Chapter 6: The other Clans
ShyPaw PoV
"Chuggaastar What are we doing today?" I asked him quietly as I stretched a bit.
"Well... I need to go over to Yogclan and talk to XephosStar and tell him about the dogs just in case. Would you like to come along? Then afterwards we could go hunting or training." He told me as he sat down waiting for my decision.
"I'll come along, is anyone else coming with us?"
"Yes, MasaeLeaf, ProtonPaw and his mentor are coming along as well. Lucapaw is staying here since a medicine cat is leaving and she's an Apprentice medicine cat." He told me as he stood and started to walk towards the entrance, MasaeLeaf ProtonPaw and NintendoSun were sitting at the entrance waiting patiently. Lilypaw was also sitting near the entrance, talking to ProtonPaw while giving me a look of pure Jealousy. I flinched slightly and I saw Chuggastart look at me confused but he followed my look and shook his head, laying his tail on my shoulder.
"Don't worry about her. Come on. Let's get going." He meowed softly as he stopped.
"Beside, She's just Jealous, mostly cause you and ProtonPaw are training together." He said softly again as we got closer to the group.
"Oh..." I said softly.
"Alright, everybody ready? Lilypaw please go clean out the apprentice den and Catch some prey for the Queens please." Chuggaastar told her Sternly as she walked away, she moved her tail (can't describe shit right now...) as she walked away.
"Alright, I'm also giving ZoeyaLeaf some extra Cat mint, She said they didn't have much left." MasaeLeaf said as she picked up a small leaf bundle.
"Okay, let's go." Chuggaastar said as he lead the way out of the camp. I trotted next to ProtonPaw, nudging him at times as he nudged me.
"Hey you two, were almost there stop acting like kits." MasaeLeaf purred out at us two.
"Yes Ma'am." ProtonPaw said really serious like but soon meowed out a laugh as he failed at holding a straight face, causing me to giggle with him.
"Oi! What are you doing on our Territory!?" A strange voice said. A...plump cat appeared from behind a bush with fierce eyes. His orange and brown fur was puffed up. Two other cats appeared next to him. A small Black and white Tom and a She-Cat with Yellow fur and Black eyes.
"Hello Honeydew, LittlePaw and LomadiaPaw." MasaeLeaf said stepping out from behind Chuggastar.
"Medicine cat. Do you need something?" Honeydew asked, tilting his head as he looked at the bundle of Cat Mint.
"Well Chuggastar needs to tell XephosStar something and ZoeyaLeaf said you guys were running low on Catmint. We have plenty of it so I'm giving her some." MasaeLeaf said softly, looking over at the other cats.
"These two apprentice, ShyPaw and ProtonPaw, came along cause their mentors said so and want them to meet your leader." MasaeLeaf added on.
"Alright. Let's go to camp then." Honeydew said with slitted eyes as he turned from us. I stayed close to ProtonPaw, our pelts touching.
He nuzzles my ear softly as we crossed the border into YogClan territory.
Awww their so cute. I ship it! ShyProton!
Shypaw and ProtonPaw: *snuggling on the floor, both purring softly.*
Brightheart: ShyPaw we all see you two~
ShyPaw: *mumbles softly* Shut up...
*giggles* Bye my Wolves ^=^
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