Chapter Three: Deceit Not Again!
Hullo again. Glad to see ya still here! Warnings: Swearing, arguing, Remus being Remus, Remus being hit with bacon
Beep. Be- too early for this stupidity. I roll over and try to fall back asleep. Turns out, that isn't going to happen. I lay there for a long time. Until there is a knock on my door. "Hey Keeper! It's Patton and Logan! We were wondering if you're okay? Remus's head seems fine. Roman is back to his usual self! We wondering if you wanted breakfast?" Patton seemed very worried. "Yeah I'll be out in a bit." I say quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. "Okay Kiddo! See ya!" Happy Pappy Patton says. I brush my hair and make myself look presentable. Maybe not okay, but presentable. And head for food.
"-ow. I guess I'm maybe just. Lacking sleep. Wait. REMY!" It sounds like Thomas. "Yes babes?" Yea, that's definitely Remy. "Why have been lacking sleep, you've been here every night right?" Thomas asks. "That's a secret babes." I watch from the door way. "Can you please tell m- wait. A secret? KEEPER!" Thomas shouts. "Jeez I'm right here." I say. But I didn't open my mouth. I see me sitting at the table. But I'm in the doorway. DECEIT! "You know there can't be two Keepers right?" I say. "DECEIT!" Fake me says. I look back and forth. And back at The Lyin' King. "Yes, Deceit, reveal yourself!" I say then look at said side. "Fine. Very good Keeper. You're always so good at finding me," He pauses to transform into himself, "but, you could've kept it a secret." He says. "Funny! Yes, I could've. But I didn't." I say. "What do you want you slippery snail?!" Thomas shouts. "Thomas. Deceit is a snake not a snail." Logan says. "Yea I kn-. Nevermind. But what do you want?!" He shouts once more. "I totally don't want the same thing I wanted two days ago." The liar lies. "Well. Let's vote." Nerdy wolverine says. "Wait what?" Virgil says. "I mean, it seems... logical." The teacher says. "Okay. Who votes no?" Thomas asks. Virgil, Logan, and Remy raise their hands. "Okay, who says yes?" Thomas asks. Roman and Patton raise their hands. "Keeper you didn't vote." Logan says. "That's because I don't care. Thomas didn't vote either." I say. "Oh right, I vote no!" Thomas says. "I vote yes!" Remus says out of no where. "BITCH!" I shout throwing bacon at him. "Keeper! Stop attacking me!" Remus says fake offended. "Whatever! I vote yes, why not?" I say annoyed. "Well uh. That's a tie." Logan states. "Sooooo? We do what now?" Patton asks. "I got a solution." I say. I pull out my phone and text Emile. 'Hey, we got a tie on a vote. So, I decided to text you. Should we let Deceit hang out with us?' I double check for spelling errors and send. "What did you do?" Logan asks. "I texted Dr. Picani." I say. "Texted him what exactly?" Logan asks. I look at my phone seeing he is typing. "I said, 'Hey, we got a tie on a vote. So, I decided to text you. Should we let Deceit hang out with us?' Word for word." I told everyone. "Did he write back yet?" Logan asks. "Just did, he said, 'WHAT?! AGAIN!? NO!!! HE IS PLANNING SOMETHING!!! SORRY FOR YELLING BUT THIS HAPPENED TWO DAYS AGO TOO!!!" In all caps." I say, not shouting his message for the sake of everyone's ears. "Okay, so Deceit, you can go, and you too Remus." Roman says.
"Wait how did he know what happened two days ago? He wasn't here." Virge says. "I told him." I say. "What else did you tell him?" Virge asks wanting to know badly. "Stuff." I say. Just now noticing Deceit and Remus already left. That was fast. "Not gonna say?" Virgil asks. "Is it your business?" I remark, more cold than it was meant to be. "Actually, yes it is. Especially if it was most likely about one of us." He states angry. "Oh! Okay! I obviously wa-" "OH MY GOD SHUT UUUUUUUUUUP!!!" Remy interrupts. "OH I'M SORRY I WAS TALKING ABOUT ALL OF YOU AT DR. PICANI'S!!!" "Keeper." Logan says. "WHAT?!" I shout. "Calm down." He says. "I'm not the ONLY one yelling am I? No. Therefore. Fuck you." I say and sink back into my room. Luckily I have some ramen in my mini fridge to eat...
~Deceit's Point Of View~
"It was a good idea to dress up as Emile for that." Remus says. "How did he know you tried hanging out with them for a day anyway?" Remus asks. "I came into his place after the party." I say, truthfully. I know. I'm Deceit but, I can be truthful. Just like Keeper doesn't always keep their secrets to themselves. "Ooo! Interesting! I can't believe you're doing this all fo-" "AH DAT DAT DAT DAT!!! SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I interrupt. Nope. He's not getting past me. "Dat? Dad? Daddy? Ima-" Smack. "OW!" Remus shouts. I sink into my room.
~Keeper's Point Of View~
It's the end of the day. I'm tired. Author~Chan is too lazy to write more of the story. But I'll cut them some slack for not knowing what to do since everyone is in there rooms at this point. (Thanks!) I try falling asleep. But-
MUAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! I know, I know, I'm evil.
Words: 914
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