2| Another One?
Amora woke up in her turquoise colored bed and turned off her alarm clock. She got out of bed and dressed into her crop top and shorts. She picked up her phone and put in her ear phones. She walked out her bedroom door and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. She walked down the hall to the living room when she heard her phone ringing.
"Hello Mum?"
"Hi Amora. If you're wondering why I'm not at home, is that the directer wants us to stay at the studio for a couple days to catch up on the work we missed. See you in a couple days, honey!"
"Um, OK, Mum. Love you!" Amora hung up the phone and sighed in joy. She was wanting to have the house to herself for a while now.
Amora smiled in joy and walked over to the kitchen. She looked in the fridge and grabbed some vegetables, fruits, and dipping sauce. She grabbed a plate and glass from the cupboard and set them down next to each other. She took some vegetables and fruits that she took out of the fridge and placed them neatly on the plate. She grabbed a small bowl from the cupboard and poured in her sauce. She returned all the food back into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of apple juice and filled her cup with it. She put back the juice and picked up her plate and glass.
Amora walked over to the living room and sat down on the sofa, quickly eating her breakfast. She put the glass and plate into the sink and quickly opened the fridge, grabbing some kale, fruit, and biscuits. She quickly grabbed a paper bag from the drawer and and placed it on the counter. She took a couple biscuits and placed them in the bag, and rolled up the top. She took a small plastic container from the cupboard and filled it with kale and the fruits. She put back the food and put the lid on the container.
Amora took both the bag and container and put the paper bag in her black bag. She ran to the garage, grabbing her keys on the way, and climbed onto her bike. She put the plastic container into her bike basket on the back, and opened the garage door. She pushed off and slowed down at the drive way, closing the garage door.
"Alright, Mum, time for a surprise," Amora said, pushing off of the ground and peddling down the street. After a couple minutes, she reached the movie studio that her mum worked at. She hopped off her bike and put the kickstand down, grabbing the container as she did so. She walked in the door and saw her mum milling around the stage.
"Hi Mum!" Amora said, walking over to the stage.
"Oh, hi sweetie! Good morning! Why are you here?" Her mum's name was Amanda, as the directer called, "Amanda, five more minutes until role time!"
"I brought you your favorite. So you don't have to eat any bad quality food here," Amora said, holding out the container.
"Oh, thank you! It looks delicious!"
"Your welcome! And by the way, how are the cameras?"
"They're malfunctioning from time to time, but so far so good. Can't believe we looked past such a simple mistake"
"So many lame mistakes here. Well, I should get going to school. Enjoy your lunch!" Amora said, waving goodbye and walking over to her bike and hopping on.
"Bye honey!" Amanda said, walking over to were Amora assumed were the kitchens.
Amora pushed off her bike and decided to take the canal, it'll save her a couple minutes. Amora peddled down the road, then down a path the led to the canal. After a minute, she reached the canal and peddled into it. She did half a flip in the air, and landed gracefully on the bottom, coming to a stop.
"Whoo! Never get's old," Amora said, brushing the hair out of her face. She looked over to her right because she heard some one talking over there. She got off her bike and walked over, taking off her helmet as she did.
"What are you doing here?" She said, wondering what he and his friend was doing.
The two boys' turned around and saw Amora walking towards them.
"Hi! Why are you here?" the skinny boy asked.
"I was trying to save time to get to school, and I assume you were too?"
"Yeah, but then I heard this weird voice coming from this pile of rocks over here, then found this," He said, holding out an amulet that looked almost exactly like the one Amora had.
"It looks like an amulet," the boy know as Toby said.
"That's because it is. And, I have the almost the exact same thing, that did the exact same thing to me," she said, taking out the small, black amulet from her bag and showing the two side by side.
"No way! That's so cool!" said Toby.
"Yeah, but I wanna know what this does. It glows for a reason," Amora said, handing the boy's amulet back to him.
"Thanks, and I never caught your name," the boy said, taking back the amulet and putting it in his bag, "My name is Jim Lake."
"Wait, you're the son of Barbara Lake? Dr. Lake? Oh my god, she's saved me like a million times when I was a kid!" Amora exclaimed.
"Saved?" Jim said.
"Yeah, when I was little and way to much a fan of Assassin's Creed. Yeah, that didn't end well," Amora said, confusing the two boys even more, "I wanted to be like the assassin in the game, so every night I would sneak out and practice with my dagger. Eventually, I accidentally cut my arm really bad and was rushed to the hospital after I made my way home, and Dr. Lake saved me. The end no harm done."
The two boys just gaped at her. Then Jim said, "Still, what's you're name?"
Amora laughed so hard she almost fell over, then said, "My name is Amora Amber."
Just then, the school bell rang, making you and the boys jump.
"Ah, final bell!" Jim said, running over to his bike. Amora and Toby followed, hopping on their bikes and propelling up the canal side and following a path to school. Finally, the three of them reached the school and hopped of their bikes. They rushed in school and all headed for their first class, history. The three of them all found empty seats next to each other and sat down with a disapproving look from the teacher. After an hour of history class, with Jim falling asleep in the middle of class, it finally ended.
Amora got up from her desk, taking her laptop and putting it in her backpack, and tried to exit the room, when the teacher, Mr. Strictler, stopped her.
"Amora, I won't tolerate my best student being late again. You're the most successful student in the school, and I don't want you to fail. I know the passing of your father is rough, but you've been living with it for five years. Why be late now?" Mr. Strictler said.
When he mentioned Amora's father, she wanted punch him, but instead said, "I got caught up in something and woke up too late. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
"I believe you, Assassin Amber," he said, walking off to Jim, who had knocked over his bag, splaying it's contents all over the floor.
"Wait, how did you know?" Amora looked at the teacher with suspicion. She shook her head and walked out the room, greeted by Toby. Jim walked out and walked with Amora and Toby to the gymnasium. While they walked, Jim asked, "Why do you think you and I have an amulet?"
"I don't know, but I'm just bewildered that there's another one."
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