Chapter 19
( There's going to be a trigger warning for this chapter (just in case): it's going to look like: >•< )
"He's dead. I killed him."
And I say nothing more.
"Dear child, you have to," his gentle yet persuasive voice rings across the beautiful meadow; it travels clearly through the crisp air.
"No, I won't! I...can't! How can I, brother?! I-I love you!" I scream, being as incessant as possible. I do not want to bend to his will.
"For Kami's sake!" Hisashi snaps, throwing his hands into the air in pure desperation. "I'm going to die regardless of your decision...(Y/N), for reasons you may never understand, it is imperative that you take my life."
Suddenly, I leap into his arms, weeping. He is taken aback; I am usually not as openly affectionate as this. I cling onto him as if I could prevent him from leaving this world; he simply holds me back, humoring me.
His laugh, tainted by levity, echoes through this field that's filled with endless beauty.
"Oh, (Y/N), you're much too selfless for this world...I know that someday, you'll find someone who will really appreciate it."
"I already have you, Hisa'! I don't need anyone else..." I mumble, my face buried into my brother's chest.
He sighs, knowing that I am stubbornly still not accepting his inevitable death.
"Sis', I demand that you accept the fact that I will die...Everybody dies; I shall, you shall...we all eventually succumb to time, illness, or injury." Hisashi begins, loosening his hold on me to make eye contact. "It doesn't matter when it happens; it'll be painful no matter how long I attempt to prolong my life. Can't you see, (Y/N)? I've tried; I've tried so terribly hard to live and make you happy. But...I just can't anymore. I don't want you to watch me wither away until I am nothing...I want you to use this pain to become stronger."
I glance up at him like a skittish animal: with eyes watering and bottom lip quivering.
"Stronger?" I whisper. " know that I don't care about that, Brother. You're the strong, brave, and clever one; I'm the sensitive one with good moral judgment...I am weak. It has always been like this..."
"Do you really believe that, (Y/N)? Do you really think that you're weak? The mighty cannot stand confidently if they have no support; never forget that." Hisashi tells me firmly. "However, physical power wasn't what I was referring to."
I shoot him a questioning glance.
"It will strengthen your wit and your ability to empathize with others...I know how important other people are to you. It will also give you a purpose: to use the other 'gift' that you will acquire." Hisashi explains.
"Other gift?" I interrupt, curious. *What else could he offer...? He is already sacrificing his life.*
However, Hisashi ignores my question.
"If you do not use this correctly, however, it will have severe must never change your mentality. Promise me that you will respect yourself for who you are and your morals, and always remember why you did this. That you had a purpose." Hisashi begs, his voice becoming more frantic by the moment. His shaking hands clutch my arms tightly and his usual reassuring smile is replaced with a rather tentative one. This itself terrifies me more than his warning...Hisashi has always been calm and collected, no matter what.
I bite my lip, unsure of what to think. For a deep thinker such as I, spontaneous decisions do not come naturally. But, Hisashi's tone makes me reconsider what to say. I can tell that this is extremely important to him...
I look deep into his cool-toned black eyes, searching for an answer to all of our problems, but quickly avert my gaze as I realize that I won't always be able to look to him for an answer...I must only rely on myself.
"Okay...I promise," I respond quietly while. "I will always respect myself, no matter what anyone else thinks..."
Hisashi exhales deeply and releases me from his grasp. We stand there for a few moments, enjoying some of the last moments we shall ever share.
"And, (Y/N)," Hisashi murmurs quietly as he takes my hands and places them over my heart. "You shall never be alone..."
I see tears spill over and roll down his cheeks, but a fiercely proud smile is planted firmly on his face.
"'ll always be within my heart, right?" I whisper.
"Yep, that's right. When mom found us, she named me 'Hisashi'- meaning, "always with you"- because she knew that I'd always have you, my annoying little sister." Hisashi chuckles.
His playful words produce a genuine smile on my face, although I almost feel guilty about being able to smile in a time such as this.
"H-hey! I'm not a-a-annoying!" I protest, my sobs interrupting me. I cannot tell if these tears of mine are from happiness or utter grief.
He steps forward to ruffle my hair, but I playfully swat his hand away.
The rest of the evening, he retells stories that he remembers mother telling us and stories about how I was when we were little. Our joyful yet pained laughter fills the entire meadow.
Then, the fateful moment arrives right before the sun sets. The evening breeze tousles Hisashi's silver hair and whips his cloak about; the dying sun spills red over the endless grass.
"(Y/N), I cannot delay this any longer," Hisashi declares. "It is time."
I nod curtly while I try to swallow the lump in my throat. I do not speak while he hands me his most favorite dagger- its handle is worn from many years of use. I cannot identify the material it's made out of; it's iridescent and beautiful, yet impermeable to the elements.
"Somnum-" I start to chant.
"Do not put me to sleep, (Y/N). won't work if I'm not conscious."
>•< (trigger warning) >•<
I reluctantly lower my hands that are illuminated by my (f/c)-magic. I steady myself and try to force my hands to stop shaking.
*I just can't, I just can't, I just ca-*
"I'm sorry, Brother!" I whisper as I drive the blade into the center of his chest. He immediately covers his mouth to contain the blood that would have surely flown out of his mouth, but rivulets of the precious liquid still manage to drip down his chin.
I step back, shocked by my action. My hands cover my mouth; my breaths are shallow and uneven.
Shaking profusely, I struggle to find the will to retrieve the dagger, but somehow, I find it in my hands. This way, he will suffer less...only because he will bleed out more quickly.
I scream as he doubles over in pain, and immediately rush over to him. The dark blood on the ground stains my legs as I kneel with him, reminding me of the action I just committed.
"I...I murdered my own brother!" I wail, clutching on to his limp form. "Hisa', Hisa'; I'm so sorry!"
I can almost believe my eyes when something- an aura- rises out of his quickly degrading body.
The aura, a silvery white, bounds around as if it were excited. I think it attempts to reenter Brother's body, but then realizes it cannot, so it halts dejectedly. The aura then advances on towards me, and I start to lean away, frightened and confused.
>•< (safe zone) >•<
The wondrous thing then dives straight at me and enters my body. It doesn't feel like anything has changed until a huge amount of magic power starts surging through my body.
*He gave me...his magic...?*
After the shock of this new magic subsides, I timidly crawl back over to Hisashi. I poke him, and wait, expecting him to playfully poke back like he normally would.
Nothing moves; nothing makes a sound.
"Hisashi, you selfless, selfless being...I will try to live my life as you did."
"(Y/N)," an out-of-place voice shouts. "(Y/N), get up...get up already!"
I groggily rub my eyes, but don't open them yet.
" I, Hisa' ?" I yawn, shuddering. I just hope I am not back in that damn field...
"Hisa? Who's Hisa...? Whatever, just wake up already," The familiar voice repeats. "We only have a couple minutes before the Games start...and Yukino still hasn't arrived."
Now that is certainly a wake up call: my eyes shoot open as I sit up abruptly.
"What??!" I exclaim to the blonde. "Then that means..."
"That's right," Sting smirks. "That means you're coming with us! "
"Oh, pooh," I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed at the belated notice. "Why did I agree to be the reserve member..."
"Because," Sting responds, holding out his hand. "Jiemma asked you."
I groan in response...he's right, of course.
Being the lazy person I am, I gladly take up his offer and let him pull me to my feet.
"Thanks," I squeak out awkwardly- gestures of kindness from anyone here are still in left field.
He gives me a curt nod in, I guess I'm not the only one who feels awkward.
"And...who's Hisa'?" Sting questions, his icy eyes narrowing.
"Hisashi...?" The name flows out before I can stop myself. "Well..."
I struggle to find words. I toss my head from side to side, deciding if I should tell him or not...this causes Sting to look straight into my eyes.
"He's your brother, isn't he?" His voice, low and deep, is both gentle and cautious.
More than a few moments pass.
"...Y-yeah..." I admit hesitantly and quietly.
And suddenly, I feel a soft hand cup my chin, comforting me. I raise my eyes to meet his concerned, deep blue orbs that seem to have endless depth.
"Sting..." His name flows easily across my tongue.
The 'thank you' I mean to say does not come out, but he seems to understand. His gaze softens, and his fingertips brush my neck as he pulls away. I shudder slightly under his touch; I have to force myself not to run forward and hide myself within his safe arms.
And we just gaze into each other's eyes, each imagining what it would be like to hold one another; to laugh with one another; one another. In another world, perhaps...
"Yo, guys, it's about to start!" A gruff voice interrupts our little moment. "Get your little asses over here."
"Hmph, you should really try to restrain yourself, Orga...I'm sure it would be most appreciated." His snooty companion criticizes him playfully.
"Ya wanna go, Rufus?! Leave you and your quaint little feather out of my grill." Orga retorts.
At this, Rogue eyes them both with his brilliantly colored eyes; the red irises seem to be able to track even the slightest motion.
"Oh, shut up," The raven-haired mage grumbles, clearly annoyed.
Sting and I exchange knowing glances; we are both amused.
"Well, are you ready?" Sting asks, almost rhetorically; a playful yet daring glint is apparent in those sparkling eyes of his.
I roll my eyes at him but simply cannot resist a smile.
"Yeah, totally ready...!" I announce (sarcastically), matching his enthusiasm with a fierce smile.
*Boy, is this going to be interesting...*
(A/N): Hellllooo!!
This chapter is simultaneously depressing and uplifting...XD (but also bland. Eck, I say that about all of my chapters tho XD)
My favorite part is when Sting touches le Reader-chan :o
Have a nice day! ☺️❤️
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