Chapter 5
Izuku's POV - 3:30 pm (3 hours until the party)
The universe must hate me for something I did in a past life. I mean why should I be punished, I didn't do anything. It was that stupid other self of mine, why do they have to be so mean as to mess up my life.
Back to what I meant by that, I was walking home and suddenly I made the wrong turn or something because I was walking down a road that I had never seen before. Thankfully I have a built in GPS in my mind. I try to visualize a map and see where it was that I took a wrong turn, but to no avail. My phone is getting no service so that was a dead end. And so was the street I was on. I almost ran into a wall. Why would someone place a wall in the middle of the street?
I catch a quick glance at my watch and realize how late it was getting. "Dang it! 4:45 already? How is this possible?" I start running away from the wall and make a quick turn down an alleyway. Soon enough the alleyway made its way into a large street, while looking for the name of the street, I see a familiar greenette.
"Mom!" I cry to the worried looking woman who was asking a stranger something. I rush to her not even caring that I sprinted across 6 lanes of traffic. Seeing her meant that I can find my way home now.
"Oh my sweet Izu, what happened? You said you would be home by 3:45. Your over an hour late!" My stomach plummets when I remembered that I needed to tell her all about who I was going to the party with and where and where it would be done. She was also gonna give me the talk about stuff like alcohol and drugs and how just because it's a high school party didn't mean that I'm not still a child. To be honest, I didn't want to do any of that stuff, I just want to break out of this introverted shell and crack into my extroverted side.
"I'm so sorry mom, I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. I am very sorry for making you worry like that." I truly did feel sorry, I always feel bad when I make her worry and she knows it. I just wish, again, that I can re-do the whole day. But, if the truth be told, something worse would happen to me like villain attack or something like that.
After making it back home with my mom, we fixed my eyeliner and I changed my shirt to one that wasn't wrinkled by the water. My hair, again was very difficult. But this time we at least knew that the best way is to pull it tight then gel.
By the time I was ready and had eaten some food, not too much because I planned on eating at the party. We hopped in the car, since it was too late and Toga lived on the complete other side of the city as me. Which made me think back to this morning, what was Toga doing so far from school and her house? What could she have been doing in part of the city?
I'm pulled away from my thoughts by the screeching of the tires as they come to a quick stop. The rather well sized house that we stopped at was all decked out with Halloween decorations. I could already hear the music playing a heavy base from within the walls. I was so excited to finally go in that I nearly jumped out of the car. But my mom grabbed my wrist and pulled me close for a hug and made me promise no alcohol or drugs. I excepted her extremely hard terms of agreement and I was off.
Toga was sitting outside on the grass with two other girls who were eating pizza. The creepy clown costume that Toga was wearing was spot on, I was quite impressed. One of the girls had pale blue hair sticking out in between her wrapped face. She was some sort of mummy I suppose. Then the other, supposedly girl, was under a white bed sheet with two holes cut out of it. Her leggings had some sort of cosmos pattern on the.
The three of them seemed to have notice my arrival for the other two started to scoot closer together. Toga jumped right up and rushed over to me and pulled me up to the grass they were sitting on. I turned and waved to my mom to reassure her that I was fine and that she would go home already.
Turning back around I am met with the ghost looking directly into my eyes, only about a foot away. She was on her knees and hands looking into my eyes. It felt like a whole minute had gone by before she spoke out. "I am Kurogiri! But you can call me Kuro! Nice to meet you." She seemed a lot like Toga in the enthusiastic way. She seemed quite genuine and could be a nice person to hang out with.
She then went and elbowed the mummy in her ribs, "Ouch, why you gotta hurt me Kugi!" She turns to me, "I am Shigaraki, it's a pleasure to meet you." The way she said that make it sound too well rehearsed and her teeth gritting through their words didn't make it any better.
"I am Midoriya, I'm excited to meet you both." After I introduced myself, I reached my hand out to shake theirs. Toga pulled it back to my body.
"Maybe no physical contact with Shiki, she destroyed what she touches." The last part she kinda whispered into my ear. But while Toga had my attention, the other two start murmuring to each other about 'is it? Really? How... him? It's... -vious' as you can tell my hearing is not the best.
We start to stand up, "We're about to head back inside, come on Izu!" And with that we walk up to the door. They open it and the light blares in my eyes and when my eyes adjusted, my jaw dropped.
Aren't I good at cliffhangers? You can thank Ireallylikebnha for the delayed party. I guess they just love making people suffer, as well as eat hair gel. Anyways instead of a shout out I'm gonna do a riddle this time: when is it better/safer to follow the red when it would be worse/dangerous to follow the white?
Have a great day, love y'all!
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