Episode 7 | Melting Rage
[ Episode 7 - Best Served Cold ]
Candle's POV
I started an Aura Readings stand near the shore as Cabby thought it would be a marvelous idea to grab somewhat information from some of them which sounded magnificent. The stand was colored in a light baby purple and the sign was in a shade of blush with the words in vibrant pink.
They were rarely anyone passing by the stand so we both started to rethink this whole idea until Goo and Bow showed up. They both looked puzzled, reading the sign that we both hung up.
Goo: " Or?.. "
Bow: " Uh?.. "
I giggled as Cabby laughed.
Cabby: " Told you they wouldn't get it. "
" Now now... your aura is a spiritual luminous energy.. that comes from your being.
For example... Goo, your aura is a vibrant yellow. "
Goo looked astonished, I sensed that he liked his vibrant aura.
Goo: " Oooh!~ "
I smiled, adding on:
" You are full of hope and creativity, even if often from a... a confusing source. "
" ..Nonetheless you ARE a source of positivity. "
Goo: " Now that's a win for the CHEER FACTORY! "
Bow: " Cheer Factory! Yes! " They both said in unison.
" But... your aura also shares your faults.. for you are cautious, Goo. "
" Frail. Nervous. And fearful of unknown troubles. "
Goo started whimpering then Cabby started laughing. It isn't nice for Cabby to do that, Goo felt shaky and anxious just like I stated earlier. Until Bow interrupted the silence.
Bow: " Haha! Now do me! Do me! " She said as she jumped on Goo, his face being distorted, and squished.
I studied her aura carefully, but there was.. something wrong, something I never thought I would see. My mouth gaped open due to what I saw in her. She looked extremely confused.
The Floor: " Hey guys. "
Floory would randomly pop up from the ground. As Goo would scream outrageously resulting in Bow falling off.
Cabby: " Wow. That was the worst noise I've ever heard. "
Everyone laughed while I was frozen in shock at what I saw in Bow.
Bow: " Oh you got scared. That was funny. "
MePhone4: " HEY HEY HEY! What is this?! " I do NOT approve of small businesses growing on my otherwise free land. "
The Floor: " What did he call me? "Cabby: " Relax MePhone! Candle's just doing some very informative aura readings. "
I squinted at Cabby.
" He wouldn't get it." I responded, scowling.
Cabby: " It's actually quite amusing if you'd like a laugh! "
MePhone4 scowled at the both of us.
Cabby: "..You look like you need one.. Hm? "
Cabby handed a file to MePhone4. He slowly looked at the sign and back at the file.
MePhone4: " Of course! "
" Hm? " Both me and Cabby said in unison.
MePhone4: " The answer's been right in front of me all along! "
MePhone4 stepped up and mixed the letters. Both me and Cabby stepped back, bewildered. Others arrived at the shore hearing the commotion.
MePhone4: " It's time "U" teams...DISARRANGE! "
We all gazed as MePhone4 held out the letter A.
MePhone4: " A. "
All in unison: " AAAAAAAAA-! "
[ insert Inanimate Insanity Invitational Intro ]
Silver Spoon's POV
MePhone4: " Gather round! Because it's time your LONG lasting friendships say SO LONG! Using this list provided by Cabby, I'll use your strengths and weaknesses, specifically the latter to form TWO NEW TEAMS! "
Everyone gasped, This. is. OUTRAGEOUS! I can NEVER accept this, I'm SO used to my current team that I can never bother working with another TEAM. AGH!
The Floor: " Haha... WHAAT? "
Balloon: " But I like my team! Even if it's... just two people. "
MePhone4: " Well then it's time The Sinkers sunk for good! BYE FOREVER! "
MePhone4 dramatically stomped on Balloon and Nickel's sandcastle.
[ timeskip ]
It was dark at the back of the red drapes. I couldn't see what hooligans I'm teamed up with.
" My lovely viewers, I have the absolute pleasure to introduce you to.. "
" The NEW Pinkers! "
The drapes were pulled up, revealing MYSELF and others, I did not like this.
" D-EW! This is awful! Tall One, I'm feeling sad. Be a dear and cry for me. "
Paintbrush looked directly at me as if I was INSANE.
Paintbrush: " UGH. Of COURSE! I'm still stuck with- Oh, hey Test Tube. "
Test Tube: " Oh HII! " She waved back at Paintbrush.
MePhone4 proceeds on introducing the other team.
" And now, introducing... The NEW Thinkers! "
The new thinkers were displayed as the curtains were set aside. I can tell it was weird being on a team with a different name.
Yin-Yang started laughing, peering down in front of their NEW teammates.
Yin-Yang: " Oh this is FUN! "
" More shorties. "
[ timeskip ]
Nickel: " Dude how is this better? I hate this team! "
MePhone4: " I know Nickel... that's WHY it's better. "
Nickel: " Ugh... man, really? "
Nickel would walk away from the group, not until Clover was in the way.
Clover: " Wow hi! Nice to see you too! " She said, giggling.
MePhone4: " It was all Cabby's idea everyone. "
You've got to be KIDDING me! WHY IS IT ALWAYS HER IDEA, HUH. Well, I certainly wasn't on board with this idea, especially since I'm separated away from Cand- NEVERMIND!
MePhone4: " Judge her accordingly. "
Cabby: " Are you kidding me? "
We all glared at her angrily.
MePhone4: " Ugh... that was tough work... I'm feeling HUUNGRYY! "
" I'm really in the mood for... "
Paintbrush: " Pizza! "
Balloon: " Cupcakes! "
" Beignets! "
Cabby: " Cookies obviously. "
Candle: " Coconut caramel crisps? "
Goo: " A healthy salad! "
Yin/Yang [ in Yin-Yang ]: " Water! Dr. Fizz! "
I facepalmed at both of them, Obviously arguing about Dr. Fizz and Water.
Clover: " Uh... MILE HIGH PIE? "
We slowly shift our heads over to Clover before screaming in SHOCK.
MePhone4: " Clover. You nailed it! I DO wanna Mile High Pie. "
" And that's today's challenge, Make me a "
" MILE! "
" HIGH! "
" PIE! "
MePhone4: " Utilizing the Pic-Nix Tables, both teams will generate their ingredients
and stack a pie out of ice cream that is EXACTLY a mile high. "
" The look must be... EXQUISITE. "
" The height... ACCURATE. "
" And the flavor... DECADENT. "
The Floor: " Uh hey? Down here? "
" Yeah, uh, why not just make a Mile High Pie using the Pic-Nix Tables? "
' Well, Floory's got a point, why not? ' I thought
MePhone4: BeCAUSE!" the Pic-Nix Table can only generate a HALF Mile High pie. Doesn't even come close! "
Nickel: " Hm, well maybe I can uh, heh, GET CLOSE to that table.
See what I could do over there. "
MePhone4: " Oh yeah? Don't think so! Remember Nickel, you're... BANNED FOR LIFE. "
"And don't let me down on this one because I've EARNED a FULL Mile High Pie! "
" GO! "
[ timeskip ]
Ah, I'm SUCH a great advisor! I think I heard Paintbrush mumble a thing or two, but that NO longer matters. I noticed Balloon behind me, I HAD to give him something to do or he was going stand there forever.
" Ah, yes, Balloon. You're in charge of the.. erm.. crust!.. That goes to the bottom.. "
" .. B-ew!~ "
" Off you go, Little Sinker. "
I gave him my ROYAL recipe as I'm indeed royal. He then took it harshly
Balloon: " Happy to help. " He said with a hint of sarcasm as he walked away.
I saw Test Tube and Cabby approaching with one bucket of ice cream in each of their hands, they were talking about SOMETHING but I couldn't make out what it was. I continued watching Paintbrush erupting in anger, I couldn't find myself laughing.
Paintbrush: " Ugh EW! There is ice cream IN MY BRISTLES! "
" Keep it up, Tall One! You're FINALLY coming in handy! " I screamed, laughing.
Cabby then approached me along with Test Tube holding what it looks like MY FILE.
Cabby: " Tell me Test Tube, between Silver and Painty, who IS the taller one? "
Test Tube: " Uh... says here it's Silver. "
What DELIGHTFUL news brought, decidedly I'M now the official tall one.
"But of course! Thank you Smart Ones, no bad hairdo needed here. "
Paintbrush: " WHAT?! " They yelled from above.
" Hush now, Lesser-Tall One. "Cabby: " So Silver, now that we've established YOU'RE the tallest, wouldn't it make the most sense for YOU to be stacking the ice cream? "
I was SHOCKED, does SHE think I'm inferior to all of these HOOLIGANS here!?
" Wha- no! That's.. absurd! " I shrieked.
Paintbrush's POV
I looked down, hearing both of their quarrels. Why is he like this?
' Back on The Thinkers, it really seemed like Silver was getting better...
But now? Ugh... He's just a royal pain in my ASS. '
Like SERIOUSLY! God, I need to CALM down. I continued stacking the ice cream, trying NOT to lose my temper.
Silver Spoon: " ..AS you can see, I'M the Royal Advisory, Cabby... Begone you Chariot of Knowledge! Shoo! "
Cabby: " * laughs * OooKAY! Silver... "
Their voices faded after Cabby rolled away.
Candle's POV
Our team started working on this, Mile High Pie. Yin-Yang is doing a great job adding the 2 different scoops of ice cream alternately.
Clover: " Um guys?... this pie is WAAYY too high! " she complained." Wondrous coordination, Yin-Yang. Remember, chocolate THEN vanilla." Then chocolate, then vanilla. Then chocolate, then vanilla. Then chocolate, then vanilla. Then chocolate, then.. "
I may have lost count of how many times I repeated the same phrase.
Goo: " But Candle!? "
Then chocolate, then vanilla. Then chocolate, then vanilla.
Goo: " We haven't made a Mile High Pie... we've made a... "
" TWO MILE HIGH PIE! " He gasped.
I stopped, looking at the TWO MILE HIGH PIE we made and it was indeed two miles, luckily Floory came to the rescue.
The Floor: " Don't worry team! "
The Floor slid under the Two Mile High Pie, extended his mouth, and started swallowing it whole, as the Mile High Pie dropped down, I can tell Goo was disgusted by his look.
A few minutes passed by, Floory finished swallowing the Mile High Pie.
The Floor: " Problem solved. "
Goo: " You ate TOO much! Now we only have a HALF MILE HIGH PIE! "
" What do we DOO?! "
Out of nowhere, I saw Nickel with another Mile High Pie, which he got at the Pic-nix-table he was previously banned from.
Nickel: " I say we put two and two together! Incoming! Huah! "
Nickel tosses the Mile High Pie over to our Half Mile High Pie, Clover screamed as she fell off the structure, as the whipped cream and sprinkles were perfectly placed. She continued to fall down, about to hit the ground.
Goo: " Wha? " He gasped, seeing Clover screaming down.
Goo inflated himself to avoid Clover falling down, and luckily Clover landed on top and bounced off safely to the ground.
Goo: " Squish! "
Clover: " Ah! "
Goo: " Yay! "
Clover: " Oh no! I'm so sorry! "
Clover: " I didn't mean for you to get all wrapped up in my curse! "
Goo: " Whaddya mean? I WANTED to save you, Clover! "
Clover: " Did you really mean to save me? Or did my curse compel you? "
" I'm not sure you have free will in the situation, Goo... You just think you do. "
I get on what Clover's pointing out, such luckiness can be a curse to other people, just to save herself.
" She's right. " I responded.
Goo was frightened by the whole conversation.
Silver Spoon's POV
I was forced to hoist up the structure and place the whipped cream with a cherry and sprinkles on top of the Mile High Pie. Paintbrush's work was... Impeccable but filthy kind of.
" My... from up here Paintbrush, your messy work looks only half as bad! "
I heard Paintbrush down below grumble angrily but I didn't mind, Balloon walks up to Paintbrush.
Balloon: " I think it looks pretty good. "
" That's what I said...? I hereby decree your disgusting tower of goop.. "
" Time to add the m̴̭̓a̴̤̿r̸̦̾s̷̡͊h̵̻̓ṁ̵̺a̵̲͑l̶͚̓l̵̩̀o̷̖̊w̵̭̍ topping. "
Balloon: " Thought you could use this since you're uh... all sticky... "
Balloon held a napkin for Paintbrush, Paintbrush fumed with anger, screaming with his bristles ablaze. Firing it through a few ice cream blocks, causing Silver Spoon to topple, losing his balance and slipping.
Silver Spoon dived headfirst into the ice cream top of the Mile High Pie.
Paintbrush: " GRRRRRR- oh- * giggle * " They said as their fire was extinguished, laughing at the plunged spoon.
I tried wiggling out of the ice cream block but it was no use. I heard MePhone4's voice which was such a BAD start.
Candle's POV
We recently finished our Pie, thus MePhone4 gathered all of us up to judge both of our Mile High Pies.
MePhone4: " I can only assume that the sound of illegal explosions and legalized laughter means that your pies are ready. "
" First up, New Pinkers... While I appreciate you providing me with a large eating utensil, this pie is sadly NOT a mile high. And your crust is made of... uh... flowers? "
I looked up and saw Silver Spoon's face stuck in the Pie. I giggled, it was hilarious.
" Next, New Thinkers! "
" Looking nice- but wait a sec... is this just... two half mile high pies... stacked on top of each other? "
I held my breath, I never hoped MePhone4 to find out about that. I looked over to Nickel, who looked unruffled by the whole experience.
Nickel: " No. "
There was a tense silence for a moment but MePhone4 later shrugged it off.
" Okay. I trust you Nickel. Always so honest. "
" Thinkers, you win! Pinkers, you're up for elimination! "
I exhaled softly, phew hopefully, The New Thinker's elimination turns out well...
I have no royal comment at this time. I cleaned myself from that MONSTROSITY event earlier, I would pay enough money to erase that from my head. Paintbrush kept laughing for the rest of the day until the elimination ceremony. I sat on a pale green item that has sunk into the rough sand. B-EW!
MePhone4: " Before we get into this exciting elimination... is there anything anyone would like to say? "
Balloon: " * sighs * I'm sorry I messed things up, you guys. I- "
MePhone4: " Yeah yeah Balloon, you got immunity... again. "
MePhone4's screen showed Balloon getting the highest votes
" Hooray, your mistakes don't matter. " He said sarcastically.
" But... how will everyone else's? Let's find out. "
" First vote... Cabby. "
I noticed Cabby rolling her eyes as Paintbrush took out her file. She then switched back, frightened.
" Silver Spoon. "
I smirked, holding the file Test Tube had given me. Cabby had a worried look on her face.
" One vote Cabby. One vote Silver. "
" Cabby. "
Bow opened Cabby's file on her, with an offended look.
" Two votes Cabby. "
" Cabby. "
Balloon then slowly took out HIS own file made by Cabby.
" That's three votes Cabby. One vote Silver. "
Cabby looked back at Paintbrush who recently closed the file with an enraged look.
" And the seventh contestant voted out is... "
" Cabby. "
Cabby's eyes darted over to Test Tube, with a loss of words.
Cabby: " You did this... "
Test Tube: " Look, b-before you- " She responded hopping off the half-sunken barrel.
Cabby: " We could've gone so far... WHY? "
Test Tube: " Why? We know what you've been writing, Cabby! "
" About all of our flaws! Just so you can take us down! "
She shrieked, pulling out HER file made by Cabby.
Paintbrush: " I do NOT obsess over my hair!
He looked at his bristles which had a speck of icing and sprinkles.
" Hoh? "
Bow: " And you, like, said I was dead! But you got the pink part right so, eh. " She shrugged.
Balloon: " And I'm NOT pink! I'm SALMON! " He complained, quickly waving his arms.
" You say I "never lift a finger"? "
" Well, I have quite the finger for you, dear. " I scoffed.
I moved my arm and gave her a THUMBS DOWN.
Cabby: " You've got it all wrong, Test Tube! I- I liked you... I-... "
Cabby: " I can't believe you did this... "
Test Tube: " Because you expect everyone to act exactly how you write them to be. "
" You never know what someone will do under pressure. " I added.
Test Tube: " Sure, right now I'm a convenient ally but tomorrow I might not be so convenient and I'll be next! Right?! "
" That's what you did to Fan! That's what you'd do to them! To me! "
Cabby: " That was not my intention! It's... to keep history... YOUR history!... "
" ... alive... "
Test Tube: " Well, now YOU'RE history. "
Cabby: " Not yet. I need more answers. YOUR ANSWERS. "
Cabby rolled over to Bow, fiercely pointing at her. Even MePhone4 felt uneasy.
Cabby: " How are you alive? Why are you here? WHAT ARE YOU!? "
MePhone4: " Hate to break this magical moment but oopsies look at the time! " He'd quickly interrupt." Bye-bye, Cabby! "
MePhone4 said as he pushed Cabby over to the Fist Thingy III, flinging her to the sky and screaming.
MePhone4: " Wow, that was an intense elimination for an even more intense player.
Surely nothing could never top this! Or could it? "
Candle's POV
I kept pacing back and forth, thinking if I should inform Goo about Bow's.. strange " aura ". Luckily I found him around little pine cones, this might be the chance to tell him.
" Goo, are... you in a comfortable headspace to receive some... "
" ...unsettling information? " I asked softly, trying not to startle him.
Goo: " Oh yeah, for sure, yeah. "
" Today's been a GREAT DAY for my HEADSPACE! " He said, sarcastically.
" When I attempted to read your friend's aura, I faced... a complication..." ... something was... wrong. "
Goo: " Whaddya mean? " He said anxiously.
" Goo... "
" She has no aura. "
[ day 7 complete ]
Links :
Creator of this web series show: https://www.youtube.com/@AnimationEpic
Total Time: 1-2 days
Word Count: 3150 words
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