Chapter 4: LilyPaw...
ShyPaw's PoV
"ShyPaw wake up. We have to go train! Come on!" ProtonPaw nudged my ribs as Sunhigh Came.
"I'm up. Just resting my eyes." i murmured as He kept poking me.
"Doesn't seem like it. I will drag you out if you don't get up." He warned me. I flicked my tail at him but regretted it as he grabbed my scruff, yanking me up.
"Ok ok I'm up, Gosh." I told him, Trying to hit him with my paw.
"well if your up then let's go! NintendoSun and WillowLeaf are taking us training! Hunting training actually! Chuggaastar is busy today so WillowLeaf is training you! Let's go!
<< Time skip brought to you by Mice! They will soon be eaten!>>
ProtonPaw and I came back to camp with a lot of fresh kill! I had caught 2 mice a Thrush and A squirrel (Protonpaw was surprised about that catch) ProtonPaw caught the same thing. Except a black bird instead of a squirrel.
"Good job ShyPaw! Your doing well in training!" Chuggaastar said, Running his tail across my spine.
"T-thank you Sir!" I replied, stuttering slightly.
"Good for her." I heard a voice say, more or less Sneering.
"ShyPaw this is LilyPaw, Her mentor is BerryNose ((I like BerryNose a lot on the series))" ProtonPaw told me as I flinched away from the She-Cat. She had Hazel eyes and a spotted coat ((Like leopardStar of your confused)). She looked really kinda mean.
"ProtonPaw. Don't you have to clean out the nursery today? So do you Rogue!" She told us, spitting the word Rogue at me.
"Shut Up LilyPaw Your an apprentice just like us! You can't tell us what to do!" ProtonPaw growled.
"I won't be an Apprentice for long unlike you two so I can tell you whatever I want! Now go!" She sneered, flicking her tail. I flinched and backed away, the tip of my tail In between my legs. I was scared.
"Aw is the little Rogue scared? Poor her!" She snarled, getting close to my face.
"LilyPaw! What on StarClan are you doing?!" MasaeLeaf yelled, walking over.
"Nothing. Just talking to the Newbie that's all. "
"Doesn't seem like it! Go clean out the nursery and then you can go hunting for them as well. Go!" MasaeLeaf told her, anger in her eyes. LilyPaw stalked off, giving one last Sneer at Us.
"Come ShyPaw. You can relax in the den. " MasaeLeaf walked me to her Den.
"I-I'll talk to you tomorrow ShyPaw." ProtonPaw said, walking towards the apprentice den.
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