Chapter 4~ The Morning
~Lucy POV~
About 10 minutes after Angel got her pjs virgo reappeared with 4 different outfits .
One outfit was a pair of black basketball shorts with a black tank top which I'm guessing will be midnights.
The second outfit was a maroon tank top with snakes in the middle and a pair of dark red basketball shorts, which is most likely cobra' s.
The third outfit was an orange tank top and black basketball shorts, which is probably Hot eye's.
And the last but not least outfit was a white tank top and a pair of yellow basketball shorts with a '63' on it, probably racer's.
Once the boys got dressed we settled who's gonna sleep where. Racer will be sleeping on the couch, Cobra will be sleeping in the sleeping bag, Hot Eye will be sleeping with one of the pillows and blankets while midnight uses the other. Angel will just sleep with me in my bed and it will be like a sleepover.
I woke up to the smell of something burning and yelling. So I went down stairs to see what happened and let's say it wasn't pretty.
There was pancake batter, eggs, eggshells, and other food everywhere. I was FURIOUS, no BEYOND FURIOUS
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!" I yelled and every one stopped what they were doing and looked at me with a shocked faces.
"What happened here?" I asked agian more calmly, nobody responded at first then midnight cane out of the living room.
"What's going on?" He asked still sounding sleepy
"I was trying to make breakfast went cobra decided it was a good idea to scare me and I spilled the eggs and batter on the floor" Angel said. "Is that true Cobra?" I asked. It took him a minute to respond.
"Yes but I was hungry" he said. He reminds me of Natsu. When I thought about Natsu a cloud of sadness came over me.
"Oi Blondie what'cha looking at?" Cobra snapped me back into reality when he said that.
"Heh sorry I spaced out a minute" I said "Now get to work cleaning this up both of you" once I showed them where the cleaning supplies was cause lets be honest they'll probably make many more messes in the future.
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