Awkward Encounter
Star Pov
I slowly open my eyes as the room is shining with the sun beaming through the windows, as I turn away from the light I see a snoring Marco and I smirk and look at him, as I sit up I noticed I was shirtless under the hoodie he gave me, I sniff the jacket and giggled and I move slowly out of the bed and go get I return back Marco is still asleep on the bed, as I approached towards him I hear him groan and talk and I cover my mouth from laughing out loud, 'Oh..Star..please don't forget' what is he dreaming about "Marco..wake up" I whisper and looked down at him "Marco wake up!"
He got scared and we bud heads and I groan and rub my head as he does too "Ouchy..Marco that hurt" he groans " scared me awake, and I'm in pain too" I roll my eyes and notice Marco looks a little sad "Are you mad at me?" He shakes his head "no, just..tired I guess" I wonder if I should ask him about his dream "What did you dream about?" He got up and avoided the question "Marco Diaz.." he stopped and looked at me "" I patted a spot for him to sit back down "Stop avoiding the question, please tell me your dream" he walked towards the bed and sigh and kinda cough a little,
"'s gonna sound dumb and silly.." I gave him a small smile and he sigh "Well..I had a dream of you and me.. well...things happened..I can't say" I blushed a bit and his face lowers " were leaving back to mewni..and we had to break up..and than I told you to not forget me...then you woke me up" I had a tear run down my face, I didn't even know I was crying
"Star?" I pull Marco for a tight hug "I will never forget you" he relax and hugs back "Okay" as we looked at each other I looked down and see Marco shirtless and in his pajama pants and I smirked "What?" He said chuckling "Your shirtless in my bed..duh" as I said that he lays me down and he lays on my chest and kisses my neck and it makes me giggle "Because we were in a heated moment..but I'll wait for you.." I play with his hair and look up my bed and notice star's hanging from them "Will we ever be ready?" Marco nods and I laugh "Eventually..but what's the rush?" That's true what is the rush? We have time to do this..
As I look down at Marco he smirks and crawls up and he's above me and he kissed my nose and cheek and slowly inching closer to my he was about to kiss me my door opened and his mom shrieks making me and Marco hit our heads again and move off each other "Marco Diaz, what were you doing?!" Marco rub his head quickly and jumped off my bed and walked towards his mom and I sat up and rub my aching head "Nothing..we were just talking..?" She didn't look convinced
"Talking? Where's your shirt mijo? I didn't expect this to happen..when did happen anyway?" He looked back at me and back to his mom "Um..a couple weeks ago? Mom honest we didn't do is fully clothed I just came from my room to check on her.." oh Marco trying to be smooth "Then why were you about to kiss her? What's going on? I barely know what happens in your life Marco, why can't you be honest with me?" I felt horrible now, so I stepped in
"Mrs. Diaz I wanted to apologize for my inappropriate behavior, I didn't mean to cause such a mess with this..I should've told you sooner about me and Marco, yes me and Marco are dating and he slept next to me because I'm afraid something bad might happen when we are asleep, and I promise you that this will never happen again as long as we are under your roof" she looked to ease up a bit but sighs
"It's alright Star, I just freaked out a only son with a girl that is now a young man, it's kinda scaring seeing what I many things going through my head, like if you two weren't careful that I'll be a young grandma..." she was lost in thought and I looked at Marco who looked embarrassed " know I'll always be careful when it comes to stuff like that, and next time I'll be honest with you okay?" She nods and hugs us both "Okay..I'm going to set up breakfast you two are welcome to join" we nod and she leaves us
"That was so awkward" I nod and hold his hand "Yeah..maybe we should lock my door next time" he chuckles and pulls me under his arm "I'm proud of you star" I looked at him confused "Why?" He kissed my forehead "because you took the blame when clearly I could've of done it" I scuff "Please, you dying out there I had to help my boyfriend, right? I told the truth didn't I?" He nods "yeah you did, let's go eat I'm kinda hungry" I nod and we head down, that was a really weird situation, at least it wasn't my parents they would've flipped out
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