Chapter 1: Part 1
One month later
"Rise and shine!" My mother said, more gleefully than she'd been in, well ever. "Time we get your gay ass to college!" I growled, I was only in a bra and underwear, (my bras didn't hurt at all so I didn't mind) So I furiously covered myself with my green blankets. "Up! Up! UP! Bright eyes and bushy tail! TIME TO GET UP!"
That's something my Grandma says, don't judge me. Also, look at the picture, LOOK AT IT'S COOLNESS!
"I'm not getting up with you here, I'm next to naked." I argued, She rolled her eyes, "Fine, but back in my day-" I groaned, "Alright! But get ready to leave, the bus is going to be here in an hour and you'll be placed next to your roommate. Don't blame me when you look like an Aardvark with dandruff!" "Out!" I spat, getting my feet in a kicking position, she ran out. "Jesus Christ, what do I have to do to get some privacy over here!" I grunted, rolling on to the floor, literally.
I got my MCR shirt with the colors shaded in Pink, Yellow, blue; More yellow; purple, and grey because If I put in black it would blend in with the shirt. Then put on an oversized; Black and White Unus Annus (Hour Glass and all.) hoodie so my mom couldn't see my shirt, and because these were comfy. Plus; no boob show mostly, I looked like an A cup (I was really a D, Only time you get big breasts, when you don't want them.) at most. I wore sweatpants, hoping to look more androgynous
I got in the van after eating some butter and bread, (and my mom complaining about my outfit), the first thing my mom gave to me since the last month. My chips and sweets (Plus some peanut butter ice cream I snuck this morning, so it wouldn't melt overnight) were in my duffle bag because I packed them last night as well as my pride stuff (My mom checked it when I packed it first time.) and sat down in the back, my roommate was the last one they had to pick up I got to pick where to sit, thank god nobody else took the good seats, there were only 4 seats. even though I only took up about half of one, (I was only about 90 pounds now), I would hate having more than one person next to me. And I naturally took the best seat, the window seat without a pee stain, I put my duffle bag on the seats so she couldn't sit right next to me or feel pressured to. If I were her, I'd take the pee seat anyway, but I'd still feel bad the rest of the trip for some reason.
I realized how girly the others looked, most had their in fancy braids or had it down, I had mine in a messy bun and had a beanie on. Most wore blouses or pink shirts, some even wore dresses! A 5 hour drive? in dresses!? How uncomfortable would that be?
~~~~~Page 2~~~~~~~
P.S. I know nothing about college, I've never been to public school so I don't know anything about this in general, so no hate.
We finally got to my roommates house, she stepped in the van, I expected her to look like everybody else, no sir! She was wearing a Game Grumps shirt, great style already, black jeans that hugged her curves, everything she wore seemed to be really tight on her; she was African-American with her hair black and slightly curly, I personally thought she was cute. She clearly was more like me and not, 'Look at me! I'm Sooo Girly! P.S Follow jESuS or you'll be dead!' She was also a double D, don't ask why I looked. a girl made fun of her clothes, one in a ballet uniform. "Don't those people swear a lot? What, did your parents put you in the wrong school? Sir!" She mocked, "She should be in criminal school!" My roommate looked at her with distaste, then spat on her face, "Shouldn't you be in dance school?" I decided she was cool, scary, but cool.
She sat down in Pee-Seat, she looked at me for a second, seemingly scanning me. "D-uh Do you mind if I take my h-um-hoodie of? It-It's a bit stuffy." She shook her head, I pulled it over my head, revealing my shirt. I didn't try to hide it, if I did it would be more obvious "Um... I'm Asher, you?" "Darcie, but never, ever call me that. I go by Dark, Nice shirt." She said with a grin, I realized her speech bubbles were colored in Pink, purple, and Blue. I gave her a bag of M&Ms, because chocolate was the key to friendship, "The thing said your name was Deanna, I'm guessing you're," She mouthed Trans, I hope It wasn't out of disgust, but for my privacy. "I'm," I mouthed Non-Binary, "Actually."
We got looks from others, but I didn't care, I was happy I found somebody like me. We talked for about two hours, and I was getting tired. Dark noticed, "You need some rest?" she said softly, I nodded rubbing my eyes. "W-um Would you mind if, if I moved my bag and... Layed on your shoulder?" She chucked, "Of course I don't mind, anything for a pal." I moved my bag than scooted towards Dark and placed my head on her shoulder, surprisingly it wasn't breaking my neck, and fell asleep. Which was also weird, I never fell asleep on trips.
Hey Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals! Sorry for Semi-Short chapter, I always shoot for 1,000 words and I only got 900, But whatever!
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