Episode 1 | Heated Arrival
[ Episode 1 - Stranded in Paradise ]
Silver Spoon's POV
I rolled my eyes as groans were heard beside me, all the objects were annoyed on how long Mephone4 will announce every single one of us. That included me, I didn't want to be trapped here with all of these poor peasants..
I slowly moved my hand towards the purple curtain drapes and peek a bit, there was a camera at front and I quickly let go after knowing, I really had no idea if it was filming us for a reality TV show but I had to look presentable, I didn't want to look like a dumb object who doesn't know what is even going on. Clover being the " Lucky girl " is basically cheering everyone up to stop frowning and groaning, Thank God I could finally stop hearing those annoying noises.
" .. this season, fans versus favorites. Your the Favorites.."
I immediately heard Mephone4's voice, breathing with a sigh of relief.
MePhone4 supposedly pulled the strings and only Clover was shown.
MePhone4: " ..Wha?"
Clover: " Wow, I win? Oh my gosh. "
I faced palm, obviously the lucky one.
Mephone4: " What? No! Ugh!.. Agh!- "
I flinched as the drapes were knocked down [ due to Mephone4 pulling the string violently ], finally revealing every one of us, I closely examined each one of the objects, I didn't really care about most of them since they look inferior but I mostly have my eye on one, A purple candle who looked calm than the rest of us, I'm astounded she could keep her cool easily.
Mephone4: " Well yup, here they are. Meet the fans! "
Hearing Mephone4's words made me snap back to reality, fuming with rage, that wasn't a perfect introduction, to begin with.
Clover: " A Fan? a fan of what?- "
Still enraged, I spoke up.
" Why I never! This introduction was simply a disaster... I'd say perhaps a reshoot is in order?
Blueberry: " No amount of reshoots can save us now... it's over..-"
Before I could speak, Goo quickly responded.
Goo: " Don't think like that, this situation is like.. a melting ice cream cone.. yea- sometimes it gets in your pants and your thinking, " Oh no, is the store closed?- " WHAT IF THEY ARE OUT OF PANTS?!-"
I stared at the 2, like okay... I appreciate Goo's optimism but the way he described it, is kind of perhaps.. weird.
Blueberry: " Now I'm sad. "
" You made him sad Goo. " I replied, unamused.
After that, I saw Goo slowly slide to the Calm-Down-Cabana, which what Mephone4 said is basically a place we can access to vent our feelings and rages. Our gazes slowly shifted to Mephone4, about to say something.
MePhone4: " Okay. we're off to a great start... You're all probably wondering what teams you'll be on. "
Cabby: " Well, assuming to a repetition which is evident from a third season. I have on file here that you randomized teams in the most recent season premiere- so this is only a guess but it has been properly educated."
" Eugh, enough with that unnecessary education. " I muttered.
Test Tube: " Oooh, I like this one! "
MePhone4: " AHEM. " *clicks a button on a remote*
Before I knew it, I was completely splattered with yellow paint, I can't be covered in this filthy substance.
MePhone4: Consider the teams randomized, It was all Cabby's idea everybody. And that stuff doesn't come out easy. "
All of us glared at Cabby, as she had a poker face.
Blueberry: " Oh no blue? The color of defeat? It's over, it's all over, Thanks, Cabby. "
Tea Kettle: " You can't cover me in this SHMUTZ, I'm an ANTIQUE! "
Lifering: " Everyone OKAY? I can perform CPR! "
Basically, everyone kept blabbering about the paint until I realized, Cabby was gone-eh she probably went to the Calm-Down-Cabana probably ranting about how everyone HATED HER IDEA.
MePhone4: " Yes, while you all weren't working, I strapped paint bombs to all of your backs. The color your covered in is your team color. "
I slowly raised my hand and touched my face, seeing that it was color yellow, I'm part of the yellow team, I proceed to enter my perspective team, Candle was there, well which was a relief, she looked really.. pretty, look I'm not trying to sound weird here- all my other teammates looked like idiots covered in yellow paint. I kind of eavesdropped on the pink team, that Clover's water balloons didn't go off- which was peculiar.
Candle: " Sorry MePhone, I'm sensing an imbalance in the universe here.. something awry- "
That was the first time I heard Candle speak, it sounded so calm and mellow-
OJ: "- Yeah, we're down a member. "
The Floor: " HEY! h- "
OJ: " WHU-AH!- "
I didn't realize The Floor was here the whole entire time since he's reasonably the ground beneath us.
The Floor: " Watch where you step, mate. "
OJ: "- Oh sorry- "
The Floor: " Doesn't feel great to be stepped all over, yeah? "
Paintbrush: " OH- but THIS can have a FACE? What kind of sense does that--!? "
I was going to lose it until MePhone4 rudely interrupted Paintbrush, I mean, they deserved it anyways.
MePhone4: " Alright, with our teams assembled, it's time for the first challenge... This is Inanimate Insanity- SEASOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! "
[ insert Inanimate Insanity Invitational Intro ]
MePhone4: "- Okay, your first challenge will be to jump off the 60-foot cliff! "
Lifering: " SIXTY FEET!? has everyone gone through their required diving courses? Proper form is crucial with these heights. "
MePhone4: " Oh ABSOLUTELY. "
Everyone was in dismay, seeing MePhone4, basically motioning the camera to stop recording. The first challenge, we are definitely going to die. I could recall seeing Tea Kettle walking to the Calm-Down-Cabana, which I shouldn't be surprised by.
MePhone4: " At the bottom of the cliff, you'll find a safety tube that'll bring you straight to the finish line. If you miss, you'll hit the quicksand and re-emerge at the top. First two teams to have all their members across the finish line will win immunity. Last place will send one of its team members packing... so, GO! "
We didn't move, and so did the other teams.
MePhone4: " No- like, the challenge is on. Go now! "
OJ: " Okay, everyone! I think we'll need to organize a game plan! " he would do a small twirl along with it.
Paintbrush: " Agreed, OJ, thanks for that twirl. It was lovely! Now, check out mine! " Paintbrush does a twirl in front of OJ.
OJ: " WOAHH! Hold the phone, that was brilliant. We get style points for the dives, right? "
Paintbrush: " Yeah! Maybe we can practice a routine before- "
AGH, PLEASE I do NOT want to listen to them chitchatting about style points, I'm just looking forward to winning this challenge.
Yang [ in the body of Yin-Yang ]: " DUMB IDIOTS! Just jump, okay!? Bye now! "
Yang kicks OJ and Paintbrush off the cliff, and they both scream on their way down. Yin Yang also jumps down, and they all land in the tube, leading the three to the finish line. Well, at least half of our team is at the finish line.
Lifering: " All right, recruits! So, remember: Back 90 degrees, arms straight, and- h u a h! "
Lifering stands near the cliff and dives in, landing in the quicksand.
Clover: " Wow, that form looked fierce! Let me try! "
Clover falls backward off the cliff, landing in the tube, and ending up at the finish line. HOW CAN SHE DO THAT!?, maybe she IS lucky.
Lifering: " Uh oh, guys, I can't sink! It's literally my entire purpose! You're gonna need to weigh me down! "
I looked down and saw Lifering in the quicksand, rolling my eyes.
Balloon: " You got it, teamie! "
Balloon jumps off, but floats down ever so slowly.
Balloon: " Oh, come on... "
I still wasn't delighted with this idea.
" Savagely hurling myself off a pile of dirt!? Ugh, well, this is unpleasant... b-ew! "
Candle: " You're destined for a leap of faith... come along. "
Candle holds my... HAND?! Uhm- I blush a tint, I can't let her know- Oh God- what do I say-
" I-i have no faith in YOU, though- oh, woAGH! "
Candle and I both fall off the cliff and landed in the finish line tube, I felt, uhm how do I say this, thrilled? who knows? It felt like having butterflies in my " stomach "- NO! snap out of it.-
Floor sinks his face into the ground, and re-appears at the finish line.
The Floor: " Sorry I'm late, yeah? "
MePhone4: " AAAND Team Yellow wins immunity! "
" Woh! Wow... that, was- uhm- PREPOSTEROUS! "
I'm basically failing to hide my emotion to- AHEM! what happened earlier-still glad we won immunity though. Cabby emerges out of the finish line tube. The rest of the Pink Team hops out.
MePhone4: " And Cabby files a victory for Team Pink! Blue Team... One of you will be voted out first. "
From what I heard, they all sunk on the quicksand so OHOHO-
[ timeskip ]
MePhone4 held an elimination ceremony somewhere perhaps, Blueberry got eliminated for being a pessimist during the first challenge.. he quite deserved that, anyways.
I still kept thinking of Candle... I have no idea why, It's not that I cared about her, WE JUST MET! plus she might think of my behavior as eccentric. sigh.
[ day 1 complete ]
Links :
Transcript: https://inanimateinsanity.fandom.com/wiki/Stranded_in_Paradise/Transcript
Creator of this web series show: https://www.youtube.com/@AnimationEpic
Total Time: 2 Days [ Because of curfews ]
Word Count: 1646 words
[ Author Note: If you have any questions or suggestions to make my stories better, please type in the comment section and wait patiently before I can read and understand your comment, thank you! ]
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