he might not tell me the truth, but I have the perfect way to ensure he'll tell me the truth.
With nothing else to do, I picked up a book to pass the time.
The Shadow's POV
I was excited for tonight, if Victoria is right and there is some sort of communication between the White Hawk and his minions, I was finally going to be one step closer into finding this guy.
I sat on my couch and stared at my monitor. I've wondered whether I should put a camera at Victoria's house or not. I know her helping me can be very dangerous, but I was determined to keep her save.
I needed her. For two years I have been chasing tails but found no leads, in a few days she brought me closer than I've ever been. She was a valuable asset and I was going to ensure her safety.
When it was 18:45, I decided it was time to leave.
I secured my black mask on my head and my motorcycle helmet before I rode of into the sunset.
I searched for a place I could park my bike, I didn't want it near Victoria because it could be linked to her and she can be even in more danger. Luckily the house next to Victoria's house was empty and I had a place to park my motorcycle.
I parked my bike at the back of the house so that it would be out of view. I removed my helmet and jumped over the small fence that seperated the two houses.
I scaled the wall to Victoria's room, thanking myself for doing the training I have done. I could scale any wall I wanted to and with hard training I became a 'wall master'. The bricks along the wall gave me the perfect footing.
When I entered her room I was greeted with the strangest sight. Victoria was holding a peper spray can and it was aimed at me.
"What the hell?" I ask the strange girl confused.
"Hands in the air Shadow." She orders and I obey. I was too worried about what she would do if I didn't follow her orders.
"Victoria-" I start to say but was interupted by her.
"No talking, I do the talking."
"No, I have questions and you beter answer them accordingly."
She says sternly, and I get the feeling that there is no way out of her interrogation.
"Did you kill Lucas Anderson?" She asks with a trace of suspicion in her voice.
"Victoria, why on earth would I kill him?" I ask bewildered that she would even suspect me of being a murderer.
"I don't now, but it seems a bit odd that his body is found after you returned the money." She says and it is clear she is uncertain of what to think.
"Look Victoria, I had nothing to do with his death."
"How did you get the stolen money back then?" She persists.
"A couple of years ago I installed a few cameras around town. One of those cameras were near the bank that was robbed. I saw the robber and followed his movement. He walked out of the bank with a black garbage bag and a black suit case. I knew the trick, gangster or robbers put money in a garbage bag and pay of the garbage truck to take it to a location, quick and easy and no way of being traced. He dropped the garbage bag into the dumpster and then he went his way. So I took a garbage bag and stuffed it full of paper with a tracker and switched it with the real money bag."
"So you didn't follow him and kill him?" She asks.
"No, I haven't seen him up close and personal, I did send the video to the police though."
"Phew." She says as she lowers the peper spray can and I feel a wave of relief over my body. But then she starts to yawn, not the 'I'm so tired' yawn no, the deliberate yawn.
"What are you doing?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm just checking to see if your a psycho."
"A psycho, really Sherlock, is that how low you think of me?" I ask as I put my hand over my heart feigning hurt, "I feel deeply insulted."
"You can never be too careful."
"But seriously, how would a yawn determine whether I'm a psycho or not?" I ask curiously.
"Well, I read this article once that said that people that don't yawn when they see someone else yawning are likely to be psycho." She explains and I burst out laughing.
"That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard." I say as I sober up a bit.
"I know it is stupid and weird but I had to try. So anyway where did the tracker lead?"
"A park."
"When was it taken?"
"Last night." I reply and suddenly her eyes light up and she jolts out of the room.
"Victoria!" I call after her as I chase her, but she just keeps running.
I finally catch up with her in the living room. There is a coffee table littered by a laptop and tons of paper, and my Bluetooth radio device.
She falls down onto the couch and switches on her laptop. I take a catious seat next to her.
"What are you looking for?" I ask as she starts typing rapidly.
"Where is the park the tracker lead to?"
"Silver Lake park, why?"
"That is where the body was found." She says and I can see the wheels inside her head turning.
"Of course, so when my fake money bag was dropped off he must've been killed, because his boss must've thought he double crossed him." I say as the puzzle pieces start to fit into place.
"Exactly, what do you think the chances are he is also working for the White Hawk?" She asks with a grin.
"He might have, we should get an address for his house too."
"I already have, now all you need to do is to break in." She says as she hands me a slip of paper with two addresses on.
"Looks like they only live a few block away from each other. I guess I should beter get a move on then." I say as I stand up.
"Hold on, you said that there was a way for me to see everything through a camera of some sorts?" She asks.
"Oh yeah, can I borrow your laptop quickly?" I ask and she nods.
I quickly take the small camera I have brought with me out of my pocket. And like all my other gadgets it is Bluetooth enabled. I quickly connect my camera with the laptop's web cam. After they are connected, I open the web cam icon on the laptop and I'm staring at the coffee table the camera is pointed to.
"And voila." I say as I attach the camera to my clothing.
"How did you do that? Where did you get that?" She asks with disbelief in her voice.
"I don't want to sound cocky but I'm actually a wiz when it comes to technology. And I have my ways at getting things."
"Clearly, so I'll be able to see everything the camera sees?" She asks.
"Yes, hold up, I just want to do something else." I say before I start to type a few things into the computer and after a few seconds my Bluetooth radio communication device is also turned into a tracking device.
"I connected my tracking device to your computer and a map of the city, so you'll be able to monitor where I'm going." I say as I finish the last things on her laptop.
The screen is devided into two sections, one for the camera so that she can see what I'm doing and the other for my tracking device so that she can view my course.
"Wow you really are a wiz." She says as I hand her laptop back to her.
"What did I tell you, alright I'll be going now, remember to keep your radio device in your ear and your eyes open in case I miss something, see later." I greet before I disappear through the house and her room to my bike.
I start my bike and head towards my first location, Michael Robert's apartment.
Victoria's POV
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat as I watch the camera the Shadow had linked to my computer. He is currently busy climbing the fire escape to Michael Robert's apartment.
We have been talking throughout the whole ride to Michael's apartment and I got to know him better by asking him random questions which he mostly replied to. I thought he was very mysterious from the beginning and the way he replied to my questions made him even more mysterious.
When he finally arrived at the forth floor he slid open the window.
The room was dark and the Shadow switched on a desk lamp near the window and the room became more visible. We were in the part of the apartment that looked like his office.
The Shadow scrambled through some of the clutter on his desk. We both agreed that the most untraceable communication device would be letters.
He scanned through the papers, but there was no letters, that's when I saw the paper shredder.
"Shadow." I said quietly over the Bluetooth communication divice.
"Yes?" He asks still busy flipping through bills, taxes and other ordinary papers.
"I think I know where to look." I say still staring intently at the shredder.
The Shadow must have saw what I meant because he dropped the papers and walked towards the shredder.
"You think it is in here?" He asks and I nod before I realize that the Shadow can't see me and answer with a quick "yes."
"Might as well check, I'll take the whole thing." He says and grabs the mini paper shredder.
He checks the rest of the house and after we're both satisfied that there is nothing of value, he takes the paper shredder and leaves.
Luckily the Shadow had a small compartment at the back of his bike where he could place the mini shredder.
A few minutes later he was at Lucas Anderson's house.
The Shadow parked his bike across the street before crossing the road. He made his way to the back of the house and opened the window. The window was unlocked and he didn't have to use great strength to open the window.
Upon entry I noticed that he was in the bedroom, he started to search through the room but there wasn't anything.
He searched the whole house and left the office for last. Lucas's office was very neat and there was nothing out of place. He started to look through his books and papers, but there was nothing. The place was as clean as a whistle.
I was on the verge to give up until my eyes landed on something. The portrait above his small bookcase was skew.
"Shadow, look at the portrait." I say.
The camera moves and I could see the portrait in its full glory. It was a beautiful painting of a woman and child.
"It looks out of place." The shadow says as he walks closer to take a better look. He takes the painting of the wall. Behind the painting was a small safe. And I get a feeling that this safe may hold what we're looking for.
"Can you open it?" I ask the Shadow hoping that he says yes.
"It is a tricky one, but it isn't unbreakable. Thank goodness I brought my kit." He says before he takes something out of his pocket. It is a small tool kit with a variety of small little tools.
"Are you sure you can open a safe with only those tools." I ask skeptically.
"If I wasn't able to break a safe with a small amount of tools, I wouldn't have been thief now would I?" He asks and I can hear the frustration in his voice. It must've pained his ego that I didn't think he was able to break a safe.
He starts to go to work on the save and I can barely see what he is doing, knowing that there isn't anything I can help with and he needs his fullest concentration on the safe, I decide to go pour myself a glass of water.
I take a long sip of my water before I head back to the living room with my water in hand. The shadow is still busy trying to unlock the safe and all that can be heard is the occasional clunk sound. After a few minutes I started to think that opening the safe wasn't going to be so easy as the Shadow thought.
Then all of the sudden there was a big clank sound and the Shadow said, "got you."
He opened the safe and in the safe there was a pile of letters. He grabbed them all before closing the safe and hanging the painting back.
When we were sure there was nothing else that can help our investigation the Shadow left and was on his way back to my house.
Hey guys
Here's chapter 10, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed to write it.
Please tell me what you think about my story, and if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Comment and vote.
Thank you.
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