Chapter 9
"Hey!! HEY!! WAIT UP!!" someone shouted, causing you and several people to turn your head to see what the commotion was about. A boy with short, light brown hair and a familiar-looking grey jacket was running towards you, and it took you a second to realize it was the boy who'd helped you move your giant box on moving day. What the hell was this about?!
Once the boy finally caught up to you he stopped dead in his tracks, not even bothering to close his feet together. He just halted mid-pace, similar to Henry's body language. However, unlike the chemist, this boy hunched over just a little so it was easier for him to catch his breath, "Sorry... I'm not the most athletic... lemme talk in a sec..."
"Uhh..." You wanted to tell the boy to go away, but after he did that running you decided you might as well hear what he wanted to say. Worst case scenario, he'd say something weird or creepy and you could just leave. After a few minutes of awkwardly standing there while the boy caught his breath, he finally started speaking.
"Okay! I don't have all my breath back yet but this is good enough...! So... since you're the only person in that entire damn class I even fucking recognize even though you're a total god damn stranger... I was wondering if you're any good at history? 'Cause I suck monkey ass and if you're any good at it, I could pay you like... a lot to tutor me," the boy gave you a pleading look. At first you were a little put off by how many swear words had come out of his mouth in just a few sentences, but you decided to look past that for now.
"Um... Can't you just get tutoring through the college? Didn't they say at orientation that every department has some kind of tutoring-"
"Ich weiẞ!! God, do you think I'm that stupid? ...I just can't go to their tutoring session, okay?! So will you help me out?" the boy grumbled, crossing his arms. Manners weren't his strong suite, were they?
"I'm not that good at history though," You admitted, kind of cringing. The boy sort of froze up for a second before his entire body language changed. Before it was still a little open, but now he became completely closed off from you just with his body language. It made you want to just leave him alone.
"Ugh. Sorry I wasted your time. Tschüẞ," the boy lazily raised his hand as a sort of mocked wave and turned to leave, but before he could leave you stopped him.
"Wait! Uh... what's your name?" You asked. You doubted you'd encounter the stranger for a third time, but just in case you did it wouldn't hurt to know his name.
"Why?" the boy scoffed at you, giving you a weird look like you'd just asked for some kind of personal information. How did this guy make any friends? Did he even have any?
"Um... just in case we run into each other again and to be polite?" You gave the boy a weird look back, making him get a guilty look on his face as he shrunk into a more shy position by grabbing one of his arms.
"...Fine. I'm Shaun Rostock, the Ultimate Predictor," Shaun introduced himself, seeming reluctant to do it. Was this aggressive act of his really just some kind of defense mechanism made from shyness? Whatever his reasoning for acting so rude was, it seemed pretty evident he wasn't always this way the more you started talking to him.
"Wait... Rostock? Are you related to Henry and Charles?" You asked, kind of hoping the answer was yes. What if he was one of the other triplets that Henry and Charles mentioned?
"Henry's my husband who stole my kickass last name," Shaun simply explained, and although he tried not to smile you could see a small smirk form on his face. You looked down to his hands and sure enough, there was a ring {and an expensive-looking one, too}. Well, maybe him being married to Henry explained where his asshole persona came from, "Anyways, who the hell are you? Since we're apparently doing introductions or some shit."
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Forensics Scientist," You introduced yourself to Shaun, and he let out a small hum.
"Damnn, nice talent!" Shaun pouted like a child despite giving you a compliment. His cheeks puffed out and he gesticulated for a few seconds, clearly conveying his painfully obvious jealousy. You didn't wanna seem egotistical and say something like 'don't be jealous,' so you chose to say something else instead.
"It's not that nice... I have to-"
"-so then Henry told Charles to secure the crime scene, but the police tape ended up clipping through the floor and the entire game bugged the hell out. We had to restart the whole mission," Shaun casually chatted away about... something, now grinning. Wow, did it take him just a few minutes to open up to somebody? That was pretty easy for someone who acted so tough and closed off.
"Um... what are you talking about?" You raised a brow, not quite following why Shaun was telling a random video game story. And... Henry played a video game?! Maybe he wasn't as robotic as he seemed!
"A dream I had where Henry, Charles, and I played some VR crime solving game. We got to choose our roles and I was on the forensics team with some AIs... aaand that's the closest I've ever got to having your talent," Shaun laughed to himself, tugging on the sleeve of his grey jacket ever so slightly. He still had that nervous body language even when he seemed to be talking freely.
"Oh," was all you could think of to respond with, which caused Shaun to literally cringe.
"Ew, sorry, you don't care. Well, I have a chemist to go bother with my presence so bye bitch~!" Shaun's voice got high pitch with the last two words, sounding like a drag queen on purpose. He left after that, pulling out his phone as he started to leave the history department and putting in earbuds. As he left you immediately realized you hadn't asked him about his talent. What the hell was an 'Ultimate Predictor?' Did he like... have some kind of crystal ball and make really wacky psychic predictions like a particular man with worms on a string for hair? Or was it maybe something else entirely? Well, since he was apparently married to Henry, you could just ask him about it.
After that strange encounter, you chose to head to the food court to grab something to eat because you were hungry. You decided to get something of your favorite flavor of food, then you sat down at a table to eat. It was mostly uneventful until you suddenly heard a loud scream of horror, and you whirled your head in the direction of the scream to figure out what was going on. The sight almost made you scream, too.
Simon was in the food court, but now he lay on the floor on all fours, a pool of his own blood underneath him. His lips were soaked in blood to indicate that he'd puked it out onto the floor, and from the very sight of seeing himself vomit blood his eyes were wide. He began to tremble in horror, but he blinked a few times and immediately composed himself.
"M-my apologies, nobody needs to stare... I will clean this up and then transport myself to the hospital..." Simon profusely apologized, looking around for a towel or something to wipe up his own blood with. You snapped to your senses and ran to Simon, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead to check if he was sick. Once you realized he wasn't sick, you felt safe to grab him by the arm and help him stand up, leading him away from his pool of blood. Somebody was about to clean his blood with a mop, but you stopped them.
"Hey, don't clean that up just yet! This man may have been poisoned, and if so that pool of blood is crucial evidence. Somebody call the police and somebody call an ambulance, and above all stay out of the way of the blood!" You called out, several passersby and even yourself surprised by your authority. Was that part of you being the Ultimate Forensics Scientist? Whatever the cause for it was, you saw a few people actually follow your command and put their phones to their ear so they could make the emergency call. In the meantime you directed Simon to a chair, finding a garbage can. You emptied the bag that was in it and replaced it with a clean bag hung off the handle, placing the full garbage bag near another garbage can. If Simon puked again, as horrible as it sounded, you could collect more blood this way than from his initial puke. You then instructed Simon not to move from there and turned to what you suspected might be part of a crime scene.
You weren't an official law enforcement agent so you didn't have any crime scene tape and neither would you be considered the first responder, but you still did your best to keep the potential crime scene clear. Since most people were leaving and most restaurants were closing due to the commotion, it wasn't that hard to accomplish.
After a few minutes of waiting, you heard sirens in the distance. They got louder and louder, and before you knew it police officers and paramedics were arriving. They made Simon lay in a portable hospital bed and transported him to their ambulance. You wanted to follow, but before you could you heard somebody call after you.
"Ah, miss... I'd like to ask you some questions."
Okay, you should've expected that they'd want information. Mentally slapping yourself for being stupid, you turned back around to the officer and responded, "Ask away."
The officer simply asked you things like how long ago Simon puked blood, why you thought he was poisoned, and other things like that. None of the questions were anything like an interrogation, the officer simply wanted information. The officer wrote down what you wrote on a notepad, and once he was done getting his list of questions he asked you to come down to the station with him. You were technically a witness to a potential crime scene, so you wouldn't be allowed to leave just yet.
The officer gave the notepad to another office before he left, explaining what the open page contained to the other officer before escorting you to his car. You got inside with the officer, and he promptly began to drive to the police station so you could be formally questioned. Since the police were going to all this length, you kind of hoped that their time wouldn't be for nothing and this this really was a crime scene, but you also didn't want Simon to have been poisoned...
You looked up as the door to the small room you were in was opened, and you were a little taken aback to see an old man in a suit. He smiled politely, gently closing the door behind him and taking the place of the officer who'd been there a few minutes ago, "Hello, Miss (L/N). My name is Ishikarai Saihara. Your questioning is over, and this is purely a conversation out of personal interest because you happen to be here. I am aware of your talent and abilities as the Ultimate Forensics Scientist, and I would greatly appreciate it if you considered becoming an official part of the force."
"H-huh?" You kind of stammered out, not expecting the old man, who also shared the same last name as Shuichi, to make such a big request from you. You'd never worked as an official before- you only knew what you'd learned in the classroom and out of your own research!
"I apologize for my sudden request, especially with your friend now in the hospital. It's okay if you take a while to make a decision... here, it's my business card. Give me a call if you ever decide that you would like to join the force officially. Should you choose to do so, I would be honored to have another Ultimate on my staff... Here, allow me to escort you outside," Ishikarai stood up and politely nodded, and you also stood up. Ishikarai held the door open for you as you left the small room, and he escorted you out the doors, also holding open the front door for you as you left the building. He seemed to be an old school gentleman.
As you left the building, you thought about everything that had happened. You had been questioned about Simon puking blood and your hasty decision that he may have been poisoned among other things, and then out of the blue you were suddenly asked to join the force! This was really turning out to be a crazy day...
"Well... I might as well go pay Simon a visit..."
Word count: 2220
Woooowwwwwww, it took me over a month to get a whole chapter out! Writer of the freakin' year right here!
In all seriousness, school's been a HUGE pain in the ass. I'm taking 3 CHS {College in High School} classes and I'm also taking double the amount of science classes as a normal student {one of which is a CHS class} because I'm essentially doing a 'career path' in science. It's super fun, but also a lot of work! Not to mention I get my wisdom teeth pulled March 1 so I've been preparing for my absence so I don't have tons of work to make up once I get back. I finally stopped delaying this chapter since I know for a fact I'm taking a break from writing for about a week once I get my wisdom teeth pulled and I didn't want to delay this for even one more week because it's been WAY too long.
Well... at least something finally happened in this chapter-???
Also, don't worry, there will be a cause for Simon's illness this time... be patient. It will come eventually.
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