•29• Not a Family {Part One}
Crystal's P.O.V
Frank, Johnny and I were supporting Mike as he walked towards the office. He seemed to be in a lot of pain as he was limping and groaning.
"Why'd you wash the floor?" Mike whimpered as we were practically dragging Mike along the stairs.
To be honest, I would be quite suspicious if I was Mike as we never do the chores in our own spare time. We only do the chores if they force us to, otherwise, we would just be on our technology.
Johnny looked upset, innocent and concerned at the same time,
"We wanted to surprise you."
We? It should be Johnny wanted to surprise him. Johnny always tries so hard to try get Tee and him fostered but what's the point? Once we're sixteen, we can finally be out of this dump and live our own life, freely.
Mike chuckles before groaning in pain,
"You succeeded."
I was basically doing nothing as I'm really weak and would fall due to his weight. I actually like sports but I'm just too weak and lazy to do the other stuff. The two boys were supporting Mike's weight whilst I was sulking behind.
I don't even know why I bothered to go try help. I should have just stayed in the kitchen with the others as I'm not even helping.
I heard thump like footsteps so I glance upwards and see Gina walking towards us.
"What's happened?" Gina asked curiously yet worried.
She looked like she was about to burst out laughing due to the faces Mike was making as he was in pain.
"Mike slipped over," I replied with concern for his well being.
To be honest, the concern look is fake. I don't really care what happens to the people in this place as I doubt they even care about me.
"Oh right. I'll see to him now, boys and girl; go on," Gina shooed us away.
Johnny and Frank zoom back to the kitchen whilst I walk very slowly. This holiday thing is actually really stupid. I know I was all for it at the beginning but now I realised how much trouble we could get into.
"Is that alright?" I heard Gina mutter.
Obviously he's not alright. He landed on his back. I'm pretty sure you could paralyse your lower body if you break your spine.
I heard Mike reply back with a groan and,
"My back is killing me!"
I watch as the older adult clinges on to Gina for support.
Mike turns to Gina to say something,
"I think Johnny has attachment issues."
I snigger quietly before walking off to the kitchen. Wait till I tell Johnny that, he'll be furious.
"Rightt, I think that is nearly everything," Terrie says while I enter the kitchen following Johnny and Frank.
The boys all high five each whilst Terrie picks up a piece of paper with lots of writing on it,
"Now if you could just get this form filled in by an adult. I, uh, think we're nearly done."
Toby looks at the woman in worry but she is too busy to realise as we are all looking at Sapphire as she slammed the back door closed.
We all say choruses of helloes and Sapphire looks at us suspiciously.
Game overrrrr..
"What's going on?" Sapphire quizzes and crosses her arms.
"Are you their half sister?" Terrie asks and points at us.
Johnny replies,
Whilst Toby replies at the same time,"
The two boys look at each other and then reply again with two different things,
"Step sister."
I mentally groan at the boys stupidity. They could have at least discussed who are the siblings, step siblings and cousins.
"I take it you're not related to these boys?" Terrie asks with amusement evident in her eyes.
Sapphire scoffs with disgust,
"You are joking me! These losers, pft."
I raise my eyebrows at Sapphire, basically telling her that I'm not a loser. I just happen to live with the 'losers'.
"Sapphire is kinda a house mate," Toby says while nodding his head, trying to convince us all.
"Yeh, for the next four hundred and thirty six days; unfortunately," Sapphire replies back whilst walking on the wet floor.
However, Sapphire didn't notice the wet floor and nearly slipped but she held on to the door. One thing that I didn't really get was, how she knew the exact number of days until she leaves the Dumping Ground.
Sapphire brings her self from her crouched position to a upfront stand before waving her arms around frantically,
"Who left this mess here?"
She then walked off leaving us in awkward silence. Terrie was the first one to speak from us all,
"This is still a care home, isn't it?"
We all bow our heads down embarrassed and Terrie continues talking,
"How did you honestly think you would get away with it?"
"I supposed we didn't really think it through," Toby says while looking at his fingers.
Terrie mutters a no. We're done; I'm going to get grounded for a million years and die in my room from starvation. I will also have head lice in my hair due to the lack of showering and there will be maggots on my feet, eating the dead skin cells.
Okay, maybe I over exaggerated a bit! But I'm definitely going to get grounded.
"We just wanted the holiday," Johnny sighs with frustration.
"Were your 'parents' in on it?" Terrie asks whilst doing the bunny ear thing.
Johnny shakes his head and Toby replies,
"They think you're my aunt."
Terrie laughs with amusement,
"Well that's very ingenious."
For once, I actually agree with Terrie. We were stupid to think that this would actually work.
"I guess it was, but it didn't work; did it?" Toby asks frustrated as the complicated plan went to waste as we won't be getting our holiday.
"Well you're just very unlucky," Terrie fakely smiles.
Unlucky my arse.
"That's the thing, we're always unlucky. Sapphire's right, we're all losers in here and then when something good happens, we can't have it 'cause we're not a family," I snapped with anger.
"Well," Terrie says whilst looking at us all, "Must say it does seem horribly unfair. But look, I really wish there was something I could do!"
Liam looks at her with hope,
"Just do it. Just give us the holiday anyway!"
"I can't, there are strict guidelines anyways. There is nothing I can do!" Terrie complains.
Liam puffs with anger,
Toby looks at Terrie with more hope.
"No, I couldn't," She says whilst looking at us.
"You can, you can, you can," Liam repeated.
This is pathetic. This women is obviously doing something to try get us into trouble. I've seen this sort of stuff before in many gangs. Well, I'm not getting involved in this then.
"I shouldn't," She says while looking at the screen.
She wants us to beg for the holiday.
"You should," Toby pleads.
"Well if you could get an adult's permission to put this booking through, I might be able to swing it," And I knew there was a catch.
The boys smile at each other not actually realising how much trouble we could get into.
"Get your Mum or your Dad to sign this form and the rest of this conversation never happened."
Liam points at the women before snatching the paper out of her hand,
"Nice one."
I mentally groan at the stupidity of Liam. I wonder if he even has a brain inside the large head of his. He is going to get someone to forge the sign, I just know it.
Not wanting to get involved, I stood up from my seat and walked out of the kitchen and into my bedroom.
Liam's P.O.V
Crystal leaves the kitchen whilst we were still talking to Terrie. I run to the living room and the jump on to the red sofa whilst holding the piece of paper.
"What are you doing? Mike will never agree to this," Toby sighs.
"Well he doesn't have to, does he?" I replied back.
"Liam," Johnny snarls.
I ignore Johnny,
"Think about it, he's getting a holiday and he don't even have to try."
" 'Cus we're doing it for him," Toby smiles.
Frank nods his head and we all turn to glance at Johnny's worried face.
"Right, what's his date of birth?"
Toby shrugs to which I face palm at,
"Aw come on, come on! We need this!"
"We don't know Liam," Toby says sternly.
I look down to the piece of paper,
"But I think I know someone who might,"
Toby grins.
Super short update😭 I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in exactly, 1 month and 2 days and J feel awful about it. I just had a lot of things going on; from weird mood changes to school to unnecessary drama which seems to be never ending. I'm dreading school tomorrow due to this stupid 'beef' going on🙄
Anyways, onto something a bit more fun! THIS STORY HAS OVER 7K!!!!😋💚 Thank you everyone who reads this because this literally makes my day knowing that someone reads my shitty book😂 Thank you.
I'm going to update more often now but until thennnn🙂
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Till next update💚💥
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