Chapter 14: Shes not a Rogue!
ShyPaw's PoV
"E-excuse me. Trying to get through here. G-get off my tail!" I yelped as a kit bit my tail, hard.
"S-sorry Shypaw! I-I thought it was a snake!" Flamekit Whimpered out softly and I couldn't help but purr.
"It's okay little one." I told him and he ran off, chasing after his brother, Tinykit.
"Excuse me. Can you get your paws off of me. Yes you. Hey! Is anyone listening to me?!" I heard a she-cats voice and I couldn't help but shake my head. I ran over quickly to the sound.
"Shut it rogue!"
"Don't. Talk to my sister like that Lilymint!" I growled at her as I stood in front of her.
"S-sister...? W-wait... S-Shy! It's you! I-I've missed you! W-where've you been?!" My sister tackled me and I purred loudly.
Every cat in the clan was staring at us now. Some having glints in their eyes of happiness, others looking curious.
"Rain. I've missed you...." I whispered and turned my head.
"You have a sister?!"
"Everyone calm down."
"She has a sister!"
Chuggaastar shook his head and yowled, causing everyone to stop talking and he looked over at Rain and I.
"Shypaw please explain." he stated and I sat down, letting out a soft sigh.
"This is my sister Rain. We got separated when the dogs attacked, our mother was killed along with our brother. I thought she was killed as well . But she's here, which I'm thankful for. she's very kind, and is a good hunter, better than Lilymint." I told them as I saw Lilymint roll her eyes. Rain nodded her head as she sat beside me now.
Rain was a pretty cat and I could already see a few toms looking at her, including an apprentice known as Snowpaw, who I think would be the same age as her. That'd be a cute pairing right there. Back to Rain, She's a light grey She-cat with bright blue eyes and a white tipped tail.
"I think she'd be a wonderful apprentice. She knows how to fight a bit, she saved me actually, and is a good hunter sir." I told Chuggaastar as Rain bowed her head slightly to him.
"I would like to join your clan sir..." She said and chuggaastar started to think, I could tell by the look in his eyes.
"...Spottedleaf, are you able to be a mentor again?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder.
"Yes sir I am, my kits are apprentice now." She purred out as she looked at her kits, Bluepaw, Snowpaw and Silverpaw who all pushed out their chest a bit.
'Great. I would call for a meeting but everyone is here."
~~~Apprentice ceremony and stuff~~~
I walked out of the camp with Protonpaw as Rainpaw was with spottedleaf, exploring the territory.
"Its great that your sister is okay. You have family here now." He purred as he walked closer to me and I smiled.
"Its wonderful," I purred back as we stopped, we were under the great willow tree, a huge tree that let the sun shine in here and there. It was so pretty.
I wrapped my tail with his as we purred softly, sharing tongues as we, surprisingly, gossiped about some of the cats. Seriously Protonpaw is like a she-cat! He knows so much gossip on so many of the cats! and on some of the clans.
"You act like a she cat." I told his as we walked back, purring as he gave me a weird glare.
"Its true! you gossip so much and its really funny. and kinda cute." I laughed as we got back to the camp, heading to the fresh kill pile as Protonpaw set down a few mice we caught on the way back. he kept one and we walked over to a shaded area, sharing the mouse, our tails wrapping round each other.
"My Sister is sharing a mouse with a Tom. and they have their tails wrapped around one another. Someone's found a mate~" I heard my sister say and I felt my chest fur puff up a bit.
It would be nice for Protonpaw to be my mate... It'd be really nice... Oh shoot!
I turned my head and touched my nose to Protonpaw's ear quickly and softly, my chest fur getting puffed up a lot more.
"I love you too..."
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