Chapter 8
Izuku's POV
"I love you Izuku Midoriya. Will you be my boyfriend?" The words echoed in my head like it was an empty cavernous space needing to be filled with more than just simple words.
A buzz from my pocket, once again, drags me out from my deep sea diving. My mom was outside waiting for me to go. "Oh! Um... I am flattered to hear that. But I can't think right now and my mom is waiting for me, so..." I didn't care what her expression was right then. I just turned on my heels and bolted for the door. "I'll text you once I've processed all this information. Okay, Bye!" I close the door and respectfully walk to my mom's car as to make it seem normal and not suspicious for my mom.
It clearly didn't work, I could see from her expression but she decided to not press questions. I love my mom.
The night was filled with makeup wipes and contemplation. I had a hard time removing the 3 layers of eyeliner, who knew it would stain your eyelid. But after using multiple wipes, my face was free from villain makeup, and full of sleepiness. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't sleep. I was up for most of the night thinking about four words. Maybe, love, I, and you.
When the sun peered through my curtains I groaned, knowing that today I was going to meet up with my friends at the mall. My friends were nice and all, but I needed time to organize my thoughts about, well, last night. But, apparently the mall is not the place to go to.
As I approached the entrance to the mall, I saw Uraraka. She was chatting with Tsu and Mina, and Kirishima and Kaminari were talking to each other while Kacchan was there to. Kacchan, having not been a big part of any conversation, was the first to see me. "Took you long enough nerd."
He started everyone else and they all turned to find me. Uraraka quickly ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "Why on earth were you ignoring me all of last night? I was worried." What a nice friend.
"I just got a text from Todoroki! He says that him and Iida are coming from the other entrance and we should all just meet up in the food court." Mina says while holding up her phone.
We all start to head into the mall and in the direction of the food court. Honestly I was starving from not eating dinner last night. My stomach grumbles quite loudly, taking the attention of a few of my friends.
Everyone chuckles at my digestive system. "Didn't think you would be so hungry, especially since you went to a giiiiiirls house for a party last night." Kirishima remarks, making sure to put extra emphasis on the girls.
"Sh-shut up." My cheeks have a light rose dust on them. "The pizza there wasn't very good, they didn't even have a good pepperoni pizza, there wasn't even meat. Unless you count blood dripping steak, meat. It was barely even cooked." My snappy remark took them by surprise. I just crossed my arms and continued to walk.
Kaminari spoke up, "Does your girlfriend have any other friends who are girls? If so do you have their number?" His perverted side was slipping up. But that wasn't what I focused on.
"Wha-What! Sh-she's not my gi-girlfriend!" I blushed and looked away from the whole group. My face would not cool down, and certainly not when I kept thinking about it.
"Are you okay? Kero. You look like you have a fever." As-Tsu said. Why can't I just remember her name?
"I'm fine. You all just need to know when to keep your mouths shut." I snapped. I made a mistake, I could already hear miniature explosions coming from a certain ash-blond boy. "I-I'm sorry for that. Please, can we just drop the subject and keep going to the food court?" And that's exactly what we did. Uraraka started up a conversation about what store she had to go to.
They planned out exactly which rout through the mall we would take. They even took rush hour into account and made sure we went to a store before the old grandmas or tiny children got there.
We made it to the table Todoroki and Iida were sitting at. I immediately felt sick. "So Midoriya, how was the party?" Todoroki asked with an unfazed expression. My stomach wanted to hurl, but I couldn't do that, especially when they already ordered all of us food. Must be nice to have rich heroic parents and family.
Iida walked away to grab the food, and I, politely, told Todoroki about how I don't want to talk about the party. When Iida came back I saw a broccoli beef plate with chow mein with my name written on it. I practically dove for the dish as he set down the tray.
A few giggles escaped some mouths at my reaction to seeing food. "Don't judge me, I haven't eaten anything good since... well, Thursday lunch." Yesterday I might have forgotten to eat lunch since I was so excited. After mauling the poor broccoli, I ate the rest of the meal. Once we all finished our meals, we decided to move to the first store on our list.
Hot Topic.
I had never actually been to a Hot Topic store before so I was astounded by the amount of stuff in there. But of course, I went straight to the pin bin. While the rest of the group was looking for a specific Pop figurine. I think it was suppose to be Natsu from Fairy Leg or something like that.
I see a woman it's light blue hair walk up to me, her hands were so dry looking. She put her hand in the deep bin of pins and then she spook, "Hey Midoriya, long time no see. Can I talk to you for a minute? It's about Toga." As soon as she said Toga, I realized that it was Shigaraki. She was fully wrapped in toilet paper last time I saw her so give me a break.
"Sure, what's wrong?" I ask quite innocently. I wonder if she knew Toga liked me? Then she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the store so my friends couldn't see me.
"So Toga is freaking out because you haven't really texted her yet. And just so you know, if you break her heart, I break your skull. Your friends won't even find the body. Got it? Have fun Izu!" Only my close friends get to call me Izu. But now I'm thoroughly scare. How am I supposed to tell Toga that I don't like her like that, without breaking her heart?
So confession time, here's what I've got: I've only been in a Hot Topic once and it was with friends at the mall. Now how are you guys doing with the bad coronavirus going around? Wash you hands!
I'm thinking about doing a new book, not fan fiction I think. But how many words do you guys think I can go without a person's name being used?
Have a good day!
Shout out to all 18 people who have read my full story thus far. I loaf chu all.
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