Part 3:Are You two dating yet!?
TW: Mention of cutting and curssing (that's in all the chapters) and a make out.
(Michael's POV)
The next I woke day up and did the normal morning routine but when I go to open the fridge to get milk for my cereal that was drowning in sugar and saw a sticky note. "Hey Mikey -poo" I hate it when they they call me that. "Sorry but we let your cousin John use your car,so you can walk or take the bus today. So sorry. Love you Mikey-poo, have a nice day!!😘😘" WHAT!!YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE AWAY MY CAR!! WHAT THE HELL! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL FUCKING KILL SOMEONE!!!
....Ok maybe I won't. Nice one hormones but not today. I still have to go to school.AND MAKE BREAKFAST!!! I hurried stuffing my face and ran to the bus stop,already knowing Jeremy was not coming to school today. The bus arrived and Christine also lives on our street so she was also at the bus stop. We got on and sat down the bus was packed, so we had to sit next to each other.
"So are you two dating yet?" Christine asked with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Pfft. No." I said chuckling
"You mean not yet." She replied. "I mean he like... He so has a crush on you" She said. I thought about what happened last night and what Jeremy said... and a blush spread to my cheeks. "OMG did you guys have sex last night?!?" Christine asked a smirk on her face. She knew what she was doing.
"No!!!" I exclaimed flustered. I
"Well until you tell me what happened that will be my mind set." She said smirk on her face as she kicked her feet back and forth.I
"Ok, ok we just got high." I lied.
"And what??" she inquired raising her eye brows.
"Nothing" I said, holding the 'g' as more blush raising to my cheeks at the heated make out session that happened yesterday. He seemed so hungry, like he wanted It to go further, and there was also a lot of passion. His lips were so warm and soft... And he tasted sweet it was like a drug I could not get enough of.
I was snapped out of my trance by Christine laughing.
"Ya I totally believe that with the space outs, blush and love struck look on your face" She said between laughs.
"That's all that happened!!". I defended myself and Jeremy.
"Ok you guys had sex." She said. "No-" She cut me off "Tell me the full story Mell" She demanded.
"Fine" I started. "He claimed he loved me and we made out." I said. Christine squealed. "Hey I don't take pride in that,ok?He was high and was just looking for a quick kiss ok?" I explained.
"No he loves you Mike! He is head over heels for you. He talks about you all the time! And there's a big difference between a quick kiss and a quick MAKE OUT SESSION!!" She said.
"Well, we were each other's best friends for what 12 years?.. If course he's going to talk about me. But that doesn't mean he loves me." I said. "No,no,no he gives details. For instance.. 'His hair moved really angel like as he ran' and 'His cu-smirk is...'" she smiled at me.
"Cu-smirk?" I teased.
"Ya he was about to say cute but caught himself. He sooo loves you" She said It like a fact. "He does not." I said as the bus pulled up to the school. "Does too" Christine retaliated. "Noo" I said as I got up "ye-e-e-ess" She sang as she also got up. "I'm going to class Chris." I said griping my headphones. "Ok bye Mikey!!" She said as she walked into the school.
The rest of the day was fine. Until the bus ride home. Christine and I were in different rows now. I was listening to music when I looked out my window to see a truck coming right at us. I put my hands in front of my face and prepped for the impact and I felt myself fly back. I hit the ground my neck hit the seat behind me. It hurt like hell but I'll deal.At least I'm not dead. "Michael!" Someone yelled.I looked over it was Christine. More impact. My head snapped to the side.
It cut my fucking head. They bandaged It and put us on another bus and I went home after taking an Advil. Or not home...
I knocked on the door. Mr.Heere answered. "What happened to you?" He asked.
"My bus was hit." I deadpan. "But you take your car. "It was a statement but it sounded like a question. "My mom's had to use it"I said walking over to the stairs.
"Ok then" Mr.Heere said. With that I walked up the stairs I know all to well.
And walked into his room
(Jeremy's POV)
I didn't mean to ignore Michael. I had a girlfriend though. And she didn't want me NOT to hang out with him she actually encouraged me to hang out with him. But I 1) didn't want to believe my Michael, my happy little Michael Mell could be depressed.2)After I realized I liked him I was scared of fully falling for him so I kept my distance, it didn't work. 3) I didn't want to lose Christine then the SQUIP'incident would be for nothing. There that justify me?
I was crying my eyes out, the SQUIP'INCEDNT was for nothing... hurting Brook and Michael. Jake and Rich. I regretted It all. Then the door opened. I looked over to see Michael.
"Hey Jer" he greeted as he turned on the lights. That was when I noticed the bandage on his head. I sat up. "Oh my god Micha are you Ok!?" I asked, worried. Completely forgetting that I was in the middle of balling my eyes out, my voice was raspy and you could tell I was just crying.I
"Yeah" He replied. I
"What happened?" I questioned.
"My bus was hit and my Moms took my car. " He explained like he's done it a million times. "Oh." I said. I
"So how...are things going?" He said It sweetly and gently,but my eyes welled with tears. "Sorry!!" He said . He walked approached me with open arms and wrapped them around me engulfing me in a hug. Michael gives this special kind of hug, it's warm and welcoming and I feel so safe. Like he protects me from the darkest demons.My darkest demons. I cried for a while.
Then the door opened.
"Hey Michael your friends Rich and Jake dropped off this stuff." My dad said. Michael pulled away and walked over to my dad and took... A guitar case??? And a bag and came back into the room.
"Sorry" He apologized for nothing in particular.
"What's that?" I asked pointing to the guitar case.
"Oh" He said acting like he had never seen it before.
"Come on what is it!?!" I asked. "Well if appears to be a guitar case." He said stroking his chin thoughtfully. I let out a short lived laugh.
"Is it yours?" I asked I didn't know he played guitar. "Well yeah..." He admitted.
"Can you play??" I asked.
"No I have a guitar for no reason" He said sarcastically. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Can you play a song for me?" I asked, telling excited.
"I'm not that good and you really don't want me to." He said It so plainly, like it was normal to just put yourself down.
"No play" I demand.
"I'm really bad at play-" I cut him off.
"No, I assure you I want you to play, now." Michael sighed and put down the case popping the locks on the sides up opening it and taking the guitar out and getting in playing potion. He took a breath in and out.
"Ok... This is, This Is Home by CaveTown." He played a little before singing.
"Often I am upset That I can not call in love but I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it."
I forgot how beautiful and angle like his voice is.
"Are you tired of me yet?"
No I'm not.
"I'm a little sick right now but I swear,when I'm ready I will fly us out of here... I'll cut my hair. "A couple of cordes "To make you stare. "More strumming " I'll hide my chest and I'll figure out a way to get us of here." He played a little before singing again "Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now in this place.Has too many colors enough to drive all of us insane. Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead." Me too bud"cause Can feel the ghosts and ghouls raping my head, but I don't want to call asleep just yet."
I don't want that either.
"My eyes went dark. "A couple cords "I don't know where" More strumming "my pupils are but I'll figure out a way to get us out of here... " He started strumming faster" Get a load of this monster.He doesn't know how to communicate. His mind is in a different place will everybody please give him a little bit of space. Get a load of this train wreck, his hairs a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet. But little do we know the stars all welcome him with open arms." strumming" Time is......... Slowly.......... tracing his face but strangely he feels at home in this place. " He ended it with one strum.
I felt compelled to kiss him. I remember yesterday, his lips were warm and soft and he was so gentle and caring. I found myself leaning toward him. He didn't back away either. OMFG AM I- My thoughts were cut off by my lips on his. Our lips locked and we stopped for a second before moving in sync.
Michael pulled away, Why did he pull away?? Come back, Oh wait he's taking off his guitar. I flipped up his glasses. (they were stabbing my face) The second his guitar was off I slammed Our lips back together. He pushed me back, and I could feel him in my lap.(his leg's were supporting him so he was not crushing me) And he gently pushed me back so I was laying down on my bed, I felt his hand tangle in my hair and he gave a light tug cussing me to gasp and open my mouth, I felt him slide his tongue into my mouth.
Our tongues were fighting in our mouths. I put my hand on the back of his head to pull him closer but he grabbed my wrist then the other and pinned them above my head. Michael tongue was exploring my mouth and he did something that felt good so I moaned into the kiss causing Michael to pull away. We just starred at each other for a good minute or two before Michael started apologizing rapidly as he let go of my wrists and got out of my lap. I didn't move I just stayed there staring at the ceiling, I wanted him back on me. I don't think I should, he's my best friend I can't think that way- Then my head hurt. My hands flew to my head.
"Jeremy?! You OK??" Michael asked.
Then I saw the SQUIP appeared in front of me. "Well that was much easier than last time." He said popping his collar.
Time slowed down."So you got it for this loser, eh? " He walked over to Michael who was slowly standing and taped his head, I watched as multiple blue screens appeared above his head. "Hhmmm. I see why. He's smart, good at drawing, and coding, hes got an imagination loyal, loving, protective. But..." Michael had just got out the door to my room. "Lots of secrets. " He said
"Michael Wouldn't keep secrets from me!" I argued.
" OH,that's where your wrong. You have been too caught up with your 'Girlfriend '" he said using air quotes for girlfriend. "That you've been ignoring Michael here. He got depressed started cutting, got Hakitana for you, and had a suicide attempt. He's also been broken... By you to, Abused by his dad, which caused bad morals, abandonment and attachment issues " the SQUIP watched Michael come across the room to me "Take it easy on him his pure heart of gold is broken easily by the people he loves " then I felt a liquid going down my throat. I swallowed the liquid then I heard Michael ask. "You ok dude?"
"Yea" I replied. "So are we like dating yet?" I asked surprising even myself.
"I... not yet. You still need to get over her." Michael stated. "But I'll tots do that best friend with benefits thing." He added. I noded. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing video game while I contemplated how to tell Michael about what the SQUIP said.
The next morning I woke up to my phone going haywire. I sat up to see the SQUIP at the end of my bed and in my sleepy haze I didn't question why the SQUIP was back so instead I thought 'why are you reading papers?'. "For ethnic" he said throwing the papers in the air where they froze before they could fall and then pixelated into nothingness . "Rich Goranski set a fire at Jake Dillinger's house last night at 1:26 AM and was saved by Jake who jumped with him out a second story window breaking both his legs and Rich got 3rd degree burns all over his body." I took a second to process this then asked me
"Did anyone die?" I asked aloud by accident.
"Not yet." The SQUIP replied. Then my phone started ringing. I picked up without checking the ID calling Jeremy
"Jeremy." It was Michael's Mama, he had a Mom and a Mama. His Mama was his blood mother and his Mom was his step-mother. Her voice was raspy cut and harsh like she had been crying.
"Hey Mama" I called Michael's Mom's , Mom and Mama to.
"Um.. I don't know if you've heard but there was a fire at a party last night and um.. They found Michael in the bathroom." My eyes widened and my heart sank. She started getting choked up but continued talking. "The fire hadn't touched him but the smoke had gotten in and..." she let out a sob.
"Let me have the phone Hun." I could hear sobbing and what I assumed to be the phone being transferred between the two.
"Michael was *Gasp* pronounced-*choke* de-dead at 11:00 this morning." Tears streamed down my face at a rapid pace and the world fell away.
I woke up in a cold sweat.
I began crying. I never really thought about the fact that Michael could have died and the last thing I would have said would have been calling him a loser, we've never even talked about that night so he could have gotten burned or worse.
Then the door to my room opened.
(Michael's POV)
I got a call from Mr.Heere about Jeremy having a nightmare so I made my way over I got there and Mr.Heere let me in telling me that Jer was trashing around in his sleep, crying and whimpering. I opened his door and he was crying on the bed. "Hey Jer" I said softly, walking over to him and sitting down on the bed. He looked up and pulled me into a hug and sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged back and said calming words till he was only whimpering completely forgetting about Mr.Heere.
"You want to tell me about the nightmare?" I asked gently. He nodded.
"You died in the fire at Jake's." he said his voice barley above a whisper.
"The SQUIP?" I asked. He nodded again before grabbing my hands and pulling me towards him asking me to lay down with him. I kicked off my shoes and laid down next to him he cuddled into my chest.
"You think you can go back to sleep Jer-Bear?" I asked.
"Yea... but can you sing to me?" He asked I could tell he was nervous.
"Of course." I replied.
I sang till he fell asleep.
AN: Another chapter YAY!! (auto correct just said GAY for YAY.LOL.) But progress!! Hope you enjoyed!
Edit: I left the Squips section like shit wattpad was being a dick at that part and keep doing some weird thing that makes you wanna die, help.
Word count: 2815
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