Part 16: outside
(Jeremy's POV)
I watched my boyfriend kick a kick ball around the yard, trying to stifle laughter at how cute and funny he was being. He's been switching between kicking the ball and just pacing around the yard for a while now. Michael thought I was sleeping he left the room and when he didn't come back I went to investigate. It's like 7:30 just starting to get dark.
He hasn't noticed me, just staring out the back window.
Michael kicked the ball to one side of the yard. When it got there though he stoped picking something off his shirt. He looked at it before walking over to the boison berry tree in his back yard and putting the black thing (probably a bug) on one of the leaves. I smiled.
Michael walked back over to the ball gently kicking the ball away from the fence before walking back and running forwards at it kicking it. It went flying to this side of the yard. He did a jog after it. He walked around It next to the dumpsters next to it he looked over at Carl.
Carl is a outside car that Michael's mom's feed. Me and Michael named it Carl cuss we were cringy 13 year olds when we named it. Michael and me tend to talk to him a lot.
"Ok I'm about to accomplish my goal." Michael said. Then his face turned I to a "wait..." Face.
"What's my goal Carl?" Michael asked. "Don't give me that look." Michael said his shoulders slumping. Carl just blinked slowly.(like cats do.) "See, this is why I'm a dog person." Michael stated. Carl stood up. "So now you leaving?" Michael questioned. Carl walked in a circle for a bit before laying back down. Michael sighed.
"Ok I don't know what my goal is, but whatever It is I'm about to accomplish it." Michael stated. Before running at the ball and kicking it...
Right over the fence.
Michael burst out laughing, I put a hand over my mouth giggling.
"Oh my god! Apparently that was my goal!" Michael exclaimed throwing his hands up. Michael chuckled walking into the porch still not noticing me at all. He sat down next to Carl and began petting him. I walked outside.
"Hey Mickey." I said making my presence known. He turned and looked at me. Like I had scared him.
"Oh! Hey Jer-bear. What are you doing up?" He asked standing up. Carl spread out as Michael stopped petting him.
"It got cold after you left." I whined as Michael put his hands on my hips. I put my hands on his shoulders. Michael chuckled. Before moving away, and grabbing my hand leading me into the yard. I let him I felt my feet get wet as they brushed past the grass.
Michael intertwined one of our hands I put my free hand on his shoulder he put his free hand on my waist. We began dancing around the yard absentmindedly. I leaned in putting my head on his shoulder.
"So are you ok?" I asked him. He sighed.
"Full disclosure?" He asked .
"Of course." I said stopping the dance and looking up at him. He looked down.
"My mom's have been arguing lately. And it like... " Michael trailed off. "Remember Derick?" He asked.
"Yeah." I replied. Derick is Michael's cousin, he has cancer and it just keeps coming back. But the poor kid dosen't let it get him down, he actually plans on being a book writer and loves video games.
"Well the cancer is back and mama showed him one of my drawings and my shity flash game and now he wants to see me but we've been short on money and definitely can't afford for mama to take off work and me to cuss I've been taking extra shifts to help. And so we definitely don't have that money, I don't wanna leave you here, and with not seeing you and your dads thing and there arguments I just..." Michael didn't finish. He just trailed off staring at the ground. I cupped his cheek.
He's been having a hard time, and I didn't know he was taking extra shifts.
"Hey, Hey, it's ok." I comforted him after seeing his glossed over eyes. "Look there gonna work it out I'm Ok your ok, everyone is ok just clam down ok." I told him, the crickets were chirping in the background, and the sky was a orange, pink, and purple, it seemed to highlight Michael in the perfect way still. The tips of his hair shining, and the edges of his glasses.
"Hey, hey, calm down... shhh" I coded at Michael. He began crying. So that's why he wasn't able to come over most the time. He's taking extra shifts.
I lead michael over to the porch and sat him down.I did my best to calm him down and after minute or two he was calmed down and better.
"You ok?" I asked him still rubbing his arm just in case he starts balling again.
"Y-y-yeah" Michael studdered, a sniff following shortly after. I leaned in and kissed his forehead.
"So I came up with a new nick name." I started not wanting to get Michael all worked up again on the previous subject.
Michael smiled a small bit. "And what's that?" He questioned.
"Earth angle." I said, proudly staring into his chocolate drown eyes.
"I think That's a great nickname for you Jer-bear." Michael said. I rolled my eyes a small smile still on my face.
"Not for me" I started holding the 'e' "for you" I stated.
"Well then I dont like it." Michael replied. Beginning to gently playing with my hair. I giggled.
"Too bad I'm using it." I declared. Michael chuckled. I felt myself blush. Com'on now I start blushing.
"Your adorable Jer-bear." Michael complemented me.
Me and Michael sat in silence as he played with my hair. The sun was going down and the crickets were chirping gently, a calming aura surrounded the backyard. It was nice, to get some peace and quiet.
Michael suddenly leaned up and kissed my cheek. I turned and caught his lips before he could lean up any more. I turned my body to face his as I moved his glasses to the top of his head and turned my head to the side deepening the kiss. Michael pulled away sum.
"Were not having sex Jer" Michael mummered against my lips I ignored the comment and kissed him again. After a bit Michael pulled away leaning back in the chair once more. I decided I shouldn't push it. And we went back to what we were doing before the low-key make out.
"Hey Jer" Michael started. "I... I wanna thank you, you've always been there for me and I'm just, so lucky to have you... and... you know I love you right?" Michael stammered out. I giggled.
"If it gives you closure your welcome and I know you love me Micky, and I love you too." I replied. Michael kissed the top of my head.
"Well" I didnt have to look to know michael had looked out at the yard. "I think we should go inside, it getting dark and I don't wanna get bit by mr.snake." Michael joked.
Mr.Snake is a imaginary snake we came up with that lived under the boison berry tree in Michael's back yard. We would dare each other to walk in the grass in the dark and see if it would bite us, cuss we were scaredy cats.
"Ok Micha that sounds like a good idea." I replied standing up. Michael got up to, and we both made our way inside.
And despite the bad start I think this summer will be fun.
AN: This is based on something I did so Yay!
Word count: 1319
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