5| Don My Armor
Amora was in her garage, preparing for another day of school. She opened the door and walked out her bike, closing the door behind her. She stuffed her garage keys inside her bag and hopped onto her bike, out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jim doing the same thing.
Amora was just getting ready to push off when Toby and Jim peddled over to her house.
"Hi Amora! Want to ride to school together?" Jim asked, stopping next to Toby in front of Amora.
"I would love to. Are we taking the canal, or the normal way this time?" Amora replied with a comedic grin.
"Eh, let's take the canal. It'll be a lot more fun. Race you there!" Jim pushed off of his bike and sped down the road. Taken by surprise, Toby rushed to keep up, "I'm, I'm right behind!"
"Oh, no you didn't, Jim Lake! You'll regret this challenge!" Amora said while pushing off and speeding up the road, catching up with Jim and Toby. Amora caught up with Jim and said, "You'll regret this Jim!"
Amora used the rest of her energy and sped off with another burst of speed. Amora saw the path to the canal and turned onto it. She glanced behind her saw Jim catching up. Amora looked up ahead and saw the canal. She peddled over the side of the canal and flew threw the air. She felt the wind whip her face and comb through her hair. She only felt this way at the beach, something she could so rarely visit.
Amora landed on the ground. She skidded to a stop and waited for Jim and Toby to come. After a few seconds, Jim jumped over the side and landed on the rough pavement, narrowly missing Amora by just a few inches.
"Come on, Tobes! Get down here already!" Jim shouted up at the side of the wall, which Toby was standing on with his bike.
"Fine, but this is the last time I'm doing this!" Toby shouted down. He pushed off and rolled down the slope, skidding to a stop in front of Jim and Amora.
"What took you so long Toby? Me and Jim were waiting for hours!" Amora said sarcastically.
"Ugh, come on. Let's not be late to school again. I heard what Mr. Strickler said to you," Toby said, even though he was obviously out of breath from the previous ride.
"Alright, alright. Come on." Jim pushed off of the pavement and rode up the side of the canal, towards school. Amora and Toby did the same as Jim then they all rode to down the rode to school. The three of them parked they're bikes outside the school entrance and walked over to their lockers.
While sorting their stuff into the lockers, Jim asked, "Do you think I should talk to Strickler about the trolls? He said yesterday I can talk to him about anything."
"No way, Jim. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him," Amora fired back.
"I don't know. He seems like a nice guy. But it's your call Jimbo," Toby said, stuffing everything he had into his locker.
"Alright. I guess I will, He seems likable enough, right?" Jim said.
"You got my vote already. But as Toby said, it's your call. You can talk to him in his office after class."
Jim nodded and all three of them closed their locker doors and headed to their first class. After and hour of that, the class filed out and Jim said, "I'm gonna go see Strickler. Wish me luck!"
"You're gonna need it!" Amora called after him. Toby just waved and started walking down teh hall towards their next class. Amora caught up with him and Toby started a conversation.
"So, when did you start learning how to use a blade?"
"Oh, um, when I was like, really young. I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I was like, five. I stole my dad's knife at night and sneaked out to our backyard."
"Why did you do that?"
"Uh, because I like knives and I wanted to learn how to easily defend myself without having to learn Karate." Amora had just finished a sentence when they rounded a corner and Amora bumped into a girl.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" The girl's books had fallen all over the floor. "Here, let me help you pick that up."
"Oh no, it's fine! I can do it!" The girl said.
Amora bent over to pick up the books and handed them to the girl. "To late now," Amora said with a grin, "Oh, and are you the Nunez girl?"
"Uh, thanks, and yeah, that would be Claire Nunez."
"Nice to meet you, Claire," Amora said, holding out her hand, "I'm Amora Amber."
"Do you go to Spanish?" Claire asked.
"Oh, you caught me. I know I was going the wrong way, but I really don't like Spanish that much. My mom forced me just because she wants me to become and actress."
"Oh, well, the school is hosting a play, Romeo and Juliette. You might be interested," Claire said, holding out a leaflet about the play.
"Uh, thanks, I'll think about it."
"Oh, and can you give that to John?"
"It's Jim."
"Right, Jim. We're having trouble getting boys to audition."
"Yeah, I can do that. Nice meeting you!" Amora said, stuffing the leaflet into her purse.
"You too. Have a nice day!"
As Claire started to walk away, the school bell rang out across the school. "I'm not going to Spanish. No way."
Toby said goodbye because he had to go to his class, so Amora had nothing to do but hang around school. 'Well, it'll be better then Spanish. I can just sit around on the outdoor benches, read on my phone or something,' Amora thought. She shrugged and walked down the halls to the area where all the lockers were. She looked for one of the benches to sit on, finally finding one and sitting down. She pulled out her phone and started to read a fan fiction of her favorite movie.
The hour passed and after getting alerted be Jim and Toby, Amora got up and went to the rest of her classes. Finally school was over and Jim, Toby, and Amora were riding their bikes home.
Jim caught up with Amora and said, "Hey Amora, want to come over again? Now we now each other better, we might be able to use your scientific input?"
Amora chuckled. "To get a real input, I would have to take a sample of the gem inside, but I feel like that won't end up well. I can only give theory's."
"So what? We can come up with some theory's."
"Alright, I'll come over. I just hope something happens with the amulet, not trolls."
"Me too. See you there!" Jim grinned and sped off. Toby had just caught up to ask what was going on, but he said, "Ugh, Jim, stop the races!"
Amora chuckled. "Come on!"
Amora sped off to catch up with Jim, but he was already there when Amora stopped. Toby caught up and said goodnight to Jim and Amora. Amora and Jim hopped off their bikes and headed inside Jim's house.
"Want something to eat?" Jim asked, setting his bag down onto the sofa. Amora did the same and said, "I'm in the mood for a burger."
"Alright! Any toppings?"
"No mustard, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, or onions. Extra pickles. Can you do that?"
"You're picky with your burgers," Jim teased.
"At least don't put cheese on. I can take the rest of myself," Amora said, walking over to the bar and sitting down.
"Nah, I'll do it. I'm just taking items off, not putting them on. It'l be easy," Jim said, already setting to work on the burgers. A couple minutes later, Jim was done with the burgers and set them on the bar.
"Thanks Jim," Amora said. Just as she said that, however, out of the corner of her eye she saw the amulet in Jim's bag start glowing. Apparently, Jim noticed it to because he walked over to the amulet and took it out of his bag. He walked outside and motioned for Amora to follow him. Amora got up from her seat and walked outside, following Jim. Jim was standing outside, his back facing her, and he was holding up the amulet. In the distance a dog was barking, but other then that, it was a very quiet night.
Jim was murmuring something, and Amora could here him say, "For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command?" Suddenly, a wind kicked up, blowing leaves around everywhere and shaking the fence.
The thing that happened next completely dumbfounded Amora.
One, single ball of light protruded from the amulet, and whizzed around Jim for a moment, before flying into Jim's heart. Three more balls of light did the same thing. After that, Jim spread his arms and floated upwards. A blue light was hovering around Jim, almost like an aura. Bit's of armor seemed to create itself, protruding from Jim's body and hovering around him, though it looked way to big. The armor started to fly at Jim, then stopped when it was a complete set of armor on Jim, but it was twice the size. The armor then started to shrink, and fit Jim much better then before.
Jim looked around his armor then said, "This is so freaking cool!" From what Amora could tell, the amulet was on his chest plate, almost like a coat of arms.
The amulet then produced three more balls of light that went into Jim's hand this time, and a huge sword seemed to grow from his hand, and was probably pretty heavy, because Jim almost dropped it, but then when he hoisted it up it grew smaller, and lighter, so he could probably wield his weapon.
'Wow, it's a night in shining armor,' Amora thought, smiling to herself.
Jim waved around the sword a bit, then accidentally cut into a rock.
"Wow, that is awesome. And, need a hand with that?" That was all she could say.
"I know right? And, a hand would be very nice, thank you."
Amora walked over to Jim's sword and attempted to pull it out. "Wow it's really stuck in there." Both of them grabbed onto the handle and pulled. It eventually came out, and got stuck into another rock, and Amora nearly fell onto Jim.
"Whoops, sorry. I almost fell on you."
"It's fine, I just want to get this out. Back at it again."
The two did the same thing, but instead actually got it free, instead of slicing into another rock.
"This is so awesome," Amora said, looking at Jim's armor in awe.
"It really is! I can't wait to tell Toby!" Jim said, obviously very enthusiastic about what had happened.
"Let's get inside. Hopefully no one else saw. Imagine what the government might try to do," Amora said, motioning for Jim to come inside.
"You always think about consequences, don't you?"
"Not always, like the consequences about skipping Spanish, and for beating Steve up. But anything this serious, I do think about them."
The two of them were inside when Amora said, "Do you know how to turn that thing off?"
"I guess I could just command it to? I don't know. This thing doesn't exactly come with a manual."
Amora chuckled. "I just hope that my amulet will do something as cool as that."
"I wonder if you'll get armor or something else, cause that thing has to do something."
Amora thought for a second. "It would be cool to don my armor."
Hello everybody! I finally got to the exciting part, finally! I'll be coming out with another chapter today, so stay tuned! Thanks for all the reads, but it would really support me if I also had votes and comments! Thank you!
Also thank you @AshauntiKashmir for 2 votes!
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