Chapter 2
Shuichi seemed to tense up just a little for a second for some unknown reason, and his facial expression grew serious, "Don't say that about your talent, (Y/N). I don't know you very well, but I... I know that you're very talented. I guess you could say I have a hunch."
"A hunch...? Are you sure you're the Ultimate Detective?" You gave Shuichi a weird look, and that seemed to cause him to get tensed up again. What was up with him getting so tense all of a sudden? Were you saying something wrong? Was he just really nervous?
"Ah... sorry. It's an old habit of mine..." Shuichi kind of awkwardly brushed his hand through his hair, hiding his face for just a second in the process. His body language gave you the impression that he was lying, but you didn't want to make this conversation any more awkward than it already was. You cleared your throat to catch Shuichi's attention.
"Uh... anyways... should we go bug administration then...? Or should we wait?" You asked, unsure if you should finish unpacking when there was a possibility you would be moving out of the dorm anyways. However, you also figured that they wouldn't solve the problem right away and the two of you would have to wait for a while, so you should at least unpack some of your things, right?
"I think we should go right now, if we can. Just in case they're able to solve the issue right away, we at least won't have to pack everything we just unpacked if we wait until after we finish," Shuichi suggested, and although you figured the chances of that happening was low you agreed to do it. Might as well do it just in case that small chance is true, right?
The two of you left your dorm, Shuichi locking it behind the two of you. You only vaguely remembered where administration was, but Shuichi walked with an air of what was almost confidence as if he knew exactly where he was going. You could tell he was nervous and even a little scared, but he still radiated confidence regardless. How could he do something like that? You pushed the thought aside and decided to just follow Shuichi, hoping that he knew where he was going or you'd probably end up looking like an idiot.
You and Shuichi got in the elevator and went to the ground floor. Since this was an issue with dorms, the 'administration' in question that you'd have to contact was the person in charge of assigning dorms in this building. At orientation they'd explained that one person was in charge of assigning dorms in each building and making sure everyone in that building kept their dorms clean and didn't have anything contraband such as firearms or other weapons. You were at least allowed to bring your pepper spray for self defense.
Once the two of you had reached the ground floor, Shuichi walked into the lobby and into the second hallway. You followed, never having gone this way yet. He turned the corner, revealing a somewhat hidden room that was most definitely an office. On the door in big letters was engraved, 'Eagle Hall Administration: John' and for some reason the last name had been scratched off so it only looked like random symbols. Maybe some stupid people had done it because they were mad or something? Shuichi knocked on the door gently and slowly, and a few seconds later a cheerful, "Come in!" called the two of you inside.
Shuichi opened the door and you followed, stepping inside 'John's' office. It was rather small, but it clearly did its job for 'John.' There was a bookshelf in the corner full of books including several topics, including medicine, police tactics, psychology, biographies of celebrities, and so many more. Next to the bookshelf and behind 'John' was a small counter that had papers neatly stacked and sorted in a few different piles, though the amount of papers was enough to make you feel bad for him. Did he have to look through all of those? In front of 'John' was his desk, which had a very expensive and modern desktop off to the side and in his workspace he had a black book sitting on it, though he closed it once we entered. You figured it held sensitive material. 'John' sat in a very comfortable looking desk chair, and across from him were three nicely padded chairs.
"Have a seat," 'John' warmly smiled and gestured to the chairs across from him, and you and Shuichi sat down in the chairs, "How can I help you two?"
"Well... I'm a boy and (Y/N) is a girl and we ended up in the same dorm," Shuichi explained the problem, and 'John's' face simply turned into one of recognition rather than surprise or concern.
"Ah... you're the ones in C314 I assume?" 'John' asked, and the two of you confirmed it, "Yeah... I ran out of dorms to stick people in. I told the people in charge of the other buildings about the situation but every single other building was full so I had to stick you two in a dorm together. Apparently Hope's Peak always scouts the same number of boys and girls but due to some people transitioning to other genders, their gender count got totally imbalanced and it's really difficult for them to balance it. Sounds like a crappy romance if you ask me."
"Ah... so... there's nothing you can do to fix it?" You asked, making 'John' shake his head.
"Nope. I tried, but I couldn't. If someone drops out I guess one of you could steal their dorm spot though," 'John' chuckled to himself, seeming to think the very thought itself was absurd. Well, it was a very prestigious college after all- if someone dropped out when the first day of classes hadn't even started yet {and wouldn't until a week after moving day} there had to probably be a really good reason for it.
"Well... thanks for telling us, at least," You awkwardly commented, standing up since you were eager to get out of there. For some reason this 'John' guy just gave you the creeps even though he seemed really chill and friendly. Something just didn't sit right with him. Shuichi followed your action, most likely not wanting to be the awkward one out.
"Oh, are you leaving already? Haha, well, it is moving day. I bet you probably have a lot of unpacking to do. Good luck, both of you~" John waved goodbye as the two of you left his office, and once you were both out and a good distance away from his office you gave your true opinion to Shuichi.
"I dunno why but that guy totally gives me the creeps... and I felt like he was lying when he said it was the only dorm left," You sighed, heading outside so you could get more boxes. Shuichi followed you for a part of the journey in silence until he split ways with you, most likely to go to his own car to get the rest of his own things. When you got to your car you unlocked and opened the trunk, grabbing another medium sized box. You had one somewhat big box after that, and then you'd be finished bringing your stuff up to your dorm. You sighed as you had to set down the box to close and lock your trunk, making a mental note to use smaller boxes next time you had to move anywhere so it was easier to carry the boxes.
With a soft grunt you picked the box back up, heading back to the dorms at a slower rate than you'd left due to the extra weight of the box. When you'd finally made it back to the building, you were about to awkwardly grab the handle with the very tips of your fingers that you could somewhat free from the box, but someone behind you ran ahead of you and opened the door for you, "Oh, thank you..."
The boy simply bowed in response with a wholesome grin on his face, and as you entered the lobby you couldn't help but think to yourself that he was kind of cute. By the time you reached the elevator, you'd almost completely forgotten about the kind stranger's good deed. You pushed the call button a bit clumsily, waiting for the elevator to arrive. It took a bit longer than usual to show up, and when it did there was a somewhat large group of people inside. Some of them left the elevator, but some of them remained. You walked into the elevator, and someone by the keypad asked you which floor you were going to. You told them the third floor, and they pushed the '3' on the keypad. You noticed that the first basement floor was highlighted by the keypad as well, making you feel really awkward.
Ultimate students that were also helping staff the college, were key contributors to research Hope's Peak was interested in, or were useful to Hope's Peak in some other way were given dorms in the basement and the only way you could even get the elevator to allow you to go to the basement if your student ID was verified {all staff IDs were verified, though}. The Ultimates who lived there and anyone they specifically requested to be verified were the only verified students. When the elevator reached the basement floor, you let everyone inside file out one by one, and once the elevator had been emptied except for you the door closed a few seconds later. The elevator then began to make its way to the third floor, but you still felt an awkward air lingering from the small incident. You'd basically just been among the elite Ultimates!! The VIP Ultimates!
When the elevator reached the third floor, you left the elevator and headed back to your dorm. Shuichi was inside, unpacking a box of his clothes in silence. You left him alone and placed your box on the floor by your wardrobe, then left to retrieve your final box. The journey to your car was uneventful, but you were definitely having trouble carrying the large box. When you'd packed, you'd had the help of your parents, and your dad had been the one to put this box in your car. Guess you really should've followed your parent's advice and not just used giant boxes to pack everything because it was so heavy.
"Ah!!" You cried out as the box started slipping from your grip, and you knew there was no way you could save it. You closed your eyes as you prepared for the impending doom of the contents to crash to the ground, but you suddenly felt the box get lifted up from the end that was falling.
"Did you pack bricks in this thing?" a boy scoffed, and you opened your eyes to see the boy who was in the gay couple and who had been chasing 'Neon' earlier. This kid was everywhere! Up close you got a more proper look at him, noticing that his light brown hair was a little messy but it looked like he'd tried and failed to make it look neat. He wore a grey jacket with black ends on the sleeves, and he had blue eyes that were very bloodshot. His skin was so pale he almost looked sick, "Bitchass, quit staring at me like a fucking goldfish. You want my help carrying this or no? And no, I'm not your knight in shining armor."
"Geez dude, you don't have to be so rude! Yes, I'd like your help," You sighed, thinking to yourself that this boy probably fell more on the negative side of a colorful personality. The two of you started walking and you told the boy you'd be going to the third floor, prompting him to simply respond with a careless ''kay.' It was weird to think that you'd seen this boy acting so childish earlier when he just seemed like a bully now. Maybe he just acted mean and warmed up to people over time?
"I swear to god this elevator is broken. It takes like 500 fucking years for this damn thing to show up," the boy grumbled to himself after pushing the elevator call and waiting for only a few seconds. So he was impatient too...
The elevator doors finally opened a few more seconds later, and the two of you walked in. You were closer this time so you pressed the button to head to the third floor, feeling the weight of the box start to tire you out. Well, the mystery boy's arms were literally shaking.
"Uhh... dude, if the box is too heavy-"
"Shut up! I ain't no fuckin' weakling," the boy hissed at you, not even letting you finish your sentence. You were a bit shocked at his harsh comment towards you, but you didn't say anything after that. Maybe he just had some weird complex where he had to be stronger or something.
"Well... this is my dorm. Thanks for helping me carry my box, I guess..." You forced yourself to give the rude boy a smile, but he simply stared at you with a blank expression like he was unimpressed.
"Yeah, whatever. You can be less polite in the future, it's disgusting," the boy smirked at his own words before turning away and leaving. What the hell was he talking about anyways? How was being polite 'disgusting' or whatever? Was he high on something or just a childish asshole?
Sighing, you figured it was pointless to try to figure it out so you opened the door to your dorm. You gently kicked your box inside until it was on your side of the dorm, and then you started to finally unpack your things. The first thing you did was put your clothes you'd spread on your bed earlier in the wardrobe, not wanting them to get wrinkles. You had put clothing hangers in one of your boxes so you fished around until you found them, and then you got to work. Shuichi was putting things on his desk, though you paid little mind to him. It was peaceful, just the two of you unpacking your things in silence. As you started putting away some of your shirts, Shuichi noticed something interesting...
"You have a Criminal Minds T-shirt?" Shuichi slightly gasped, clearly not having expected you to have merchandise for the show. You had merchandise from other shows, so you wondered if Shuichi would recognize all of them.
"Yep! It's super cool, isn't it?" You giggled to yourself, showing off the shirt that was currently on a hanger. You had been on the very short journey to your wardrobe to put it away. Shuichi looked at your T-shirt that had the cast members printed onto it with the name of the show printed above their heads, a small smile showing on his lips.
"I don't watch a lot of detective shows, but Criminal Minds isn't that bad," Shuichi admitted as you hung the shirt in your wardrobe, happy that the two of you had at least one thing in common. Maybe being forced to room with another boy wouldn't be so bad after all... unless he was secretly a creepy pervert or something. Shuichi didn't feel like that kind of person, though.
"I watch all sorts of detective shows, to be honest... they're super inaccurate but they're so fun to watch!" You sheepishly let out a small laugh, showing Shuichi more of your merch. You had shirts and sweatshirts for CSI, Blue Bloods, Monk, and other shows. You also had a shirt for House but that wasn't a detective show, it was a medical drama.
"Hehe... I pretty much only see the occasional Criminal Minds or Monk episode. Someone told me I'd like Blue Bloods but I haven't had the time to check it out," Shuichi was sorting out pencils and pens on his desk as he spoke, his back facing you. You were just finishing putting the rest of your clothes in your wardrobe so your back was mostly to him as well.
"Hmm... I think you'd like it. It's not really a detective show but I could also totally see you getting into Judge Judy," You snickered. That show was sometimes entertaining for you to watch, though you wouldn't say it was your number one show. You could see Shuichi getting into it if he wasn't already, though.
"Ah... I used to watch that show a lot as a kid, actually. I haven't watched it in a while, though," Shuichi lightly chuckled, almost sounding fond of the memories of watching the show. He must have been a pretty big fan as a kid, then. You imagined a little Shuichi sitting in front of the TV watching Judge Judy, and the idea made you giggle a little.
"You should watch an episode some time just for the nostalgia then. Oh, finally!! I'm done putting all my clothes away... geez, did I seriously pack that many clothes?" You looked at your now completely full wardrobe, surprised at how many clothes you'd packed. It didn't feel like this many when you'd packed them all! Shuichi simply let out a quiet laugh at your slight peril, making you pout and throw one of your now empty smaller boxes at him.
"Ah!" Shuichi jumped at the unexpected projectile hitting his back, though he wasn't hurt since it didn't hit him that hard. The box fell to the floor where he retrieved it, looking at it for a few seconds in contemplation of what to do with it before he just calmly collapsed the box so it was a flat piece of cardboard instead of a box. He then leaned it against the wall next to the door, not saying anything as he did so.
"Awww, you're no fun!" You huffed a bit, looking at your now ruined box. You could technically still throw it at Shuichi, but it wouldn't be as fun anymore so the option pretty much didn't exist. You sat in silence for a few seconds before choosing to just resume unpacking since there were still quite a few things you needed to unpack. You decided to unpack your things in the large box next since that was the majority of your remaining things, so once you finished you'd at least have the peace of mind that you got the worst of it done.
About 45 minutes later, you'd finally finished unpacking everything and disposed of all the boxes, "Ahhh, thank god that's over!" You laid on your new bed, the mattress not being as soft as your mattress at home but being comfortable enough to soothe your tired mind and body after all the events of today. Shuichi was currently sitting at his desk, typing something on a laptop but you paid very little attention to what he was doing. You instead pulled out your phone so you could tell your friends on Discord that you'd finished unpacking and moving in. Your friends were just as excited as you were about going to Hope's Peak College Program, so you felt an obligation to keep them updated with anything that happened.
As you were talking to your friends, your stomach suddenly growled, and that was when you realized you were starving. You hadn't even noticed it until now! Checking the time, you realized it was nearly 5 PM and you'd only had a small breakfast before leaving to get to the college- no wonder you were so hungry! Well, the college at least had a rather large food court that you got to eat at during orientation. If you remembered correctly, they were open until rather late at night, so it wouldn't be a big deal to swing by now. You texted your friends online that you were going to grab some food to eat and put your phone away, sitting up and looking over to Shuichi, "I'm gonna go to the food court, you wanna come with me? Honestly I'm just looking for an excuse not to go alone so I don't feel as awkward."
The rhythmic sound of Shuichi pressing the keys on his laptop stopped when you finished speaking, and he thought about it for a few seconds before spinning around in the desk chair to face you, "Why not?"
Word count: 3433
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