Hannah’s POV~
I stood next to Gabriel. “You ready to find your grace?” He asked me. I nodded yes and he took my hand. “See you later” Gabriel said and we disappeared with the faint sound of wings. We were in a library. “Why are we in a library?” I asked. “When an angel’s grace lands it still has powers, so to protect itself it creates this miracle where it can live until the grace is extracted from it and returned to the angel” Gabriel explained. “Okay, so we need to find it” I said. “Yep, and we are looking for a meteor that landed and had like a tree or something grow from the impact zone” Gabriel said. He pulled out a chocolate bar and bit off a piece. I walked over to the computer with him following me. “So I want to look for two meteors that landed on the same night about twenty four years ago?” I asked him. “Well nine months before your birthday” He said. So I thought back and plugged into the google search. A meteor that landed around May twenty seventh, since I was originally supposed to be born February 27, but I was extremely late. There were two meteors, and I got lucky, both Meteors landed in Lawrence Kansas, which was where I was born. “My grace is in Lawrence Kansas” I told. “Okay then, next stop Kansas, Dorothy” Gabriel said grinning.
He took my hand and we were now in Kansas. It took me a moment to realize that I was standing in front of my old house. I hadn’t been home in twenty two years. “Okay let’s find this tree and leave” I said to Gabriel. “Sweet I brought you where the grace landed” Gabriel told me. I looked up at the house and looked at the big tree in the yard. “It’s that tree isn’t it?” I asked him. “Yeah it is” He said. I walked up to it and I placed my hand on the tree and this bright light blue mist came out. I jumped back startled. It came closer to me. “Is this the grace?” I asked Gabriel. “Yeah” He said. So I let it go into me.
I felt my body explode at the force of my returned grace. My vessel wouldn’t have survived had my Father not been kind and spared her. I did still need her if the boys were going to not notice anything was wrong. I reappeared moments later. An angel again. “I looked over at Gabriel grinning at me. “Welcome back sweet” He said. I grinned and ran over to him. I jumped onto him, since his vessel was taller than mine, and I kissed him. “God I missed that” I said to him. “Remind me again why I ever fell in the first place” I said to him. “Well because Michael was going to kill you” Gabriel said. “Oh yeah, Michael and the god squad want me dead” I said. He let me down. “Ready to return to the boys?” He asked me. “Well I’m going to have to return with Sarah and Cameron if they are going to think nothing happened” I said to him. “Good point, next stop, Fort Riley, Kansas” Gabriel said and we appeared there.
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