Part 24: What the hell!?
TW: Sexual assault and the slightest bit of homophobia
(Jeremy's POV)
I don't know how it happened. Me and Michael were just kissing one second. And then he was slamming into me.
We were quite. I know that. I didnt make any noise. My mind was clouded with lust but I was still staying quite. The only things that left my lips were whimpers and wisperes to Michael.
"Michaellllllll~" I drawled.
"I'll be there in a second baby!" Was yelled back. Michael walked in. I smiled making grabby hands at him. He chuckled
"I need to make breakfast Mahal. I'll be back in later I need to run out to grab something." Michael told me. I pouted.
"Noooooo" I wined.
"Sorry snaggol." Michael apologized kissing my nose, forehead then cheek. Before walking out.
I lied there, cuss I was sore so I couldn't walk. Even though he didn't even go that hard, Michael gets pissed if I try and walk after sex, so I probably could, but I don't feel like facing Michael's wrath.
The door opened abruptly. I looked over to see-
"Uh- hi-he, what are- how may h-help you?" I stammered. Jason didn't reply, he just walked over and leaned down.
"Hows your day been?" He asked. I felt extremely uncomfortable.
"U-um fine." I shuddered. "Please go away." I begged. Jason smirked.
He kissed me.
I desperately pushed him away. I squirmed and kiked my legs but he was much stronger than me. Tears streamed down my face I felt violated.
"No. I dont want to." I managed to get out.
His toung pushed past my lips I could feel it in my mouth, my attempts to fight back were nothing.
His hand went under the cover. I screamed against his lips, beginning to flail under him. I was completely pushed against the bed and his hand was in my throat choking me. I just wanted to cuddle with Michael have him hold me as we watched Steven Universe.I sobbed moving my knee up to cover my privates when-
I opened my eyes just in time to see Michael punch Jason while holding the collar of his shirt. There was the sound of tearing as Jason flew to the ground. Then I noticed Kayla standing in the doorway.
Michael panted for a couple of seconds. Before running over to me.
"You ok baby?" He asked gently. I shook my head no.
"Hug?" I asked weakly. Michael wasted no time pulling me into a tight comforting hug, he rubbed my back as I began sobbing into his shirt.
I calmed down after a bit and pulled away. There was the noise of someone clearing there throat.
"Can I get some help?" Kayla asked.
"I'll help you get him out of our room." Michael said walking over.
"Michael." I shamed. He looked at me like it was the craziest thing he had ever heard.
"But he- you- he-he-" Michael stammered.
"He's still human." I admitted.
"Barely" Michael mumbled. Michael helped Kayla get him to wherever they bought him.
"Hey Jer, I'm gonna go make breakfast I'll be back in a minute ok?" Michael offered gently. I shook my head frantically.
"Nonono, what if he comes back!?" I asked. Michael sighed.
"Ok I'm going to pick you up ok?" He warned. I nodded. Michael picked me up bridal style and carried me outside our room to a stool that was attached to a island that separated the "living room" and the "kitchen" but you can see the kitchen from the couch.
"Umm, can I get some help?"was asked. "I called an ambulance." Kayla said.
Michael groaned but walked over and helped kayla carry Jason down stairs.
"You gotta eat some'm Jer. Michael pleaded. I wasn't hungry, I even felt SICK after... that.
Michael had used his last resort baby voice and now was using it with begging every now and again.
"Jer please, you dont have to eat just say something pwease?" Michael begged, he looked like he was about to cry.
"I dont wanna eat I feel sick." I admitted. Michael smiled at my voice but it fell quicky.
"Alright Jer, if you say so..." Michael agreed walking over to the microwave and putting the uneaten food in. "But... what do you want to do?" Michael asked.
And me, being the idiot I am. Said the frist thing that came to mind.
"Cuddles and paw patrol." I decided, before slapping a hand over my mouth. Michael stood there for a moment, before smiling.
"Of course baby." Michael agreed. He picked me up. "Hey, can I try something?" Michael asked.
"Yeah?" I replied. I watched as michael smiled. One of thoese genuine, big dorky smiles. The ones you cant fake. I smiled softly at it.
Michael laid me down on the bed. He got under the covers next to me. I cuddled up to Michael, who smiled and put his arm around me.
Michael pulled the laptop into lap and look up paw patrol episodes on hulu.
"You sure you want paw patrol little one?" Michael asked. And normally I would've felt extremely offended, but it felt good, even great to be called that.
"Yeah 'm sure." I conformed.
"Call me daddy cupcake." Michael siad. I flushed. What was he trying to do?
"Okay daddy." I agreed.
(Michael's POV)
I wish I knew what was going on in Jeremys head. He started acting like a little kid! I mean, I thought this was little space so I wasn't to surprised but, still.
Then again, he has shown signs of it. He's always liked acting younger then he was. We used to play this game call "baby" where one of 2 people (usually Jeremy would be the "baby") acted like a very small child even though we were like 10 at the time.(so still small children)
He asked to play it again after his mom left.(she baned the game when she caught us playing it once.) And I guess that's what it was. I honestly should've seen this coming sooner.
"D..daddy I'm hungwy." Jeremy complained, seeming tired.
"Ok baby, let go get some take out, that sound good?" I asked. Jeremy giggled tierdly.
"I wans ta happy mweal!" Jeremy exclaimed. Waking up more
"Ok, let's go." I said picking Jeremy up.
I drove Jeremy to McDonald's then to CVS.
"Why are we here daddy?" Jeremy asked.
"I need to get you some stuff baby boy. You stay here I'll be back soon." I replied getting out of the car.
"Noooo! Dont leave! Daddy please!" Jeremy said grabbing my sleeve before I could get out fully. He had tears in his eyes.
Something else to learn, Jeremy's little side is extremely clingy. He doesn't want me to leave his sight. I went to the bathroom earlier and when I went back into our room he was balling his eyes out. I kept note of that.
"Ok, well you can come in baby, but you better behave! No running or yelling." I said strictly. Jeremy still look confused so I emphasized.
"You stay next to me, if I say you can't get something, that means no. No whining about it, or else I'll have to punish you. You dont want that do you baby boy?" I asked.
"No I dont daddy." Jeremy replied.
"Alright let's go." I sighed. I walked around and unbuckled Jeremy. I held Jeremy's hand as we walked over to the CVS though my mind was racing. I hadn't thought about an actual punishment.
I was also thinking about the McDonald's we just got. Jeremy managed to finish half of his chicken nuggets. I told him he can't play with his toys until he ate all his food. Yes I could've just given him the uneaten food from earlier but I decided not to. I needed to go here anyway.
We got in and I tried to avoid the toy.section but Jeremy saw SOMETHING over there and immediately ran over to it.
"Wook at dese d-" I cut Jeremy off by pecking his lips, as much I loved him and didmt give a shit what others thought, being called daddy in public was just disrespectful, or so I felt.
"No little one, not today. I said eyeing the kick ball Jeremy wanted. Jeremy pouted.
"But I wan's itttt!" He whined.
"What did I say about whining little one?" I asked.
"Nos ta do it." Jeremy pouted. "But I really want's it!" Jeremy explained. I thought for a moment.
"I know baby, but whining isn't going to do anything. It's just embarrassing you." I reasoned. Jeremy pouted.
"Here, I'll get you something else, that you can use. You cant use this baby, we live in a tiny dorm room. Something else." I told him. He smiled.
I watched as Jeremy ran around the kids ile some. He ran back to me
Holding up a little dolphin that could shoot out water. I smiled.
"What abowt dis dada?"I blush at the dada word being used in public, though it was better than daddy.
"Its fine cupcake. Now let's go get what we came here for." I siad. Jeremy squealed happily, and took my hand as I lead him to the section where they kept the baby stuff.
"Witch one little one?" I asked Jeremy. We were looking at sippy cups. I thought Ieremy might like one. I'm not to sure about passifers though. That might mess up his teeth. I used mine to long and had to get braces to fix my teeth. But I guess getting one is better then him sucking his thumb witch he was doing earlier.
"Da bue un!" Jeremy exclaimed. I smiled softly.
"Blue passy to?" I asked taking a blue sippy cup and reaching for the passifer. Jeremy nodded enthusiastically.
"Mhm!" He hummed in confirmation. I nodded picking both up.
"Alright that's all I need. Let's go snaggol." I lead Jeremy to the counter. The cashier gave us some wierd side looks. I ignored them and lead Jeremy out if the store.
We got back to the dorm to see kayla on the couch. She was watching TV and looked pissed, yet at the same time she had tear streaks on her face. I rushed Jeremy into our room, receiving a dirty gale from Kayla but in the moment I was so pissed, I just walked past trying not to yell at her.
I'll talk to her later.
"Cwn I hwves mys pwssy daddy?" Jeremy lisped. I smiled softly down at him. Putting aside my testosterone fueled anger.
"Of course Mahal." I allowed. I opened the passifer for Jer, handing it to him.
I walked out opening the sippy cup and pouring him a drink.
Or that was the plan.
"What do you need a sippy cup for?" Kayla asked a snarky tone in her voice.
"Why do you want to know?" I almost growled.
"Cuss I dont want people thinking I have a child when they open the cabinets." She replied. "What is it, like some gay kink?" She spat the word gay, like a disease.
"No its not. But dont worry I'll keep it in our room if that's what you would like." I siad, I knew this could turn out two ways. I get snappy, and we hate each other for the next four years of college. Or I could stay calm and we fix this and then we're BFFS. One or the other, let's try that second one.
"Hey uh... look, I'm sorry about punching Jason that hard. I just uh.. seeing him over Jeremy like that really freaked me out. And I mean we both saw what he was doing. And let's be honest, he saw me over you like that and I he probably would've killed me." I let out a nervous chuckle in attempt to... I dont even know, help?
But Kayla laughed with me.
"Yeah your right, hes a cheating whore. I knew I've just been in denial, and I mean he might hurt me if I break up with him, but now there are more guys here, and you can pack a good punch! I'm sorry for being snarky I just wanna make sure your a good guy. Ya'know?" Kayla explained.
"Yeah I get it. Also that example from earlier, I'm gay so that's not gonna happen."I said laughing some. She laughed to.
"But seriously what's with the sippy cup?" She asked.
"You'll find out in due time sweets." And that was the end, I slipped back into our room and gave Jer his sippy cup. We cuddled and he finished his chicken nuggets I ate the rest of my food and we fell aslep.
The next week was chaotic
AN: Okay so I'm getting back at it and it's been so long since I've gotten really into this I've kinda forgotten what happens the next week so I'll find out when I edit that chapter.... hehe...
Word count:2164
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