Chapter 14
Izuku's POV
To: Toga 🔪
Izu - You're a really sweet girl, and you'll make someone very happy one day. But I'm not that person right now, and I'm just not looking for a relationship right now so if you could please stop insisting on this, I think we could be really good friends again.
Kacchan insisted I send what I had. He wasn't fond on the fact of friends with ex-crushes because a crush takes a long time to get over, but he allowed me to keep it. It's amazing what feminine eyelashes can do.
"It's past eight, so I'm staying up way too late for me. Good night nerd." He climbed down and onto the bottom bunk, while I stayed up and looked at my phone thinking about what she would say.
"How can you go to sleep so early? My body won't function on too much sleep."
"Because I care about my body and I don't throw it into burning buildings or purposefully run it into a dangerous villain. Sleep does wonders for mental and physical health. Now good night." He flipped off the light switch and I could hear him curling into his blankets.
Soon the allure of sleep over took me and I drowse off into night. Only to be awoken too soon by the blaring light of sunrise. It pierces my eyelids as I turn my body away to sleep more. But to no avail as a certain blond was already nagging me to wake up.
"Deku~ Deku wake up!" I groan in response. "Wake up, we have to get ready for training."
"Why are we training on a Saturday? It makes no sense. Weekends are for resting." I counter, still not sitting up.
"You're staying at my house, which means you're training on weekends too now." I don't like reason sometimes.
I sit up and get off the bunk bed. Groaning I see Kacchan is already dressed and ready to go to the park for a run. "Kacchan, can you make us some breakfast? Please? I can train on an empty stomach." He tch's and walks into the kitchen to make us something.
I turn back to my bag and ruffle through to grab my clothes and I change into sweatpants and a plain green t-shirt. When I open his door to go into the kitchen I'm met with his ruby eyes about to knock. "Perfect timing Kacchan." I smile widely and follow him to where two bowls of cereal are.
"Eat fast, I want to finish the run before noon." It would make sense, but how long is this run suppose to be? It's only 8!
I finish eating and I put my dish in the sink. Before I could wash it out Kacchan yells, "Oi, hurry up Deku! Your so slow." And so I run to the door and slip on my shoes and head outside with Kacchan.
"How far is this run suppose to be Kacchan?" As we depart from his apartment we jog lightly to the park.
"Five miles. I figured I would shorten it since you aren't used- probably aren't used to running too much." How considerate. But five miles is still a lot, how much does he normally run?
"That's so sweet of you. Lead the way!" I smile and we begin to jog down a sidewalk that runs to the beach. We run along the beach for about three miles then he takes a turn down a street and we head back in the direction of the park.
I'm panting so much by the time we make it, I almost collapse onto the soft luscious grass. But Kacchan wouldn't let me slack off anyway. It's always important to stretch after a workout.
"You doing okay nerd?" He noticed? I'm slightly, pleasantly surprised.
"Yeah... I'm fine... I just don't usually.. take this long of runs." I'm still trying to catch my breath which seems a bit strange but I was pushing myself a lot. "I usually focus... on upper body workouts."
"Tch. That's stupid. You shouldn't focus on one thing, if you work out one part of your body so much that the rest is weak, you're even more useless." My eyes widen a fraction at the words 'even more.' So he really did think I was useless. I mean I am, I'm just a deku.
He must have noticed my eyes widening because he froze and thought of his words again. "I didn't mean that, I'm mean that-"
"No it's fine, I am pretty useless. I can't even talk normally for the first few minutes after a measly five mile run. I know it's bad to work out one part more, it's just that I used to run everyday, so I figured my lower body was good."
I didn't mean to say that. He knew I ran a lot from him, but he wasn't supposed to know how much. I used to practice running so I could get away faster, but he never knew that. If only I knew how to keep my mouth shut once in a while.
Kacchan decided to break the newly formed silence. "Do you want to head back? Or we can continue to casually talk in the park while stretching."
"Today is a nice day, why waste it inside? We don't even have to stretch, just make conversation. We haven't been able to talk in a while just us. It'll be like old times." A smile always seems to creep onto my face. Whether I want it to or not, it's there.
"Yeah... just like old times."
Hey! How are you people?
This chapter was probably written before I publish it because I want to know people are actually there reading it. Please, let me know you exist.
Have a good day!
Shout out to lyzard_fan_fics for dealing with my weird personality. Thanks sib.
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