Chapter 5
~•Mini Time-Skip•~
I walk into the guild a little later than I usually do. Sighing, I lay my head on a table, a little tired from all the action that just happened minutes before.
What has this world come to? Thieves, traitors, and evil guild masters? I think, and I almost giggle at the last one. Now I'm just being ridiculous. He's probably always been this way.
"(Y/N)!" A booming voice shouts across the guild hall. I scramble to my feet, startled. I quickly walk to the guild master's chair/throne, which Jiemma is proudly sitting in.
I bow, knowing that will help keep his suspicions of me at bay, but gritting my teeth as I do it.
"Yes, Master?" I ask.
He smiles with a misguided expression of pride in his face.
"I heard you made a little scene this morning. Without the use of magic," He says. "I appreciate your display of strength."
Uhmm, what?! How did he hear about this, exactly? That was like 10 minutes ago! Also, is someone else stalking me for him or something?
I hold back my confusion. Instead, I smile in a similar manner, thinking of the deed I had done.
"It was nothing, Master." I tell Jiemma.
"Good," he responds, "I think you'll have a chance in the Grand Magic Games."
I stiffen.
He's planning to enter me into the Grand Magic Games?? Why?
"Thank you, Master. I will train harder than ever before if those are your plans. " I say, trying to be careful of my wording.
He nods.
"Your magic will be of use." Jiemma says. "But if you lose..."
His dark aura automatically appears.
I nod.
"Understood, Master." I acknowledge.
"You will be our reserve member. I have already selected and notified your other team members: Sting, Rogue, Rufus, Orga, and Yukino. Train with them, and show me the strength of the Number One Guild in Fiore!"
"I am pleased to be of service." I answer, then bow again and walk back to the table I was sitting at.
So, I'm going to be in the Grand Magic Games. Great. I think. They don't even know my real magic...
I have two different magics. The first one I learned (my primary magic) is the one I use today: Support Magic. I can make my allies attacks more powerful at will, and decrease the power of my foes' attacks. I can also manipulate speed and armor, and many other things.
My other magic...well, that's a secret. Nobody knows my special magic in this guild. Or any other guild, actually.
It is my only true secret, yet to be revealed.
I wonder if I'll have to use my 'other' magic... I think.
My thoughts are interrupted by a CRASH! as somebody knocks over a table. I quickly turn around to see what all the ruckus is about.
The scene before me is like none I've seen before.
Sting is laying on the ground next to a broken table, cursing; while Rogue is actually laughing.
I consider ignoring them before walking over to interact with actual humans. I'll have to talk to them sometime, since we're on the same team and all, so why not now?
"U-uhmm, hi...?" I say, extremely awkwardly.
Rogue acknowledges my presence with a nod. Sting quickly stands up.
"Hi, (Y/N)." Sting says, looking very confused. Probably as to why I'm in the guild. I glance over at Jiemma, who is observing with interest.
I don't really think I should discuss this with Jiemma being the only other person in the room. I make up an idea.
"Hey, isn't it a perfect day" I ask. I send shooting glances towards the door to hint that I want to talk outside.
"What?" Sting says cluelessly.
Rogue face palms, so I'm assuming he gets what I'm trying to do.
"Yes, coffee sounds good." Rogue responds, and slowly starts walking to the doors. Sting still looks as lost as hell.
Internally sighing, I drag him by the arm. As I am with contact with Sting's arm, I can't help but notice how muscular he is.
Lightly blushing, I let go as soon as we exit the guild.
Rogue immediately faces me.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asks.
I have a feeling we're being watched.
"Let's go to a more secluded place...follow me." I say.
Rogue gives me a strange look. I giggle.
I giggled?! What the (f/i/t/b~fill in the blank)
"It's not like I'm going to murder you or anything. Jeez, who do you think I am?" I ask, smiling.
"'re...*cough*" Sting says, blushing.
I give Sting a confused look before brushing it off.
"Alright, let's go." I say, then start walking in a peaceful silence to an infamous park. Barely anyone is ever in the park, plus there's a tunnel under a bridge that is quite hidden.
I slide down the small drop on my feet with ease, then gesture them to follow.
"What the hell...?" Sting asks.
I smile.
"Trust me. This place is pretty much abandoned." I inform them.
The Twin Dragons exchange glances before shrugging. Sting reluctantly follows me, with Rogue close behind.
A drop of water splashes onto the ground, leaving a hollow echo. Rogue raises an eyebrow.
"It's kind of echoey." He observes.
I laugh, then murmur a few words of magic.
"What?" Sting asks.
"Nothing, I was just making sure that nobody can eavesdrop." I say, grinning a bit.
"You can do that?!" Sting looks surprised, and grins back.
I shrug.
"Anyway... I'm guessing you know what I came here to talk about." I say, assuming a more serious expression.
"How are you still in the guild? I saw how Master Jiemma reacted. He looked like he was going to tear you apart." Rogue says, and I think I detect a worried tone.
"Yeah, I thought so too. It turns out...he trusts me? I don't know if I can believe anything that comes out of his mouth, to be honest." I respond honestly.
"Oh, uhm...sorry about getting you in trouble...I didn't think he would blame you..." Sting says, sheepishly scratching the back of his head.
"It's fine." I say. "Just...don't do it
ever again."
Sting looks relieved, but thoroughly scared from my tone.
" Not to be rude, but...why did he choose you? For the GMG, I mean." Rogue asks. I shake my head.
"I have no idea. Probably something about seeing how powerful I am. Especially because he's never really seen me fight...well, that's not entirely true. When I joined, but that's about it." I answer.
"Support magic...powerful?" Sting asks. I glare at him.
"Would you like to test that, Eucliffe?" I ask darkly. He gulps in response.
"You're funny, (Y/N)." Rogue laughs and smirks at Sting.
"So, do you want to start training? Like, uhm, t-together?" I ask, afraid of rejection.
"Sounds great!" Sting grins childishly.
"Yeah, why not?" Rogue asks, also smiling.
I start to leave.
"Cool. Oh," I turn around to face them. "Do you mind if I invite Yukino?"
"Yukino...?" Sting questions.
"The Celestial Mage? Our teammate?" I ask.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Sting realizes.
Rogue and I face palm.
"Sure. How about we train at noon, in this park?" Rogue suggests. I shrug.
"Fine by me. See ya then!" I wave, then walk into town to maybe get something to eat.
So...I'm actually training with the Twin Dragons...weird.
Yayyyy I got another chapter done!
The next chapters might be a bit exciting >~< and maybe action filled.
I hope you enjoyed!
Also, thanks for 450 reads! (That's a lot to me haha) :D
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