OS1: Villain!Janus X Hero!Reader
Okay! I didn't see a single 'No' in the comments for the Oneshot idea. So OS stands for Oneshot, aaand, I'll do pretty much all requests, Fluff, Angst, maybe smuts but if you want smut it's gonna be trash. So yeah! I don't know if you were intending for this to be angsty and depressing, but oops.
Requested by: @MABILLDIP
Type: Angst with a lil fluffy at the end
Key: Y/n = Your Name, F/c = Favorite Color, S/H/N = Super Hero Name, S/H/N/N = Super Hero Nickname
Warnings: Swearing, suicide attempt, depression
Context: Your a superhero with your friends, Logan, Roman, and Patton. The villains are Janus, Remus, Virgil, and Remy. But you accidentally fall in love with the Reptilian Rapscallion, unaware of his depression.
I hope you enjoy!
It's my duty to protect the city. Not fall in love with the goddamn enemy! What will my team think of me?! Wait... what if I keep it a secret... NO! I'm supposed to trust them! They're supposed to trust me! We're suppo-
"Y/n?" Logan snapped you out of your thoughts. "Huh?" I ask. "Did you hear the plan?" He asks. "No, I zoned out... s..sorry." I say guiltily. "Do you even take this seriously?!" Roman yells. "Your facing Snake! Logan with be on Sleepy! Patton will take on Suspense! I'm taking on m- Rat Man!" He continues. "Ro, calm down. They might just be having a bad day." Patton says. Logan sighs. "Pat, Ro, N/n. Put it aside for now. Get any gear you may need. Let's go."
Logan comes out (as gay) in his navy suit- as in a full body suit, not a tuxedo or whatever- and a visor over his eyes. The visor allows him to see people through walls.
Roman comes out with a red suit with some white accents and white mask. He summons a red sword. "Good. 'Cause I for got to charge this." He says quietly.
Patton comes out with a wolf-themed suit with light blue accents. "Ro- err, Lovan! Can I test out my strings?" He asks. "Sure Woofs!" Roman says. "Thanks!" He replies, extending his hand towards Lovan. Blue strings come out of his fingertips, wrapping around Lovan. "Thanks Lovan!" Woof Man exclaims, retracting the strings.
I walk out with a(n) F/c (If you can't think of one or don't have one, Orange) suit and mask. With white highlights here and there. I summon a small white ball. 'Now.' It turns F/c and it makes a small explosion.
"Everyone ready?" Specs asks. Everyone nods their heads. We head to where they should be. Jumping roof to roof. "Specs, didn't you say they'd be here." Lovan asks. "I'm scanning the area right now." He responds. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary. There is people, but they're all sitting down it seems. Since we're on top of a business building, that seems pretty normal, especially since there is a lot of people." He informs us. I look around. "Over there!" I shout jumping to the three beings on the roof. Wait... three?
An arrow gets shout into my suit, missing my skin, but knocking me down. I look around. I take the arrow out and stick it in a nearby brick building. I look around. I'm high off the ground. I look for any possible solutions. 'I can't climb, there's only one arrow... and Snake can make it disappear any time... maybe if I... wait why isn't he making me fall right now? It would kill me for sure. Does he- no! Stop it Y/n. Maybe if I summon my explosives, I can stand on them, then send them towards the enemy and make them explode then, yeah!' I do what I was thinking. 'Now.' They don't see it coming.
"S/H/N!" Your team exclaims. "S/H/N/N... you didn't die?" Snake says behind you. "You could've killed me. You didn't." I say. "How do you know?" He asks. You turn around to face him, holding the arrow. "This is still here, if you made disappear, I'd be dead." You stare dead in his Heterochromic (Homochromic) eyes. Brown and a greenish-yellow. His yellow suit seeming to glow. The black mask and accents make him look sorta Disney-Villainous. "That one is real." He says. I crush it with my bare hands and it turns into yellow particles. "Liar." He stays silent. "Are you gonna fight me?" He asks. I feel my face get hot. I forgot, we're enemies.
"R..right." I summon my explosives and throw it at him. He summons a pistol and shoots it. His power is summoning any range weapons like bows and guns. I go for a kick to the stomach he jumps back. He throws a fist at me. I grab his wrist and throw him behind me. He falls to the ground. I- totally not hesitantly- summon and explosive and throw it at him 'Now.'. It explodes just when he rolls away, jumping back up.
"You don't understand how this feels." He says. I throw another at him. 'Now!' It explodes he shifts to the side.
"To feel alone." He says. "Shut up." I say. I throw several explosives. 'NOW!' He shoots some of them while backing up closer to the edge of the building.
"To be known for something you fear." He says, on the verge of tears. "I said shut up!" I yell. Throwing even more explosives. 'NOW!' He backs up close to the edge. About to fall off. "Snake look out!" His friends shout. He turns around. "WAIT!" I shout, running towards him.
He willingly jumps.
I jump down with him.
I grab him. Both of us still falling. We land on light blue strings. 'Thanks Patton.'. I hear sobbing coming from him. Janus? Nice name. "...I'm sor-ry..." He says, voice breaking. "No! Shut up! Don't be! I should be. I was being an asshole!" I say. "I've hurt so many people!" He yells. "Did you want to?" I ask. He stays silent. "N-no..." His voice breaks. "Did you enjoy it?" I ask. "No..." "Then... I forgive you." I say. The strings suddenly move and we're pulled up.
Patton, Roman, and Logan run to me while Rat Man, Sleepy, and Suspense run to Snake- er Janus.
"Are you okay?!" Patton asks. "Did he hurt you?!" Roman asks. "Why'd you jump too?!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down." I take a deep inhale and exhale. "Yes." I point to Patton. "No." I point to Roman. "Because..." I look at Logan. "Oh! I know!" Patton says. "Lovan, you should too!" He says. He pauses. "No..." He says.
Suddenly. You're attacked by a tackle hug from behind. "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING HIM! IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME AND MY FRIENDS!" You guys fall to the ground he rolls off of you quickly jumping and running around. Rat Man. Okay? I see a yellow hand extend towards me. I look up and see Snak- Janus without his mask on. He has scales. So that's why he's called Snake. I take his hand and he pulls me up.
"S...so... how about, a truce?" He asks. I look back at everyone. "Sure!" Patton exclaims. "I don't mind." Logan says. "...I guess... it would make everything easier." Roman says. "G..great... and... Y/n... I think that's your name at least?" He sounds a little hesitant. "Yeah." "Can... I ask you something? In private?" He sounds kinda worried.
I follow him away from the others. "S..so uh... I was... w..wondering... w..would you like... to... go... out sometime?" His face flushes with red. "As long as you NEVER do that again." I say. "Pinky promise." He say holding out his pinky finger. I wrap my pinky finger around his. "Alright good." I say.
I hope he gets through this.
WOO! DEPRESSION! ahem. So, sorry if anything offends you and sorry if this didn't turn out how you want. BUT I did it. That became so much more depressing than I was expecting. Anyways I hope you Demons, Angels, and everyone in and out of between enjoyed. Have a good day/night.
Words: 1384
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