Chapter 2: Meeting May's Family and The Return of Brock
Winter, Tomo and May had just arrived at Petalburg City.
"What are we going to do here Winter?" Tomo asked.
"Well there is a gym here," Winter said, "but it says in the guide book that the gym leader here is very strong, and my Pokémon are not ready for this yet."
"But what about Pichu, Pachirisu, Absol, Rayquaza and Latias?" May asked.
Winter had explained to May about her Pokémon, "It's true that my Pokémon are strong," she said, "but it wouldn't be fair to my other Pokémon to not train them to be strong enough to battle the gym leader here."
"Yeah," Tomo said, "plus Winter's Pokémon are around or beyond Elite level."
"I see." May said, she could see that Winter was a kind and understanding trainer.
May brought Winter and Tomo to the Petalburg Gym.
The Petalburg Gym was built as a Japanese house.
"Why did you bring us here May?" Winter asked.
"I know the gym leader here very well," May said, "so I will introduce you to him myself."
Winter and Tomo saw nothing wrong with that and agreed to May's offer.
Inside the gym it was built as a Japanese house.
"I take it the gym is both a house and a gym because the leader lives here right?" Winter asked.
"That's right," May said, "and so does his family. Wait here and I'll get the gym leader." And she left.
"May is hiding something from us," Winter sigh, "but than again so are we."
"I know. But what is she hiding?" Tomo asked.
Before Winter could answer Tomo, a raccoon-like quadruped Pokémon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur made of layers of cream and brown color appeared. It has a brown head with spiky ears. It has a black nose and a mask pattern over its brown eyes. The upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. Its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. Its forefeet are cream-colored, and the hind feet are brown. Its brush tail is spiky and bristly.
"Hey what's that Pokémon?" Tomo asked.
Tomo looked at his PokéDex:
Zigzagoon, the Tiny Racoon Pokémon.
It gets interested in everything, which is why it zigs and zags. It is good at finding items.
"That's a cool Pokémon." Winter said.
Then a slender-bodied quadruped Pokémon showed up next. It has sharp, elongated claws and small pointed teeth. It has white fur with brown stripes with one long stripe stretching the length of the body and ending at an arrowhead right above its eyes. It has small, tuft-like ears and blue eyes.
"That's a Linoone." Winter said.
Linoone, the Rushing Pokémon.
The evolved form of Zigzagoon. When running in a straight line, it can easily top 60 miles an hour. It has a tough time with curved roads.
"That's cool," Winter said, "I wonder who they belong too."
"They belong to me." A voice said.
The voice belonged to a boy about seven years old, with blue-green hair and he was wearing glasses. "Who are you?" The boy asked.
"I'm Winter."
"My name is Max," the boy said, "and I'm the gym leader of this gym."
Winter looked at him, "You know it's not nice to lie," she said, "I have ways of knowing that someone is lying and you are lying to us because it says that a man named Norman is the gym leader, besides a seven year old wouldn't be allowed to be a gym leader yet."
"Yeah." Tomo said.
It was at that moment that May turned up, "Quit bothering Snow and Tomo Max." She said.
"I was only talking to them sis." Max said.
"Sis?" Winter asked.
May explained that Max was her little brother and she was really the gym leader's daughter.
A man and woman entered the room, and May introduced them as her dad Norman and her mum Caroline.
Norman and Caroline greeted Winter and Tomo at once and invited them to lunch, Winter and Tomo accepted the offer.
"So Winter." Norman said, "Is that your real name?"
Winter chuckled, "No," she said, "its an alias name. Sorry May I don't really plan to give my real out to anyone, it's for my own freedom when traveling."
May smiled understanding, "If Winter is not your real name, than what?" She asked.
"My real name is Luna Mew Light." Winter answered.
May's family was shocked, they couldn't tell that she was Luna Mew Light the winner of the Silver Conference in Johto, her appearance fooled them big time.
"No way!" Max said loudly, "Luna Mew Light the winner of both Kanto and Johto Conference!"
"Yep, that's big sis." Tomo said.
"Unbelievable I'm seeing the youngest Conference winner in front of me."
"Okay Max calm down." Caroline said to him, "Why are you hiding herself dear?"
"Like I said its for my freedom of travelling around." Winter said.
Winter explained to them that she hates being famous and everything if people where to found out that she is here she'll have no freedom of travelling around Hoenn, news reporters and fans would be after all everywhere. Also trainers are out to battle her for beginning the youngest to win two conferences in a row.
"I see, I tell you picked a great disguise. May told us that you and Tomo have been travelling for three years." Norman said.
"Yep. That's correct," Winter said, "I started my Pokémon journey when I was ten and Tomo was seven when he joined me."
Winter and Tomo explained about Tomo's life of being raised by Ranger Jenny in the Pokémon preserve in Kanto after his parents died, and then they explained about when Tomo became adopted in the Light family.
"Wow, then you must be happy traveling with your sister right Tomo?" Caroline asked.
"Yes I am." Tomo said.
"Are you collecting gym badges too Tomo?" Max asked.
"No I'm not," Tomo replied, "I don't know what I want to be, so I'm going to travel with Luna and then find my answer."
"That's understandable." Norman said.
After lunch Norman showed Winter and Tomo the battle area in the gym.
"So Winter do you wish to challenge me now?" Norman asked.
"Not right now," Winter said, "I wish to get more Hoenn Pokémon and train them before I challenge you Norman."
Winter explained that she left all her Pokémon, except Pichu, Pachirisu, Rayquaza, Absol, Latias, Latios and her egg, at Professor Oak's lab because she wanted to start his journey with a new batch of Pokémon.
"I see," Norman said, "then come back here to challenge me when you've earned four badges."
"It's a deal." Winter smiled.
After hearing that Winter had a Rayquaza, Latias and a Latios, Max asked Winter if he could see them.
Winter released Rayquaza, Absol, Latias, Latios, Mudkip and Poochyena from their PokéBalls, and took out her Pokémon egg from her backpack.
Max flipped when he saw Rayquaza, Latias and Latios.
Norman and Caroline were surprised too and thought that Winter was very lucky to have legendary Pokémon.
Winter said that Rayquaza hatched from an egg she was given.
Tomo released his Seedot, Shuppet, Treecko, Poochyena and Wynaut.
May released her Torchic and Azurill, "I got Torchic from Professor Birch, like Snow got Mudkip and Tomo got Treecko from Professor Birch, and Snow helped me catch Azurill." May explained.
"Well you three have great Pokémon on you," Norman said, "and since May told us that she was going to travel with you, Winter and Tomo, I can't leave my daughter in better hands."
"Don't worry," Winter said, "we will help May in any way we can."
"Yes." Tomo replied.
Suddenly Winter's egg began to glow.
"It's going to hatch." Tomo said.
Winter took the glass lid off the incubator, and everyone watched as the egg continued to glow.
Then the egg hatched into a Riolu.
"That's a Riolu, a fighting type Pokémon." Max said.
May checked her PokéDex:
Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon.
When sad or scared, Riolu's Aura becomes stronger as a way of signalling its allies. Riolu also has the power to understand emotions like happiness and anger Aura waves.
Winter picked up Riolu. "Hi there Riolu," she said happily, "I'm your trainer."
Riolu sensed Winter's strong aura and hugged her.
"You have quite a way with baby Pokémon Winter." Caroline said.
"Well to tell you the truth, I'm a Poképarent of some of my Pokémon back home, as well as being my Latios, adopted Aunt." Winter said.
Norman could tell right away that Winter was a good kid.
Suddenly a crash came through the wall.
It was Team Rocket, Jessie, James and Meowth had arrived in the Hoenn region.
Pichu and Pachirisu face palm themselves, they couldn't leave them alone for long.
"Oh great, it's you three again." Winter groaned, she explained to Norman and his family that Team Rocket was a gang of crooks who stole Pokémon from people.
Norman took out a PokéBall from his pocket. "You three won't be taking any of my Pokémon anywhere." He said and released a Vigoroth.
Tomo checked his PokéDex:
Vigoroth, the Wild Monkey Pokémon.
The evolve form of Slakoth. It can't keep still because its blood boils with energy. It runs through the fields and mountains all day to calm itself. If it doesn't, it can't sleep at night.
"Wow it's like big sis." Tomo said.
Jessie and James sent out Arbok and Weezing to battle.
"Vigoroth use scratch on that Weezing." Norman said. Vigoroth scratched Weezing good.
Winter ordered Pachirisu to attack Arbok with super fang, and Pachirisu attack Arbok well with it super fang.
Jessie and James were about to send out another Pokémon, but Pichu was quick to blasted Team Rocket away with thundershock.
Later that day, Winter, Tomo and May got ready to leave.
Norman told Winter that she could get his first gym badge from Rustboro City, so Rustboro City was the first destination.
Norman also gave Winter a light blue gym badge case to store her badges.
Then Max turned up and announced that he was going to join Winter, Tomo and May on the journey too.
"As Max wishes to become a Pokémon trainer and to take over my gym one day, we decided to let him join you," Norman said, "that way he will learn more things from real life experience, rather from text books."
Winter and Tomo understood and accepted Max to join the group.
Max had his Zigzagoon and Linoone on him in their PokéBalls, they were really his Pokémon.
Norman also gave Max a PokéNav of his own.
"You take care of yourselves May and Max," Caroline said, "and enjoy your journey."
"We will." Max and May replied.
Winter, Tomo, May and Max said goodbye to Norman and Caroline and left Petalburg City for Rustboro City.
Now the journey for Winter and Tomo and their new friends, May and Max, had truly begun now.
Winter and the gang had come to a forest called Petalburg Forest.
Max was hoping to see lots of Pokémon right away, but so far the gang hadn't seen any Pokémon yet.
"Be patient Max," Winter said, "Pokémon will turn up soon. I've been in lots of forests before, and Pokémon always turn up when you least expect it."
May was getting hungry and asked if they could stop for lunch.
"Yes we can," Winter said, "have you still got the cans of Pokémon food I asked you to pack May?"
"Yes I do." May said and she took out some cans of Pokémon food from her ruck sack.
"That's good," Winter said, "and Tomo and I brought some food from a store back in Petalburg City."
They both took out sandwiches, rice balls and some little cakes out from their ruck sacks.
Winter had chocolate milk and strawberry milk for her and Pachirisu since Pachirisu loves strawberry milk just like Winter loves chocolate milk.
"We have some other food too, but we'll save it for dinner." Tomo said.
"You two certainly how to organise things." Max said.
"One thing about being on a journey is that you must always be prepared," Winter said, "and that's why every time we visit a town, we all must always buy food and medicine okay?"
May and Max understood.
Soon everyone and the Pokémon were having lunch.
"Hey Max I've been meaning to ask you, when did you get your Zigzagoon and Linoone?" Tomo asked.
Max explained that a few months ago he found a hurt Zigzagoon and Linoone at a park and he took them to the Pokémon Centre right away.
"They had no trainers, so I asked my parents if I could have them as I like normal type Pokémon a lot," Max said, "at first my mum thought I was too young, but dad agreed as long as I took responsibility for them."
"I see," Winter said, "well they look happy with you."
"I agree." A voice said, "Hey, Professor Oak and Tracey was right, Luna you definitely got a great disguise there I could hardly recognise you."
The voice was Brock's voice.
"Brock, what are you doing here?" Winter said chocking on her food, who was surprised to see him.
Tomo was surprised too.
"Everything at Pewter Gym is fine, and I decided to come to Hoenn to travel with you again." Brock said.
Winter and Tomo were happy to hear that, and introduced him to May and Max.
May and Max were surprised to hear that Brock was a gym leader.
"Have you got Pokémon with you as well?" Max asked.
"Actually I do." Brock said, and he released Forretress, Baltoy and Aggron from their PokéBalls.
Winter was surprised that Brock had an Aggron and asked Brock where he got one.
"It was rampaging around Pewter Gym and I caught it before it could do real damage." Brock said.
Winter was surprised by that story.
Brock noticed all of the new pokemon that Winter and Tomo had and thought they were cool and he liked May's Torchic and Azurill, he also liked Max's Zigzagoon and Linoone.
Brock was about to have lunch with everyone else, but then they all heard a chirping and a snarling noise.
"What is that noise?" May asked.
"That sounds like two Pokémon are fighting," Winter said, "we better go and check it out before it gets serious."
They soon found what the noise was about; there was a Zigzagoon and a small bird Pokémon with dark blue feathers and patches of red on its chest and forehead. The patch on its forehead has a triangular upper tip. It has narrow brown eyes and a short yellow beak. It has elongated wingtips, and the underside of the wings is white. It has two sharp tail feathers, and its black feet have yellow claws.
"That bird is a Taillow." Max said.
Taillow, the Tiny Swallow Pokémon.
It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.
"Why are Taillow and Zigzagoon fighting?" May asked.
"Must be because of territory or food," Brock answered, "this happens all the time with wild Pokémon. They fight over everything."
Winter liked the fighting spirit of Zigzagoon and Taillow and decided to catch them.
"Ready Pachirisu, Poochyena?" Winter asked her two Pokémon.
Pachirisu, Poochyena nodded and was ready to battle.
"Okay Pachirisu use thunderbolt on Taillow and Poochyena use bite on Zigzagoon." Winter said.
Being a flying type, Taillow got a direct hit from thunderbolt, Poochyena charged in to bite Zigzagoon, but Zigzagoon charged at Poochyena to use headbutt.
"Okay Poochyena, use sucker punch." Poochyena punched Zigzagoon good and now both Taillow and Zigzagoon were hurt. "Okay time to catch you two." Luna said and she caught the two Pokémon with two PokéBalls.
May, Max, Tomo and Brock congratulated Winter with her capture.
"You know, even though the journey in Hoenn has just started, I'm already enjoying it." Winter said.
"So am I." Tomo said.
"With you guys capturing new Pokémon it's no wonder." Brock said.
"I can't wait till I start capturing more Pokémon for myself." Max said excitedly.
"Me too." May said.
So there was no doubt that Winter and the gang were going to enjoy their journey through the Hoenn region.
20/09/2015- Edited
1. I think that Max should have had Pokémon in the anime, I mean it shows in the anime of some children, younger than ten, having Pokémon with them. So Max should have had some.
I got the idea of Max having a Zigzagoon and Linoone as starters because of Misty having Staryu and Starmie as starters.
2. Okay most of Max's Pokémon will be normal type because of his desire to take over the Petalburg Gym from his dad Norman in the future.
3. I didn't want Luna to battle Norman to early for I had her to wait and collect four badges.
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