3| Assassin Amber
Amora, Jim, and Toby walked down the hall to the locker rooms. Amora walked into the girls locker room and changed into her gym clothes inside a curtain. She walked back out when she was done and entered the gymnasium. Coach Loarence, walked up to Amora and said, "Alright, get on the rope. Reach the top. Blah blah blah."
Amora nodded and walked to the ropes. She put down her bag and looked up at the rope.
"Wow, I've climbed one much higher, I'm pretty sure," Amora said, reflecting back to the days she would set up a rope on the over hang of a building, "But alright."
Amora grabbed the rope and hauled herself above the end. She folded her legs a bit and squeezed the rope with her thighs. She held on with her hands and let go with her thighs, curling up her back and grabbing on with her thighs again. She let go of one hand and grabbed a space higher then the other. She let go of the other hand and grabbed the space right above her right hand, uncoiling her back as she did. She continued to do this at a very fast rate until she reached the bell. She tapped the bell and slowly released her grip with her thighs and hands.
"Come on Tobes, you can do this!" Jim said, trying to encourage Toby to climb higher. Amora watched as Toby released his grip on the rope and fell, his foot caught in the rope. Coach Loarence walked over and said, "What is that on my rope?"
Jim started to back up from the scene when Amora tightened her grip with her thighs by a milestone, and released her grip on her hands. Her head and torso swung down and hung there for a second before she said, "Hi Jim."
Jim jumped and turned to Amora. "Amora! Don't ever do that again!"
"Come on Jim! I'm the assassin, remember?"
"Yes, I do. But do you remember why I became friends with an assassin who could possibly have blood on her hands?"
"The only blood I had on my hands was when I cut myself... and killed all those frogs so I could dissect them."
"Dissect?" Jim was freaked out.
"I'm a science geek and nerd, Jim. I'm not just an assassin," Amora said, imitating an upset manner, "However could you think that?"
"Alright, get down before the blood rushes to your head," Jim said.
Amora used her core muscles and pulled up and grabbed the rope above her thighs. "I feel like Spider-man," Amora said while she hung there.
Jim chuckled. "Make that Spider-Assassin."
Amora chuckled and released her thighs and dropped down to the ground. By then Coach Loarence was down tormenting Toby and walked over to the rope next to his, which was Amora's rope.
"Alright, good job Miss Amber. How much time did you take?"
Amora had been counting in her head how much time it took, and she said, "Ten seconds to get up, five seconds to get down."
"Oh, well. Good job. Can you do it using only arms?" He said, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
"Most defiantly, sir," Amora said.
"Then get to it."
Amora nodded and said to Jim after the Coach left, "You should try and actually climb a rope instead of help Toby. Yeah, he's your friend, but you need to do it to."
"Alright, fine. I'll tell Toby he can take a break," Jim said, walking over to the rope and talking to Toby.
Amora shook her head and smiled. She turned to the rope, jumped, and grabbed on. She used all of her strength to quickly climb up the rope without using her thighs. She reached the top and put all her strength in her right hand, her dominate hand, and reached toward the bell. She tapped the bell and quickly retreated her hand back to the rope. She loosened her grip on the rope and slowly slid down.
Amora had just reached the grown when her Coach walked up to her and said, "Good job, Miss Amber. How much time?"
"Fifteen seconds up, five down," Amora said, taking deep breaths from exhaustion.
"Good job, Miss Amber. You're my best gymnast," he said, walking away to check on another student.
After he walked away, Toby walked over and said, "Good job Amora! How do you do that?"
"Practice, training, and perseverance. And I used to take gymnastics."
Just then, Jim walked over and said, "That's harder then it looks. You make it looks so easy."
"Please, enough about me. I feel like I'm bragging."
"Yeah, OK. But, should we brainstorm about these when we get home?" Jim said, obviously eager to find out what the amulets did.
"Uh, I was hoping to go do some more science experiments, but I can definitely come over," Amora said.
"Uh, my Nana wanted me to stay for some special dinner. I wish I could come," Toby said.
"Uh, OK. Come over to my house tonight when we get home, Amora," Jim said, smiling at Amora.
"Sure. But, won't your Mum be home?"
"Not until tomorrow. It's really busy at the clinic."
"OK then. I'll be over after school," Amora said, smiling at Jim. Amora leaned back, thinking about the amulet and tonight, when she remembered there wasn't a wall there.
"Whoa!" Amora lost her balance as she fell through the rope and landed on her back, her breath taken away from her.
"Are you okay?" Toby asked, looking at Amora with an amused look on his face.
"Yeah. I forgot there wasn't a wall there."
Jim leaned down and offered Amora a hand. Amora took it and hopped up, stumbling in too Jim a bit. Amora stepped back said, "I might need to work on my balance."
Jim, Toby, and Amora laughed a bit and talked for the rest of the class, with Amora jumping up onto the rope when Coach Loarence walked by to look like she was climbing. After a little while, gym class was over and Amora retreated to the girls locker room. She changed into her day clothes and walked down the hall to her locker, which was next to Jim's and Toby's locker.
Amora was grabbing her stuff from her locker when the known school bully, Steve, came up to her and said, "Well, hello beautiful. You look better each day. Care, to I don't know, go out with me?"
"Steve, stop trying! I'll never go out with you!" Amora said. She was angry that Steve would never give up and always keep annoying her, unless she taught him a lesson.
"Well, you're to beautiful to ignore," Steve said.
Amora turned back yo him and said, "You know what? You finally won me over, Steve." Amora got closer to Steve and placed her hands on his shoulders. Out of the corner of her eye, Amora could see people giving her looks of disgust, but she had it all planned out.
Steve closed his eyes, and that's when Amora took her chance. She raised her knee and pushed it into his stomach at a fast rate, making him double over and take a few steps back. She smiled while she grabbed his arms and got behind him, like she was arresting him. Finally, she put her foot on his back and kicked him forward into the lockers. She pinned him against the lockers and said into his ear, "If you try to do that again, I will have no mercy."
Amora let go of his arm as Steve whimpered and walked sideways against the lockers. She heard the cheers from all of the school that had witnessed the event.
"Amora, that was awesome! Can you do it again?" Toby and Jim walked up to Amora with excited looks on they're faces.
"Only if he does that again. Come on. Let's get home. I don't like all this attention," Amora walked through the courtyard to her bike. Jim and Toby hopped onto they're bike's, waiting for Amora. She jumped on and pushed off, eager to get away from the attention.
Jim and Toby followed Amora to they're little circle of houses that they lived in. Before they could depart, Jim's mum drove up to them and Jim and Amora stopped next to her car.
"Lookin' sharp Doctor Lake." Toby screeched to a stop next tot he car.
"Thank you Toby, and so are you."
"You're going to be out all night?" Jim asked.
Miss Lake sighed. "Dr. Gilberg is out with bursitis, and Dr. Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend."
"OK, well don't forget to bring your-" Jim was cut of as Dr. Lake said, "Dinner." She reached to the other side of her to grab a small paper bag, "Thank you."
"Right. And try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking. Takes all the flavor and nutrients away," Jim said, looking down and pulling out a piece of paper. Amora could see that it was a phone number from Mr. Strickler. Amora raised her eyebrow but did nothing, still watching from a few feet away from Jim's bike.
"Oh Jim, there must be a million things you must rather want to do then look after me." Dr. Lake was bending over to the other side to put the bag away. When she came back up, Jim hurriedly put away the phone number in his pocket.
"Can't think of one."
"Love you honey," Dr. Lake said, and that's when she noticed Amora standing there awkwardly, "And hello Miss Amber! I see you've met Jim and Toby? You're not still using that dagger, are you?"
Amora grinned and said, "Define using."
"As long as you're not coming into the hospital again... or anyone else for that matter."
Amora nodded and looked away towards her house, but in the corner of her eye she saw Dr. Lake whisper something to Jim and drive off, rolling up the window as she did.
Amora pushed off, the boys doing the same. Toby rode over to his house, and Jim and Amora rode to Jim's house. They parked they're bikes in his driveway and headed inside.
Hello everybody! I saw that I have 18 views, and I'm very thankful for it. I'm going to continue on with the story no madder what, but it would give me a lot of support to see comments and votes. So please do that and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!
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